Wednesday, April 12, 2023

A Tale of Sinful Colors


collage created in pic jointer 4 app by the MadOne

I do not keep my toenails polished, I only wear polish when I am going to a doctor office and will be sitting in plain sight with toes hanging out of sandals for people to stare at and think why she doesn't polish those nails. Because this is a MadShort post, no mad type details will follow.

I sat to polish my nails and for the first time in the year I have used this, I noticed the Color said Sinful Colors and I turned it and saw the sticker that says Scented Like Coffee and raising it to my nose It did indeed smell just like coffee.

How did I never smell it?

 Or notice the name or the color name which on the bottom says Coffee Drip!

I may or may not tell a longer story of Mad Proportions! go ahead, ask your questions I did not answer..


Ginny Hartzler said...

I did not know you EVER painted your nails! FINGER nails, too? I have never heard of this kind of polish. I normally hate this kind of color and browns. But for some reason I think this color is beautiful. Where did you get it? How long have you had it?

CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! I haven't painted my nails in years. That's neat that you do.

easyweimaraner said...

we go nekked, but the color is gret! I want a car in this color LOL

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Being allergic to coffee I'd be looking for another... Raspberry Crush, perhaps... YAM xx

Ann said...

I don't paint nails, toes or fingers. I do like that color though. Not sure I would need my toes to smell like coffee but then why not.

Tigger's Mum said...

Our little car was that colour - cafe latte. No painting of nails goes on around here. he only time F ever tried to paint her nails for a big 'do' there was a chain of horrible events (that had nothing to do with nail polish), and she decided that painting her nails again would only be an unwelcome reminder. Anyway we like the colour of your nail polish; it doesn't look highly unnatural. xxx Mr T

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I can safely say I have never painted my nails, toe or finger, and I doubt that my digits will ever be so adorned! We'd all like a picture of your gussied up feet, however.

Hootin Anni said...

I'll take strawberry shortcake please!!

Mevely317 said...

What a great marketing ploy! My nails are in deplorable shape -- again. Just yesterday, I caught one in the vegetable peeler. (Ya ...) My toenails always stay hidden in closed toe shoes, but I would buy this coffee aroma. (There are other favorite scents, but they all make me hungry.)

DeniseinVA said...

This color does look creamy! Okay, tell us the story then :)

My Mind's Eye said...

I love toenail polish and this would be a favorite color for me. I only paint them in the summer. I gravitate to
blush colors and mauves
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

Where is the picture?

Hey, I will be off internet services for about a week because of the move. I will be back! ☺

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I really like the color and now I want to go out and find nail polish that smells like coffee LOL

photowannabe said...

Haven't painted my nails in years.
Don't want to paint my toe nails because of horrible bunions and "sausage looking toes" People would say EWEE..No attention is needed.
I do think your color is pretty and I think its perfect for you. Love the name. Interesting that it has a fragrance too.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra, I'm still catching up after the Easter holidays when I had all the family for lunch, both on Saturday and Sunday, and my grandson decided to stay for a couple of weeks.

The name of your nail varnish is provocative, but then I read it smelt like coffee which is such a homey sort of smell, not exotic, but to be honest I never knew there are scented nail polishes. The one I use is Maybeline pearl Express Finish, both for fingers and toes, and have been using the same one for years as it goes with everything.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I never new that nail polish was scented. I do like the color. I get a pedicure about every 5 to 6 weeks. I just can't do them myself.