Monday, April 3, 2023

Living The Life

 Dressed and ready to Rock My Saturday AM shopping at Walmart!

Seat belt locked in place, Ready to ROLL
I turn the key to start and
but a DEAD Battery

I am in my garage, we have a truck besides mine.

News is

We had to buy TWO NEW BATTERIES, Bob had been about to buy one for his truck because it was giving problems, both batteries five years old.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Bad news for sure, but you made it so much fun to scroll through and look and read!

CheerfulMonk said...

Great post! Yep, living the life. For better or worse.

easyweimaraner said...

oh da heck, that is awful when a shopping trip ends that way... and two batteries should be cheaper than only one.. just saying's weird but my kind of math ;o)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sometimes you have to spend a little money to keep things going - in you or the truck!

eileeninmd said...


Sorry, a dead battery can happen at the worst time. It seems expensive but it is a small expense of keeping a car running. I am thankful we have AAA, for those dead batteries and flat tires. Take care, have a wonderful day!

Ann said...

I hate when I have to spend money on things like that. Clever post you got out of it though.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Eek- but at least you are good for another five years (ish)... YAM xx

Hootin Anni said...

I think I'd better check my battery now that you brought that up. Your cost isn't bad at all tho (for two!)

Tigger's Mum said...

Good grief on the price of batteries - on the other hand how many takeaway coffees would that buy? (Just so we can compare - if we price everything in takeaway coffees then we might understand how the coffee price of batteries where you are compares with here and say Greece (where we had to buy a van battery). So is it fair to guess that you didn't get to go shopping? Does that mean eat fresh air? We hope not! xxx Mr T and F

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I love your emoji style post but must say ouch to the battery cost. I no longer own my Sportage. I gifted to daughter who has brought family back to Markham after living 11 years in UK. We are happy she is back. Grand girls will be 7 and 5 soon and it is nice they are around more in person than video chat.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always something, isn't it?

My Mind's Eye said...

Vehicles are wonderful til they need service....
We have been away all morning.(9:30 app) we were leaving at 11:30. Crazy amount of time It was time for an oil change for our Highlander Toyota and OMDs it took a huge bite out of our morning.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

This is better than the Archie and Veronica comic books I so used to love! Thank goodness you had an in-house mechanic who knows what he's doing and could install them himself.
I can't tell you how many times we had to replace our car batteries while in Arizona. At least we don't own any electrical vehicles, right? The cost to replace one of those batteries, I'd have to rob a bank.

photowannabe said...

BOO !!!
HISS !!!
So sorry.. I hate when my money (which isn't there) flies out the window..
So many necessary evils in this world.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Ugh! Unexpected costs are the worst!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That sure is an expensive way to start the week.

Ida said...

Well that stinks! - Seems like it's always something doesn't it.

peppylady (Dora) said...

My money seems to go bye bye.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

Rose said...

That's expensive!

Chatty Crone said...

Are you kidding me? Cute post but not so cute problem. Only 5 years?

diane b said...

Very clever and very funny except for the expense.

DeniseinVA said...

Ugh on the money but cute post :)