Thursday, April 13, 2023

Meant to Be Words


An English Girl Rambles Post titled, Anything That's Human, appeared next in line in my Feedly list, as I sat waiting for the dreaded Doctor Visit I had put off for a couple of years.

I put it off because it required talking to the doctor about something I did not want to talk about. 

Today I am thankful these words appeared when I needed them.

They appeared on my screen an hour before I needed them, and they came from Mr. Rogers through Blogger Denise.

All of you are aware, we have unmentionable things our body does, like Fart, Burp, admit we wear a diaper, have a booger in our nose, spinach in our teeth. 

All of these are COMMON to HUMANS.

I often was embarrassed that my mother walked beside in while shopping, with loud blasts of gas she could not control.  It was Human, and now I do it. I am human.

I have a neighbor with a 15-year-old son who waves his hands and jumps up and down and makes loud sounds when in public... some think he is unmentionable.

Both of these are HUMAN, They are MENTIONABLE.  It is OK to say/do or mention these things.

if we do they become more manageable.  I typed the quote above in my phone and as I sat waiting in the lobby, I read them. 

As I sat waiting on the hard table, I read them. These words helped me Talk to the Doctor about being HUMAN. Thank you Denise for posting them.


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad Denise posted that and that it helped. ❤️ I hope the doctor was helpful too.

Tigger's Mum said...

We don't know what to say to that. So sensible yet it needed saying. Thank goodness you got it at the right time. IBS has so many effects it sounds like you have more than your share. Xxx Mr T and F

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Amen to that!!! YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

to b human in any way is good... always...

Ann said...

Well her quote came at the right time. I'm glad you found it and it helped you through your doctors appointment. There are things that are more difficult to talk about but I'm betting the doctors have heard them so many times before.

eileeninmd said...


I love that quote! I am glad Denise helped you and I hope the doctor was able to make you feel better too. Take care, have a happy day!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=) How wonderful that Denise posted those words of wisdom and encouragement at just the right time when you needed them. Embarrassment about our bodies and it's functions is a doctors business they have heard it all before I sincerely hope your doctor could help you.
All the best.

Hootin Anni said...

Glad she helped you out!!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

There is very little, nothing in fact, that embarrasses me about my body and its functions, and I have a female doctor, but that doesn't mean that discretion and a little decorum is not preferred in a social context.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Society has conditioned people to be less than forthcoming when discussing certain human functions and conditions which can produce more stress and frustration. It’s nice to read that a post from a fellow blogger helped relieve some of yours, Sandra.

My Mind's Eye said...

Well Said MadSnapper. I hope the conversation with your Doctor was successful
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Thank you for sharing this today. I've something on my mind but keep shoving it to the back because a) I don't really like the NP and b) it's probably nothing I can't handle myself. Maybe I'll snip it to include in my phone's photo gallery.

Wouldn't it be great if doctors' offices were to print and frame this for their waiting rooms?

photowannabe said...

Human and mentionable..wise words
Thank you Mr. Rogers

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful quote, I am so very glad it helped you "be real and human" and talk to your doctor.

DeniseinVA said...

Well, you made my day! :) I am really happy that quote helped you. I loved how you reposted the quote with yourself in the background in that pretty aqua color. So cool! I hope the doctor helped you with this very human condition. It's so interesting that we find this embarrassing. Most of the time when something 'escapes' we laugh about it, but when we are with people it's embarrassing. It's a totally human condition and we all do it so why do we feel this way? It's a conundrum. I will be interested in what the doctor's advise is. I think it would help many of us.

Rose said...

I can read that and know that it is so true, still there are things I am so embarrassed about...and I know doctors and nurses have seen about all there is to see with out bodies. But knowing that does not ease the situation for me.

But I am glad you could read the words and take them to heart.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

(((HUGS))) What a beautiful post you wrote. Thank you.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I hope a good visit with your doctor helped to sort things out. I admit some things are harder to talk about but still necessary.