Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Sunday Morning


4:45 Am Sunday

We woke up to this on the radar. See that rain? See that Blue Dot? the Dot is us.
Each day for 4 days we have had this type radar, and each day we got close to ZIP of rain
It is to the NSEW of us and we are always in the hole that has no rain.
Each day we got 3 to 5 minutes of drizzles, not even enough to measure how much.
Because there were Bolts of Lighting Blazing Through our sky and making Loud booms, at just the time for Beaus Walk, we sat watching TV while we waited for it to clear.
and Clear It Did.

Bob said look out the window, Wow! I stepped on the front porch
to document the sunrise.
We put Beau in the car and went for a ride, then came home and I walked him. 
We are thankful for the sprinkles of rain for four days; we have 7 more coming and all of you need to cross your fingers and do a rain dance.
Dance hard, we have 7 more CHANCES.

Hope my beauty doesn't ruin the natural beauty of the sunrise. 😍


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your photos are gorgeous! The palm trees against the sky are awesome. What a strange hole you are in!!!

Rose said...

Wow! I have not seen a sunrise or sunset in so long .. well, notvone this beautiful.

Ann said...

That is a beautiful sunrise. We had rain last week. It sure was needed. My grass was starting to get really brown.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sunrise. We have been in that same kind of hole for months now.
I am doing a rain dance for you and us here. Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Now that’s a sunrise worth photographing! Hope the rain comes soon, the nice gentle stuff, not the deluges on the tail end of a hurricane.

DawnTreader said...

Google not letting me sign in to comment on your blog today, for unknown reasons! Wonderful sunrise photos, and you know I'm wishing for rain for you too. After a couple of cloudy days with a brief touch of the wet stuff now and then we're back to sunny and hotter again here as well...

My Mind's Eye said...

We have a very stormy week predicted here. Periods of very heavy rain and audio thru Sunday.
The last photo is amazing.
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

WOW on that sunrise!
Okay, it's not pretty, but I'm happy to dance for y'all.
Yesterday's rainstorms were pretty frightening. We'd taken a chance and went to an estate sale down in Montgomery. Coming back, the bottom of the sky fell out; we were down to 30 mph on the freeway. At least I proved something to myself that ya, I CAN still drive, albeit with white knuckles.

photowannabe said...

Spectacular sunrise Sandra... God sure knows how to paint the sky.
Sorry you are in the "hole" and not getting the rain you need.
Guess I will have to do a rain dance for you..it won't be purdy but I hope it will help (:0)
Stay safe with the lightning

CheerfulMonk said...

Fingers crossed! I’m happily dancing for you. Beautiful picture.

Ida said...

What a gorgeous Sunrise. Hoping you get that needed rain you want. We've had a little here and there this summer but nothing majorly significant.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Hoping you get measurable amounts of rain soon...WOW, those sunrise pictures are just beautiful!

Linda said...

What a beautiful sunset!!
I am just now catching up with you! Haven
t even opened my computer the last few days until now.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a beautiful sky. We got that radar here, pouring rain and it's not stopping until Friday.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The the sky photos. Glad that you got a little bit of rain. I wonder why it passes you by.

DeniseinVA said...

Stunning sunrises! We have had rain off and on for a few days. It was downright chilly for a while and today it was hot and humid.