Thursday, July 20, 2023

Fodder Barrel Drought


I do realize everyone is getting pretty sick of the AI pics and My fodder barrel for blogging is in a worse drought than our yard, which means total burnout.

While sweeping the deck, I spied with my little eye 👁️ 10 blooms on the hibiscus bush. Racing in the house to grab the iPhone, 

I leaned down under and got in a spider web

Stepped to the side and leaned into the bush

zoomed in for this one and just as I bent down almost to the ground

To get this shot, a squirrel fell like a rock, brushing my arm as he hit the ground with a loud thump!

Startled, I yelped, Jumped a foot off the ground and nearly fell into the hibiscus with the spiders.
As soon as I looked down I started to laugh

the squirrel was a dead Queen of the Night! Some of you will know what that is, and that they are in a 50 foot tall pine tree. 
It does kind a sorta look like a dead squirrel.
To see the gorgeous Queen of the night that is so high in the sky now, I can't get photos.
HERE is what they look like blooming.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Today I just snapped a bunch of hibiscuses!! I like the color of yours. Spiders! I would have run screaming, and have Bob take all my clothes off and examine them and me for spiders. Then maybe scream some more. This would be if I survived the heart attack from having a supposed possibly rabid squirrel fall onto me.

Tigger's Mum said...

Falling squirrels! Now there is a picture for a family album. That night flowering cactus is a treat indeed. Spectacular. Xxx Mr T

Ann said...

I would have jumped a foot off the ground too. I mean real squirrel or not, something falling out of a tree and hitting me is reason enough to scare me.

eileeninmd said...

I love the hibiscus blooms. We have lots of buds on our hibiscus bush. Would not want a squirrel falling on me, but I am sure the Queen of the night is lovely in bloom. Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The hibiscus blooms are so lovely, a falling squirrel would be a small price to pay for the sheer pleasure of them. And they are real - not AI.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
🤣 Squirrel... Good one... YAM xx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We've had enough rain to keep the flowers blooming here too. Enjoy your day! Another day inside for me! I'm going to be SO cabin crazy!

My Mind's Eye said...

To look so delicate that is one hearty plant.
BOL MOL LOL that is too funny about the not squirrel but anytime when I'm outside if something falls I just know it is gonna eat me alive.
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, I'd be shrieking and stomping ... then jumping in the pool water to wash off the (non-existent) spider web.
I don't remember seeing this Queen of the Night, but one of my favorite authors (J. A. Jance) featured it in one of her mysteries.

photowannabe said...

You don't have a "Fodder Drought" after all//haha
I would have jumped from the "non-squirrel" falling on me. Too funny but glad you didn't fall into the pretty hibiscus and spiders.
Gonna be another hot one today 105F predicted.
I'm going to Lynne's today instead of my usual day tomorrow.
Hope we can get outside in the shade for a bit before it gets too hot.
And so the days roll on and on and on...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was quite the adventure you had in the backyard. I enjoyed the photos.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You know, you are the one who inspired me to do the A.I. I had never even known about it! And you are right about the racoon smile, it is priceless. A cute villain. I would do even more A.I. but I just don't have the creativity like you do to ask it what to do. But I am thinking of adding one to each post that goes with the theme of my post! I have already done one with sunflowers. Type in surrealistic sunflowers, it is gorgeous. That is what I will use at some point this month.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

LOL...Poor Sandra, it does kinda look like a dead squirrel!

Brian's Home Blog said...

One of our squirrels fell out of our tall tree once and he did make a big thump. After about a minute he woke up, shook it off and took off back to the tree. His mate was upset and came running to check on him.

Susan Kane said...

We planted some lovely hibiscus a few years ago. Then there was an invasion of white flies. They took out two bushes.

DeniseinVA said...

That would have been very freaky. Glad it was nothing more than Queen of the Night, even though I didn’t exactly know what it was. Looks interesting. Those hibiscus are gorgeous, great job on the photos again. Never get tired of your AI. The squirrel picture is so cute.

CheerfulMonk said...

You have a scary backyard! But it was terrific blog fodder. 😊