Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Sinderella Sandals & Seniors

What you need to know about the shoes.
In your imagination, take the chains from the heels on the right, and place a chain on each trap on the flats on the left and you will see in your Mind's Eye, what the story below is about.
Mostly About.

 Below is the tale of my recent Wellness Visit to my Primary Care Physician. The resident Prince is one of many Resident Doctors that work in the office of my Primary Care Physician. They do her work, she comes in afterwards and they tell her what I said and what they said, and she says things like. why did you tell her that? or What do you think we should do? 

 The majority of these Residents are Male, only 2 females and I ALWAYS get the MALES, 2 at a time once in a while. Even after I advised them, I chose my doctor because I prefer female doctors.

Myself and 2 ladies, were chatting. The three of us sat, in the shape of a triangle with me the single point. We were waiting in the lobby of the Doctors office. Filling out paperwork, waiting for our names to be called.
All three of us were chatters, you know, Chatty Cathy's. I can't remember who said what first but, somewhere in the conversation I said to Chatty 1, the woman in the gold sandals, I love your shoes. If I could wear them, I would ask where you got them. 
She said I love these, look at the cute zipper, so easy to slip on and off, Chatty 2 chimed in with "I have to wear ugly shoes, like this and held up her sneakered feet. I can't walk in anything else. I'm 85 and pretty shoes don't work anymore. 
Chatty 1 stated I am 87, but I still love my shoes, I have not had a real shoe on my feet in 40 years. Only open toes. My friends all have curly toes, because they all wear tight shoes.

Chatty 3, Myself, held out my feet in croc sandals and said I can't wear shoes either. Only sandals. Pulling up my leggings, I showed the ugly veins that are my right ankle and said, I can't even wear sneaker like yours. It hurts the ankle, and my legs have veins and brown spots so no shorts for me.

Chatty 1 laughed and said "Don't talk about brown spots, I have them on my face, you can't see them, for the makeup. 
Chatty Me said I have them too, and can't seem to find a makeup that does not make my eyes burn and itch, but I did just find a fragrance-free powder that covers the brown spots. I had to order from Amazon. 

Chatty 2 says, I have the same problem, itching burning eyes from makeup. 

Chatty 1 says "ME TOO, I can't even wear mascara."
I say "I can't either."
 Chatty 2 says, "me either. but I did find one."
Mid-sentence, the door opened, and the resident Doctor Broussard says Sandra?

He laughs as I say "oh no, now I will never know what you found. all three of us laughing and saying goodbye like we were lifetime best friends.
He waits patiently.
As we walked down the hall and the handsome YOUNG Doc weighs me, I keep, well, Chatting! 
I said, "we were discussing how none of the 3 of us can wear makeup because it burns/itches our eyes and discussing how we cover our brown spots. I am the baby, at 78 and the others are 83 and 87."

Big smile on the Residence Prince Doctor as he says, "I did not know that, about makeup and seniors and burning itching eyes. My dad is a dermatologist, and I will tell him about your problems and maybe he can invent something." I said Well tell him to make something we can afford, that is the problem. It out there for movie stars."

Finally, I found a Male Resident Doctor I can relate to, He is now known as Dr. Chatty CARL!
If he had a practice, I would go there.
If I had a better memory, I would tell you all he and I chatted about.
I might even tell you how long the patient behind me had to wait!

Sorry my Friends, it seems I am a Chatty Writer Also....


CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you! I'm glad you found people you can talk with. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love how you turn every outing into an adventure. And that you now have at least one doctor in the practice that you like. When you make your appointments, can you request which doctor you want? So how did your checkup go??

DeniseinVA said...

I think you have found a great doctor there. What a fun conversation. I felt like I was sitting next to you and the ladies and I wanted to join in 😊

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yup, I was sitting right there along with you - or fly on the wall... YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

i often nodded while reading... seems chatty 1-3 are my twins O))) I have the mascara problem too, but I use a coloration what works for some weeks... and I can even swipe with my hand over my eyes without having an abstract painting ;O)))

eileeninmd said...

I enjoyed your conversation with the chatty ladies. I have the same problem with the mascara/makeup, I seem to be allergic to everything now. Your doctor sounds nice, I try to keep a good doctor I am comfortable with. Take care, enjoy your day!

Ann said...

I love how you find people to chat with wherever you go. I've never been good at striking up conversations with strangers.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have never worried about the gender of my doctor. For the past twenty-one years I have had a female doctor, two individuals, the earlier one retired and her practice was acquired by my present doctor. Competence is the only concern for me. When I am in the waiting room, I don’t encounter a whole lot of chatter to tell you the truth. Most people seem content to sit quietly and wait for their appointment. The odd time it does happen I find myself cringing as someone seems determined to fill my ears with information I simply don’t want to hear. I always take a book with me, and I am perfectly content to sit and read until the nurse calls me in.

Rose said...

Well, I am left really wondering what Chatty 2 found!

Tigger's Mum said...

That might have been a very productive day - did you arrange a share of profits for when your idea takes off? Even social media is no substitute for meeting up with outher people and having a good old chin-wag. The stuff that comes out.... xxx Mr T

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We sure have lots in common when we get older. I wear my hiking shoes all the time now. I miss the cute sandals but don't like to take a risk wearing them. Oh joy!!!! lol hugs!

DUTA said...

I don't like to talk to others when in a waiting room.
Shoes are very important to the wellness of our legs and body: no heels, enough space for the toes, adequate to the surface we are about to walk on.

photowannabe said...

Keep right on Chatting...
Love your Chatty Carl too. I think he sounds like a Prince for sure.
Another day at Lynne's but it is only until 2PM.
Yesterday went ok but was exhausting all the same. 10 hours is a VERY long day..breakfast, lunch and dinner..whew..as Sundowners sets in around 4:30...
Looking forward to being home after that for a few days to get somethings done around here.

My Mind's Eye said...

Well that Resident Prince was a very good listener and sounds like is also a fun....guy
As for the sandals I could not wear either of them the flat ones are pretty but too hard to get into. I like slip and go
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I love your chatty stories!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I'm very glad you're so chatty. It makes for great stories!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a very interesting chat you had with the ladies and the residence prince doctor. I can't imagine that lady wearing those open toe shoes at her age.

Mevely317 said...

What a PHUN encounter! (Now THIS sounds like your authentic voice -- not so much AI.)
My feet are so homely, I'm loathe to wear anything open-toed. Even a professional pedicure probably wouldn't help. Wouldn't it be grand if Chatty Carl comes back and said his dad's working on it?

Brian's Home Blog said...

I've never found anyone remotely friendly in any doctors waiting room LOL!

Linda said...

And we LOVE you for being Chatty!!!!

Carol Henstra said...

oh my. I scrolled down your page not even know what you your subject was entailed. I was talking about my arthritis your blog above. I am your third person who should bring up another chair. And join you gals. So this is all we are. We have loss that touch of our body has I would say. WE are getting older. No nice shoes, make up allergic too. My hair is sheading when I brush it or comb it. I went to a wedding Saturday. The psws and nurses were there. They go. Carol you look beautiful. I said you all do of course they are like 40. And I wear a mask for 3 years when I go into long time Care. It was a compliment but do you girls suffer with bags under your eyes. I have tried everything. cucumbers dot, don't. And my fingers are killing me to text. And I am a chatterbox also. Great blog. Oh not sure why you go to this clinic or what is it. A health place. My new drs place is a health place. For the elderly. It is 20 minutes from my place walking.