Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Tea Time


YES! I know this is a coffee mug/cup!
I use it for brewing my teabag because the lid fits perfectly. 
The Lid was in the drawer, and I thought, WOW that looks perfect. There are two left over from
when our dog Big Boy was so sick, and had to eat special canned dog food, only 1/4 of can at a time.
Expensive lids! because the food was expensive. Who knows why I saved them.
The reason for the Cup of Tea, that I truly do not like, is this tea if sipped while walking around the house, eases bloating, and gas pains and makes them go away.
Works for after surgery gas also. I learned this at age 28 from a sweet nurse after my surgery.
Back then it was Lipton tea. It worked also. 
If you wake up with tunny pains, sip strong tea and walk.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, we have a certain kind of peppermint tea that we like for this. But I like it. I love this lid, you could use it on all kids of sizes of bowls or mugs or glasses.

diane b said...

You are right. It is good stuff but doesn't taste the best.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Yes, peppermint - or ginger - tea are both good for digestion! I have several different lids that I have saved from different things that serve a similar purpose. YAM xx

Ann said...

I'll have to keep that in mind. That lid looks like it was made for that cup. I've never had different cups for coffee and tea.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am always happy to see items saved and reused rather than being tossed out. This was a practical decision as it turns out. Tea is not my favourite drink, but I know there those for whom it is the nectar of the gods.

eileeninmd said...

I have a stash of peppermint tea, I am glad it helps your IBS. I do not drink it too often. I prefer my coffee. Take care, enjoy your day!

Rose said...

I always keep that peppermint tea in the back of my mind.

Mevely317 said...

Interesting! I love peppermint, but for some reason I just don't enjoy tea. I've at least a few dozen varieties; I probably should just give away.

What's funny, that lid looked familiar. I went into the kitchen 'junk' drawer just now and found it, back from a few years ago when Macie was so sick. Wonder if it would help keep my coffee warm?

My Mind's Eye said...

Peppermint tea is quite soothing. I've never seen probiotic tea what a find!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for this information. I will definitely keep this in mind if I have issues. Have a great day!

DawnTreader said...

I usually drink black and green teas in the daytime and rooibos tea in the evening. I rarely drink herbal tea but I have some peppermint tea as well and sometimes drink that for example when I have a cold (also adding a few drops of honey). I've not really thought of it for stomach ache but I'll keep that in mind...

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

My coffee cups and tea cups are all the same, I didn't know there were designated "tea cups", learn something new everyday!

I love my chai tea...and will make sure to try this next time I have tummy pains!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We do drink lots of tea here!

CheerfulMonk said...

Thanks for the info! I like that lid.

Betty Manousos said...

thank you for the info. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. how do I fix my stomach ache I wonder.

DeniseinVA said...

I have had all good things about peppermint. I will be on the lookout for this type of tea, thanks for the tip. I like the cup/mug with the lid.