Hi! Coffee! Again! |
old coffee pot, new coffee pot, mother's old nonelectric percolator, grandmother's old electric percolator. |
(Percolators photos from internet, exactly like the ones I grew up with)
Bob and I have had 7 coffee makers in 38 years of marriage.
3 Black n Decker and 4 Mr. Coffee.
The new ones are junk, the old pots last as long as they are cared for. no parts to break.
The two percolators above lasted nearly 100 years.
I only knew the percs since 1944
Both lasted for percolators nearly 100 years. When my grandmother passed away, Mama brought her pot home and it may be still working somewhere.
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Just for the PHUN of it Collage made in Google Photos, only available on the cell phone. |
We had one of these non-electric percolators. Where you could watch the coffee percolate thru the little clear bubble on the top. I think no other coffee maker has ever smelled like they did.
Hari OM
My mum had one that looked like that fourth one but was for the stove and not electric. She was the only coffee drinker in the family and then when she realised how ill it made me, gave it up too. YAM xx
I gave myself a hot shower with a percolator as a kidlet, so we go with a coffee automat... there is nothing to push or to press what we can do wrong LOL
I remember the percolator my parents had when I was growing up. Later after my mother moved out my dad started drinking instant coffee so no need for it. That collage is pretty cool
I don't have specific memories of the various coffee makers I have had over the years, but I am absolutely in agreement that the old ones lasted much longer. So many people today are into cartridge machines - terrible for the environment, but we haven't started to care about that yet.
I had one for years just for camping. It worked so great...just a few grounds in the coffee! lol Enjoy your day!
Hi Sandra! :=)
I remember my Grandmother having a coffee pot that heated on the stove. Things in those days did last longer. I have always been a tea drinker, but my late husband and my daughter have Espresso making machines and drink from a tiny coffee cup only a quarter filled with coffee, Eva came for lunch today, and the first thing she does is get her coffee straight after lunch from the Espresso Machine. Eva says she can't function without her first morning coffee!
I too remember the stove top percolator and the electric.
I come from a long line of coffee addicts.
I have a Cuisinart drip with glass carafe. I love it
I had Mr. Coffee's for years
Hugs Cecilia
Oh ya. I so remember my parent's percolator; what a mess to carefully empty the wet coffee grounds, making sure none went down the drain. It wasn't until they retired to Port Charlotte she got a Mr. Coffee drip. Now I'm wondering whatever happened to them; laying somewhere in a landfill, I'd guess.
Thanks for the Google Photos tip!
Growing up, my mother only used a percolator on the electric stove, while I have only ever used electric versions. We currently have a Cuisinart brand. I noticed recently that the heating plate is getting worn out, so a new one is in our future as well.
I always thought percolators made the best coffee!
Of course, now I have a Keurig...LOL Not anything like a percolator!
Quilt blocks for background...how cool is that!
We used to have an old percolator like that - I wonder what we did with it. Have to admit I have a Keurig and love it. You new pot looks nice too!
You do have so much fun on your phone. Cute collages.
the old percolator is so familiar to me. Used to use one all the time and then it was relegated to our camping gear and used for years.
I think its still in our garage somewhere.
Mother in law had the electric one like shown. We inherited it after her passing. Someone is now enjoying it since we sold it at a garage sale.
My little Mr. Coffee works fine for me. Brews pretty good. In fact used it last night for our company for dinner.
F says - she grew up with tea, tea and more tea... Coffee, when it arrived in her family house, was the instant kind (perfectly valid beverage but not worthy of the name 'coffee'). F can't drink tea these days so has converted to coffee and makes hers in a cafetiere (insulated stainless steel one - no electric, nothing much to break as fas a I can see). She spends a few minutes each morning looking vacantly out the windows while she makes a grinding noice with a little mill thing that she winds round and round, and then tips the powder into her pot. As for those pod things.... well that just takes the contemplation, anticipation, preparation and ceremony out of making and enjoying coffee. (and makes a truckload of waste the world doesn't need). xxx Mr T
I remember the old percolators from my mother's kitchen. I love a cup of coffee in the morning, which reminds me I am late for mine and it is well into the afternoon. Shocking! LOL!
Dad brought home a stove top percolator from the War, and they had a dozen or so electric ones. They wore them out.
My parents used stove top percolators. I think we had a Corningware one years ago but now Bill loves his coffee machine which grinds and makes all different coffees. It has a computer in it. I don't like coffee very much only weak Latte. We found it funny when we visited USA because they called the coffee different names in different states. No one understood 'half strength Latte' or 'flat white'. It was 'one shot" or 'two shots' or "Coffee wet". That was six years ago. Things might have changed. Apparently, Australia were the leaders in making different varieties of coffee and having designated coffee shops but the idea has spread world wide now.
...most of all love my morning coffee... and I drink it and I walk through the garden. I don't have a coffee maker, I brew directly into the cup with the coffee filter.
But I love drinking a good espresso in a cafe.
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