Monday, July 10, 2023

Pancake Patience or not!


I have very little patience while waiting for all the bubbles in this pancake to tell me it is time to flip this pancake over. I caught myself saying out loud to the bubbles, Come On Already!
It is pretty tasteless, made with gluten free flour. Edible only with peanut butter and Maple syrup
Yet have UNLIMITED patience to play and learn Image Creator to create pictures. I took the week end off to work on my YouTube channel for uploading movies. YIKES! who knew I was that dumb.

While poking around I STUMBLED ON A NEW AI App.
It is called CF Spark

I spent 2 hours playing with it after I downloaded the app to the iPhone.

on the cell I don't have to type words, I just TALK TO IT and I said
Florida beach with Palms Pop Art

INFINITE patience to Play with AI
YouTube I wanted to Bash the Screen


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think your patience with the editing is because this is your THING, the thing you love and do so well.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Ginny's right - it's what you want to do versus what you think needs done but isn't really your 'thang'... YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

F bashes the screen with everything. Pancakes on the other hand.... xxx Mr T

eileeninmd said...


The Florida Beach and Palms artsy images are pretty. You are having fun with these AI apps. It's been awhile since I had pancakes, yum.
Have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In the days before I knew better I have cooked boeuf bourguignon, veal blanquette, rolled pork with figs, but a I have never made a pancake. I am quite sure, however, I would have the patience to wait for the bubbles do accomplish whatever task they are assigned! As for You Tube, I watch wildlife videos once in a while, especially those made by a friend in Argentina, but AI is the scary troll living under the bridge for me.

Ann said...

I knew about CF spark because I use Creative Fabrica for free items to use in cricut crafts. I've tried it a couple times but haven't played with it much. You did good with it.
It's funny how we can have lots of patience with things that interest us and we enjoy doing.
As for pancakes, I have little patience waiting for them to be ready to flip.

Mevely317 said...

I've not made pancakes in years! Back in 2013 when he was so sick, that was the only thing Tom would eat. Weird, but I actually like the raw batter more than the cake itself.

I love how IT can understand Southern speak (heh-heh).

My Mind's Eye said...

WTG MS out of every accident comes a Happy Accident. Love the new app and that pancake looks quite tasty
Hugs cecilia

photowannabe said...

I guess it's all about what's fun for you to do...Playing with AI stuff is more fun than the utube things.
My patience is pretty thin waiting too.

DeniseinVA said...

I love your edits! Beautiful palm trees!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

YouTube AI might be defficult, but the resulting edits are gorgeous!!

I am all about frozen pancakes...but not sure if they have a GF option

CheerfulMonk said...

Sounds perfectly normal to me! 😊

Chatty Crone said...

You LOVE creating new things!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those palm trees really are pretty!

Linda said...

You are pretty amazing!!!

diane b said...

Our Son in law is into a similar ap. I haven't the patience to play with aps.You have fun.

Rose said...

You are just bored with stuff you have did a gazillion times.. you like learning something new.