Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Good News!

Good News! I shopped alone Saturday.
The really good news is Almost every item I picked up had gone down in price.
The cute young Baby Boy that was stocking the eggs, saw me pick mine up and spoke.
Did you check the price? I said No, I need the eggs,
he smiled really big and said, LOOK pointing at the price.
Down from last week $4:30
We chatted.
He is 28, has lost a LOT of weight, he has, I noticed.
Eggs are his main source of protein, and milk was down by 1.00.
He boils the eggs and keeps them ready to eat, he shared recipes.
We discussed the world conditions of FOOD.
 and he said.
We don't want a raise; we want the prices of food to go down.
they up the prices, up our pay and we can't afford the new prices.
He said he asked the man at McDonalds what happened to the DOLLAR menu. 
and the answer was, I had to drop it, to pay the higher rate of pay to employees.
He said did you notice the shelves are FULL?
Yes, I did.
See that and pointed at a flat stacked higher than my head, and said, we got 3 times
that in last night. The entire store got 3 Times what we have been getting.
I will skip the rest, we talked for about 5 minutes. 

I love our stockers; I go in at 6 am when it opens, and they work all night and get off at 7.
Some of them I have known since the store opened more than 20 years ago.

Guess what the price of fresh picked strawberries was!
$2.38 down from $3.78 last week.
These were picked about 70 miles from our house and that big one above measured.
at over 2 inches. 
Fresh Pineapple down One Dollar
Sweet Potato and baking Potato, down from 1.74 for one to .74
Good news
Have you seen a change in prices?


CheerfulMonk said...

That's wonderful news, and I'm glad you had a chance to do some socializing. ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

That is a dramatic drop, nothing like that going on here. Your man has a point about wages and prices (but if he is on a weightloss programme he needs to stay away ftom Maccers). Isn't it always the way that low income people get trapped with low cost unhealthy food. F discovered that feeding me real chicken is cheaper than processed cat food; by a long way. How's that for economy? Xxx Mr T

easyweimaraner said...

well done.. such shopping trips are th best... you can buy a crown, you are a shopping queen now ;O) love the strawberries....

Hootin Anni said...

...and I hope the prices continue to drop.

Ann said...

That's great that prices are going down. In our store they still seem to be going up. We're a small fish in a big pond so the warehouse doesn't like to cater to us. The big guys get first dibs.

eileeninmd said...

It is good news, we noticed the price of eggs dropped here too.
Gas has been coming down per gallon too. Some things we buy still need to go back down. I miss the strawberries from Plant City Florida, they were yummy.
Take care, have a great day!

DeniseinVA said...

That was a great trip to the store! Sounded like a real nice conversation with the young man. Good news on prices dropping.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The really good news, Sandra, is that you were able to get up and get out. And, yeah to lower costs and will check out our local grocery store this weekend.

Rose said...

I have not yet seen drops on prices, but I can always hope. I am so glad you were able to go under your own steam.

Mevely317 said...

Your kitchen countertop looks so pretty!
I eat 2 eggs every day, so yes. I'm delighted to see the price drop. Didn't want to believe it at first, but this seems to be a trend. I love how you've come to know those stockers. Their being there so long, WM must be a great place to work, and/or they've got a great manager.

My Mind's Eye said...

Tomorrow is my grocery day. I hope to discover some better prices. Last week I bought strawberries that had zilch flavor. I might wait a bit before I buy more. I hope yours were tasty
Quadruple yay for shopping alone. I know you prefer that rather than being rushed
Hugs cecilia

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A delightful bit of conversation - and golly, how good the prices are dropping like that. As Tigger's F says, no sign of that happening here; what HAS happened is that all the supermarket chains are taking the chance to boost sales of their own-labelled produce, which is always cheaper anyway... YAM xx

Linda P said...

We go to a UK store where we can buy the essentials only. We go around the shop picking up the same items each week. Prices here have gone up not down. There's a shortage of fresh fruit and vegetables and we're thankful for those that we bottled before Christmas so that we have a varied diet. Enjoy your strawberries grown locally.

photowannabe said...

California never has prices go down.. Our governor is for the say it politely.
End of public rant!
Heading to Walmart in a few minutes..we will see what the grocery receipt says today...

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I head to Walmart tomorrow and can't wait to see if the prices have dropped!

Chatty Crone said...

I have not noticed prices down, but I have to go tomorrow so I will take a look. How nice you have known those grocers and can talk to them like that. I think that is so cool. Home.

Linda said...

I love how you chat up the grocery workers! What an interesting conversation!
I've noticed prices slipping down a bit, too! Although my ALDI was out of a few things like half and half. The eggs were down as was the chicken salad. I bought a container of that between me and Louis Dean we ate the entire thing in that one day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you were able to go shopping. That is very interesting about the prices going down. That man sounds very nice. I have not seen any price changes yet.

DawnTreader said...

I can't say I've checked but my impression is some prices have gone a bit down again while others have gone up and stayed up. I try to keep an eye out for special offers and campaign prices on the things I usually buy.

Carol Henstra said...

Here price jacked up .

so great for that young man to help you and tell you.