Friday, July 14, 2023

Laughter Love Joy

I wanted to test Bing Creative Image AI. What will it create if I just give it words that can't be described. What will it do?  I typed.
Laughter, Love, Joy and the 4 women appeared. 
Since playing with this new toy gives me JOY, I took the bottom left girl into PicMonkey and added
a photo of myself and with a lot of using the clone brush ended up with

Whilst I Played myself in to Joy, Word of the day appeared in email and I started to Laugh. 

My first thought was, if I looked in the right dictionary, it would say, 
 loquacious: What it means.  
 Sandra the MadSnapper
My second thought was what would AI do with the word loquacious. 

Really? the common denominator in both sets is AI picked women for both words and has no clue what this word means...
One More Try! I typed Madsnapper in aqua hoody pop art

Oops! YELLOW hoody but it is a snapper

MadSnapping loquacious, bloviating, AI Loving MOI 

All this Madness is by MadSnapper using Bing Creative Images on Edge browser.
You can use it on Chrombook by going to Bing Creative Images on your Chrome browser


DeniseinVA said...

I love this journey you are having with AI. It’s fun to see.

Ann said...

I enjoyed it all but the fish in the hoodie made me laugh. I love how your mind thinks and how it takes you on all these adventures.

eileeninmd said...

Fun post and images. You are enjoying AI.
I like the photo of you in the hoodie.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Mevely317 said...

I'm ROFLMAO at the mad snapper in a hoodie!
That's a really good picture of you in the aqua; I say keep on playing. Life's too short (heh, heh).

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Now that's a SNAPPER! heeheehee! Thanks for the fun! I'm woke up now. lol

My Mind's Eye said...

Jumping Catfish MS...what fun you had.
I like the aqua hoodie on it is a good color for you.
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I get the word of the day too - thanks to you awhile ago.
My family thinks I'm loquacious too.
Love the fish in the hoodie.

Barwitzki said...

Yes - live, laugh, love = that's it - the moto of life.
Hug to you.

photowannabe said...

You just make me Smile!!!
The Snapper in the hoodie is too funny.
Love them all.
Going to Lynne's today for an early stint. Have to be there at 8:30am.
The good thing it is still cooler and I get to go home by 1pm. Its going to be HOT...going to hit 105F by 2 or 3 this afternoon.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I love seeing all the fun you are having with AI!
Great edits!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hilarious! For some reason, I never connected your name with the actual fish! Probably because I am too camera oriented. You created such a beautiful photo of you that you should be a model on the cover of Senior Living. I really like the Word Of The Day, so I signed up for it! While I was there, I saw that they have a whole list of words for talkative people.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You look great in that picture. I love the fish.

Rose said...

One of these days I am going to have to try this...right now I am too lazy. But it does give us all joy and laughter to see what you create.

Ida said...

Oh my gosh I love seeing what you create. My favorite here is the snapper with the yellow hoodie. So fun!

Linda said...

You are so much crazy FUN!!! Mad Snapper!!!! I love you!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have found your toy and you are learning new ways to play with it. Bravo!

CheerfulMonk said...

That snapper cracked me up. I'm still laughing. 😊👍