Thursday, September 8, 2022

Gobsmacked Again


Today, Sept 7, 2022, Bob picked up the coffee pot to pour his 2nd cup and said:

"Did you stop making a full pot of coffee?'

"Yes, I went to 10 cups the last day of July, which was when I wrote the check to Red Dog for the new roof. I told you then I was doing it, I told you a few weeks later, we were saving a pot a week, that the container of coffee is lasting longer, which means a savings of 52 pots a year and how much money that is. I also said, I know longer pour coffee down the drain, that drinking less coffee is helping my stomach."

He replied, "Is that a yes?" 
"You are just like my mother, she could not say a simple answer, had to run on and on until she forgot what she was saying."

I am taking bets; he could not tell me one word of what I said 
and will not remember 
I said yes, I make less coffee. 

He has picked up that coffee pot 38 times since I cut back.
Why Today??? 
I decided to look for a coffee cup to put on this post, typing in the search bar the words coffee cup, I was totally Gobsmacked by the fact I have posted about coffee cups, since 


I found 14 labels for Coffee, 13 Labels for Coffee Mugs, 4 Labels for Coffee Pot.

that is 32 labels out of 81 posts. Which means I missed labels on more than half the posts.
This could be a good thing because I may have repeated myself a few times.
The first Coffee Cup post was in 2009.

I found posts that said almost the same things I said yesterday and last month and last year.
I also found that most of the coffee posts mentioned Memory Problems, including Microwaving an empty coffee cup, twice in one morning.

Which means I have been posting about memory problems for 13 years. 
I am now pondering if the memory problems started when I started Blogging but there is no way o find out because I can't remember, and there is no record.

In the old post about senior memory, 16 comments said they were suffering the same thing.
Last but not least I want to thank everyone who commented on my Missing coffee post
and the Missing flashlight post, which were the two posts before this one.
Brian, for Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for all of you who make me laugh and read my nonsense.
Your comments made me laugh and smile and read out loud to Bob.
Seems all of us are doing the same things and I feel so much better, 13 years later and I am still doing the same crazy things and so are YOU...


Tigger's Mum said...

Just goes to show what is important in life's being one of them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are RIGHT. And even better, now you know that this is not a bad memory problem that has started all of a sudden. Some people just don't have good memories, and everything in between. Just like some people can sing and some can't. So is there now not enough coffee for Bob? Maybe he didn't listen to his Mother either, which would explain how he can get cantankerous!

easyweimaraner said...

ha! true... and even when my face looks different in the morning sometimes, I'm still the same...

Hootin Anni said...

Not a coffee drinker, but I can sure relate to hubby not listening. My words go in one ear and out the other!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...and with all of that you keep us well entertained!!! Winner, in my book. YAM xx

Ann said...

Wade would ask things, I would answer and he would give me a look like I was talking in a foreign language then tell me I wasn't making any sense. I can relate to your conversation with Bob.
You are definitely not alone in the memory department. And speaking of memory, as I was reading this I thought of something I was going to put in this comment but now I've forgotten what it was.

eileeninmd said...

It is the opposite here, my hubby talks on and on and tells me I do not listen to him. Make coffee is the first thing I do in the morning. I think I have had memories problems all my life and I can laugh at myself too. Take care, enjoy your day!

Cathy said...

Good one today Sandra….first thing in the morning I’m a tea drinker so I don’t have to wrestle with coffee until later.

Thanks for the smiles
Cathy xx

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra,:=) As long as we can laugh at ourselves and know that everyone has similar memory problems, we are OK. I am glad you are drinking less coffee, and not wasting it.I expect Bob will get used to drinking less coffee.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

My coffee drinking is limited to 1 cup in the morning and often even that one is not finished. Like yourself, I can’t tolerate too much, unlike Grenville and apparently Bob. Memory issues are something we all share at one point or another.

Mevely317 said...

Hahahaha. Bob sounds like Tom, "Cut to the chase, already!"

Of course, he and his best friend do the same thing, rambling on and on (and on) the same stories. Must confess, most of the time I just tune it out.

Rose said...

Yeah, and none of us remember that you posted about it before! I cannot tell you the times I have read a blogpost and did not remember a thing about it, only to see I had commented on it at the time. Most times, something totally different grabs my attention the second time.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL BOL BOL Bob is funny! If you had just said yes
he would have asked why. So just a for instance
store brand pasta has been .99 for eons. Today it was 'on sale' for 1.18. Regular price was 1.39. I guess the 1.18 was to make folks think they were getting a DEAL
Hugs cecilia

DeniseinVA said...

I am always repeating stories on my blog and there are times I think I have when I haven’t :). Your conversations with Bob are a hoot. I had to cut back on my coffee years ago. Now I have a cup each morning when I get up.

Inger said...

So if your memory is just as bad now as it was then, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure we all would be much worse off without coffee.Thanks for making me smile this morning.

photowannabe said...

Ahhhh, my dear friend...we are all in the same boat.
You just add humor to the situation.
I really believe we all tune out at times and that leads to frustration..."didn't you hear me??"
My hearing has gotten so bad that I can now use it as an excuse when I don't "want" to listen..haha..
temp is suppose to be 111F today..Will the heat wave ever be done?

CheerfulMonk said...

Welcome to the club! It's nice having plenty of company. ❤️

Chatty Crone said...

If I want Rick to hear me he does not and if I don't want him to hear me he does.
So many times I've said something and about a half hour later - he says the same thing as if it were his idea.

Linda said...

You are so right! We are all in the same boat! That's how Louis Dean arrived today in Mountain View, Arkansas to play music which is what his heart loves most of all - and he left all his music notes at home! Seriously?? That's the whole reason we are HERE! He used to could play without notes but the dementia has made that harder to do. Still...God always has a plan and I am looking forward to see how He works this out - because I KNOW he will!

For the record, I am making less coffee too and sometimes pouring my leftovers in a container and saving it for the next day. LD does this too.....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my word, he sounds just like Mark. Never a simple yes or no and we always end up having some sort of argument because of that. That is a lost of coffee posts!

Ida said...

Always a good chuckle when I read post like this one. Makes getting older a little funnier.