Monday, February 13, 2023

To Mascara or not to Mascara

At the time I am creating this, 100 % of the comments state you no longer wear makeup.
If I go out, I have to cover the 4 large brown spots created by 39 years in bright Florida Sun.
Also known as Age Spots! I only use a light cover up the same tone as my skin.

Today I purchased Almay scent free, dermatologist tested, anti-allergic blah blah blah 
Above the right eye has mascara on and the left doesn't.
I tried and tried to get a close up, just could not.
so far after one hour, I am still not itching. 
I know I don't NEED mascara. I know this because as I pushed my loaded basket out the door, the Old Man Greeter at Walmart Door, looked at me and nodded, and said I want to know the lotto numbers you just bought, and I started to say I did  Not and he broke in and said Oh, not You! I many you, and they cute thing that i saw at the lotto thing said What?
He repeated in a silly, male flirting voice, I want to buy the numbers you bought, I know they will win if you bought them.
OMG! she could have been his Great Grand Daughter.
She DID have on a LOT of Mascara!!!😉😉

 I do NEED Mascara!
Not for shopping Walmart and Publix, or walking Beau in the Park, just for 
Hollywood Parties, CMT Awards. walking the Red-Carpet Visits and invitations to the White House!

Both eyes with mascara, and all it did was point out the left eye bottom only has lashes on the side close to the nose
Natural, Cartoon, Two-Tone, Pencil sketch.
I think two wone shows the lashes best.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I cannot tell any difference between the eye with the mascara and the eye without. So not worth the trouble or the money. The first photo is amazing. You have big beautiful green eyes! Who cares about the lashes? Your eyes themselves are beautiful and big.

DeniseinVA said...

Why not? Go for the mascara that’s what I say. If you get invited to those fancy parties, can I come 😂

DeniseinVA said...

Yes, what Ginny says 😊👍

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm with Ginny, focus on your beautiful eyes. ❤️

easyweimaraner said...

it gives us a touh of "being alive" but for the forest&meadow chick like me is a coloration the best... no mess, no sress and good for nearly a month ;O)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, I was thinking what Ginny said out loud! True, the photo may not be doing things justice. However, what is important is how you feel about it, and I get that. It is a bit like getting dressed up - that finishing touch can seal the deal. ... as for the young thing at the Lotto desk, remember that many kids these days have artificial attachments on their lashes! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...


I agree with the others above, it is all about how you feel about yourself. It is hard to tell on the photo, I can't tell the difference.
YAM is right about the young people wearing the fake lashes, they must spend hours on their face before they can walk out the door. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Ann said...

Whether you should or shouldn't wear mascara is not the question. The question is whether or not YOU want to wear mascara. What you want is all that matters. If you should go to one of those Hollywood parties and should happen to invite me along, I must tell you that I will not be wearing

Mevely317 said...

Hard to tell, but I'm just delighted you found something that works!
Do you use a curler, as well, or do your lashes naturally turn up? I don't know if it's true, but I heard one time about the little foam rubber thing on someone's curler coming off. When she squeezed the two ends, it completely cut off her lashes. Yowza!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I don't think anyone ever gets that close to me to see my eyes. But my eyes are bright blue and that's what most people notice. Maybe I should have some on hand to accompany you to those grand events though! heeheehee!

My Mind's Eye said...

I wear make up when we are going on errands. But I do not wear it when I buy groceries at O'dark 30 on Thursday. BOL BOL
I think you could easily go w or w/o it. Look fine both ways.
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

I haven't worn mascara in years, except when I was the "Flower Girl" at my granddaughter's wedding. It did make me feel fancy and special. What ever the brand was (from my daughter in law) didn't make me itch and came off fine.
My lashes are so short and stubby now and I hate the feeling of them hitting my glasses.
All that to say...
You look mahhh-vel--lous darling...
Do what works for you, especially when you go to all of those celebrity shin-digs!

DawnTreader said...

Like others above, from the photos here I can't tell the difference either. Eye-to-eye with yourself in the mirror, maybe you can, though. I rarely bother about eye-makeup these days, but sometimes on special occasions. The one I use when I do use it at all is IsaDora Hypo-allergenic. While doubtful if anyone else notices, I suppose it may sometimes work as a boost for our own self-confidence ;)

Linda said...

I know lots of ladies who do not wear make up - but I am not one of them!!
I wear the whole thing! Most days I just use the L'Oreal rosy face cream for mature skin and Hearts A'Flutter blush which has some sparkle to it. Also an under the eye brightener and a dusting of bronzer followed by face powder.
For eyes I use a brow brush (you can't see my eyebrows otherwise) and eyeshadow and a brow eyeshadow applied with a liner brush to the top and bottom eye lids and finally a few strokes of mascara. I can do all this in a matter of minutes and it makes me feel and look so much better. Without make up - I have no color at all except for my eyeballs!

My youngest son Benjamin once told me that without make up I look like Golem in the Lord of the Rings! He also said that it would not be fair to marry Louis Dean unless he has seen me without my makeup. He did and married me anyway!

I personally love you just the way you are!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I say you do you..and do what makes you feel good.

I don't wear makeup unless we are headed out to dinner, or a hubby work function.

Tigger's Mum said...

Sandra-Aunty, cats and dogs sniff your hands not your eyelashes. We might look at your eyes to read your mood but we recognize you by your hands (yours look very nice, beautiful nails), so mascara is lost on us. F had a distant cousin who used to mascara his wimpy beard to make it look darker and more fulsome! Xxx Mr T

Inger said...

You are so right: I haven't used mascara since I moved to the country in 2006. Before that, I wore it every day of my grown up life. Well teenage years too, of course. As soon as I was allowed to.

Chatty Crone said...

Hey do what you want. You are beautiful both ways!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's too funny about the greater. I like the look of the mascara on you. I like to wear mascara when I go out. I do wear make up when I go out. I have to fill in my brows a bit too.