Saturday, July 22, 2023

Light Bulb - POO


POO (perfectly ordinary object)

I have a drawer in which to store spare light bulbs.
the closet bulb Blew Out when I flipped the switch.
I opened the drawer and found...
bulbs for over the range
bulbs for inside the fridge
bulbs for lights on the ceiling fans, long and thin
bulbs for bathroom, large round balls
6 night light bulbs
4 of the 3/ way lights, for lamps. they are so old they might not work. We NEVER turn the lamps on. 
(I pondered if I could use one of them in the not adjustable closet ceiling socket)
2 weird looking bulbs I have no memory of buying, 2 are missing from box of 4 so where are they?
The box says, same as 60 watts, made in China, for damp rooms, LED, good for 10 years.
I dragged the step stool in the closet and still could not reach that high, dragged Bob in the closet and he could and did install it.

Any of you used these?
Why oh why in a drawer of 16 bulbs, is there no NORMAL bulb?

When the ceiling light in the hall went out, I had one bulb that looks like a white glass twisted thingy, 

Can we say UGLY???
it said Daylight on it, and now when we turn it on, the ceiling dirt in the popcorn stuff glares at us.
I don't fret about that because we only turn it on to see if the spot on the floor is a bug or a leaf, or to find something in the closet. Thankful there is no light IN that closet.
Its supposed to last 20 years, we will be dead, so no worries about replacing that one.
Remember in the olden days when we just bought a package of 10 bulbs for ONE DOLLAR?
Cheap and No decisions needed. It was all they had.
but wait until you see what happened the day after the bulb installation!
to be continued


Ginny Hartzler said...

Don't get me started on light bulbs! We are always complaining about them!! WHY won't the government let us have the old incandescent kind, the ones we knew all about. Now there are LED's and cool and warm and other different kinds, we never know what to buy! Our overhead hall light just went out. The new bulb we put in turns the entire hallway BLUE. OY!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
There's one of those very bulbs in the lamp I inherited from dad... it seems to have been in there the entire nine years of my being back here and it has been continuing to work... it's one of those that starts low and brightens over a minute or so. Is that what you found when you first used it, I wonder??? YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

I bought one of those long-lasting funny looking bulbs. I can’t remember how long it lasted but it sure wasn’t 20 years. There is a lot about the old days that I miss, like regular old fashioned light bulbs you didn’t need instructions to use, or just about.

CheerfulMonk said...

"but wait until you see what happened the day after the bulb installation!" Hopefully you will tell us tomorrow!

DawnTreader said...

I recognise the light bulb problem. I find the newer standard LED light bulbs ok but there were a lot of weird interim solutions, and I still have some of those in my light bulb drawer, although I'll probably never actually use them again... I think I probably also still have a few old ones left but I'm not likely to use those again either.

Ann said...

Thankfully I was married to an incandescent mechanic. The shop he worked at made incandescent light bulbs. Even after they were no longer allowed to be sold in the U.S. they continued to make them to send to other countries. The only reason the shop closed was because they could no longer get the various parts they needed to make the bulbs. I have a drawer full of incandescent bulbs and they last a really long time. I doubt that I will ever need to buy a light bulb as long as I live.

eileeninmd said...

We have a drawers of light bulbs too. I do not believe any light bulb will last 20 years. Some of our newer lights that were installed recently have the LED. Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am not quite sure how many light bulbs we have in our house, but not a whole stash I suspect. My wife is the custodian of the lamp and I the mere installer. She presents herself, bulb in hand, and then I remove the old and insert the new. I am such a man!

Tigger's Mum said...

We had a box like that in an upstairs cupboard. My humans dont mind those low power lights because they come in so many colours of white. (And there was you thinking white was white was white....) They can be a bit dim for old eyes but we have over-chair work lamps for F to do the craft work stuff at night. Xxx Mr T

My Mind's Eye said...

Lighting up our worlds requires ladders and patience and
OMDs those curly bulbs are kind freaky looking
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I remember in the 60's when Boy Scouts used to come around selling light bulbs. Yep, finding a 'real' light bulb has become a challenge anymore. (Pain-in-the-***)
A few months back I resorted to buying one of those LED ($$$) ones for the front room. Can't remember why, but shortly after moving here I started leaving that table lamp burning all night. At least I'm glad they began manufacturing them looking like a normal bulb; I resisted for years b/c those spiral ones were too dreadful looking.

Looking forward to hearing the REST of the story!

photowannabe said...

Like others...don't get me started. We can never find the correct bulb and daylight or cool or warm which seem to be the opposite. I can relate to Ginny with the blue light..ugh we had to get another one because it made our whole livingroom blue. Some don't fit in our very old lamps oh I could go on and on. The cost is awful and they sure don't last for 10 or 20 years..
Can't wait for the to be continued.

Chatty Crone said...

I have a shelf with all sorts of bulbs - I don't get it either!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That bulb you used in the closet it what we have at home now. They seem to be the latest thing. I don't like those twisted ones. They came first.

Jo said...

Oh WOW, Sandra, like all aforementioned comments, I agree that there are too many confusing bulbs AND that they are all terribly pricy. Add to this, here in South Africa, we have Loadshedding and we can buy different bulbs which you charge when you have electricity. And torches and lamps. Being a woman on my own, I dread my bathroom light fusing as the ceiling is frightfully high. And the light flickers which I think is due to moisture. I look forward to the continuation... Jo

Rose said...

I have used those LEDs, and the one I used sure did not last as long as they are supposed to! I hate to even go look at bulbs...hard to know which to buy.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We don't like the newer bulbs either but we've long ran out of the good old ones.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There was a time when we used to have a container full of assorted light bulbs, Sandra, that was back in the days when we were homeowners. As apt dwellers, we to have less need for many bulbs and I can't recall the last time we even replaced on in the bedroom or living room lamps.