Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday Selfies Silly Sandra


This Past Week, Bob said, what did you wash your hair with, it looks a good .

my answer was

I washed it with the shampoo from Amazon that I don't like but have to use it up because it cost $12.

The reason it looked like straw, is because I rinsed it with the new Body Wash your doctor gave you.

He said what did you use this time?

I rinsed with Pantene Curly shampoo. I thought it was curly conditioner that we always used and was excited to have found it again. 
the thing is, it was sitting with conditioner, and I just grabbed it.

The found Conditioner was not Conditioner but Pantene Curly Shampoo.
Wash with hated shampoo, condition with loved shampoo, works well.

The next week I found the REAL Curly conditioner, and now have the Curly Poo/Conditioner
we have used for 20 years.
I keep getting confused. I am trying to use up the bad shampoo,
After writing this post, I took both the expensive 3/4 full bottle and put them in the closet for 
JUST IN CASE, they don't have the good stuff AGAIN.
I know you are confused, but the same brain that bought the wrong stuff is writhing this post.


Ann said...

I've done that in the store. The shampoos and conditioners look so much alike and I've just grabbed the wrong one.

Tigger's Mum said...

It mighht have been a typo but writhing this post was a suitable word (and we know a computer didn't writh the post for you.) Xxx Mr T

eileeninmd said...


I try to buy the same shampoo, usually it is shampoo with conditioner included. Cute selfie. Have a happy day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The conditioner sounds like fun! I'll look for it! You always get me in trouble with your reviews on products! lol Happy Sunday!

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh well WTG you got a very nice compliment from Bob.
We use Suave Kids 3in1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash. And you can pump it into your hand like lotion. It is harder and harder to find a combo nowadays. Thankful we both like this. It has a faint...very faint...scent of watermelon wonder that does not bother either which is good because it only comes in 40 oz
Hugs Cecilia

Hootin Anni said...

So...the wrong was right and the right was wrong. Write this again for me to make sure I'm not wrong.

photowannabe said...

HaHa on Anni's comment...
wow, expensive shampoo. Good idea to put it in the closet so its there for emergencies.
Great compliment by Bob..he noticed you looking

Mevely317 said...

Fun title! You KNOW how I love alliteration. Ya, we have 'just in case' product sitting on the top shelf of our linen closet. Soon as I throw away the awful Covid TP, something will come along that has people panic buying.
So, is the Pantene stuff good for super thin/fine hair?

Betty Manousos said...

wrong shampoo...well I’ve done that. what a nice compliment from Bob!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Shampoos and conditioners should not come in look-alike bottles!!! I have gotten confused and bought conditioner instead of shampoo. There should be a law that the bottles are different shapes.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are the CUTEST in this shot!!

CheerfulMonk said...

Modern life is confusing!! The worst for me is trying to pick out a toothpaste. 😊

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a fun photo! I have a bottle of shampoo that I use 'sparingly' because of its price - I use it to keep my 'white hair' from looking so drab - Every little bit helps when you're me! 😊

DeniseinVA said...

What a cute photo!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like you have a plan so I am sure that makes you happy.

Rose said...

To be honest, it does not take much to confuse me.

Breathtaking said...

Hi :=) I use a shampoo with conditioner. You look cute in your photo. It was nice that Bob paid you a compliment.