Saturday, November 12, 2022

Something New This Way Comes


Meet my new keyboard/mouse combo. the 20-month-old that came with the All-in-One Desktop bit the dust, died dead on the desktop

Short Story is, I got a new keyboard.
Bloviator Story below.

Can't blame Asus for the bad quality. Nine of the letters on the keys were faded so badly
bob could not type on it, because he could not read the letters.

It is slim line and fast and it came in the color that is in every room in my house.

With left over gift card balance and rewards
my cot was on $13.24
Additional nonsense Info is
The color is what the shutters on the house were supposed to be. 
I want to change that color butt will have to do it myself.
 I don't do ladders.

Bob still does ladder, but SAYS he likes the PINK shutters, I say he does NOT but
knows if he says he doesn't, paint will appear, and the ladder will come out

The good news is, I had the old 
WIRED keyboard to get me through the 24 hours it took Amazon to deliver this new keyboard.
Way back 3 computers ago, one came with the wired and I kept it for emergencies.
Ordered from Amazon and in my hand in 21 hours.


Rose said...

What would we do without amazon?

Ginny Hartzler said...

The first thing I noticed was the vibrant color! Kind of in between fushcia and purple. Is this really the color of the keyboard and mouse? Pretty. But wait! I had no idea that Bob types on the computer, or that he knows anything at all about tech!!

Linda said...

You are going to LOVE this!!! You typed so much the letters wore off!! WOW!!!

Tigger's Mum said...

Your shutters would indeed look good in that colour. F has just been given a new workplce laptop. It matches all our other tech equipment - a black shade of black! Xxx Mr T

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Despite being a very heavy keyboard user, I have never had one die on me! Humidity and dust might, of course, be an issue. I would suggest a silicon keyboard cover. They are cheap and make all the difference to keeping the dust out... I also find that typing is facilitated. When I take mine off to clean, I find typing on the 'naked' keys that my fingers tend to slip! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I like your new keyboard and muse, the color is pretty.
I have never had a keyboard die, it does collect dust.
Take care, enjoy your day and weekend.

Ann said...

What a pretty color that is. I have a wired keyboard and mouse now and it's kind of a pain in the butt sometimes. Did the stylus come with it too or did you already have that?

Mevely317 said...

I'm so glad manufacturers are waking up to what's hot ... and what's not. (Remember when every piece of office equipment was gray?) We've had to replace 3 keyboards -- not because they died, but the lettering's not sturdy enough to withstand fingernails.

Should we start taking bets how long before the shutters turn mauve?

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL ON THE SHUTTERS. I thought by now you would have learned to love them. I guess we like what we like. I know you will enjoy the new keyboard/mouse
Hugs cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness congrats on the new keyboard - it looks really nice and you needed one!

photowannabe said...

Yay on the new keyboard and mouse. There is nothing like wireless!!
Love the color...I'm sure the shutters are destined to be that color some time in the future ...not withstanding the anti-ladder feelings.
Great to have gift cards to help with things also.
Thanks for your concern and prayers for Dave and I.
We are so grateful its done and recovery will be fast and complete. Got the drops regime down pretty good too so we are on our way!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for Amazon! And for backup keyboards. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

In like it! Amazon is great.

Hootin Anni said...

L❤️VE the color!!

DeniseinVA said...

Amazon saved the day. And that's a pretty color.