Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Theraputic Visit with Cousin Bonnie part 1


In my aging process, I have become a driving in traffic wuss. I stay home because I don't want to drive anywhere. I believe this has happened because my dear friend Eunice was the age I am now, I was 50 and I drove her everywhere because she was a traffic wuss. I made fun of her because she called me to take her anywhere other than the grocery store and doctors' offices.

That was then, this is now. I ponder how I went from driving 80,000 miles in 3 months in a Semi, mapping our way across the USA from coast to coast 4 times in 1984 and driving all that I owned in my small pickup truck, 400 miles to sleep on my aunt Pats sofa in May of 1984.
 From 1984 until 2008, I drove that 400 miles to visit my parents in Savannah, several times a year, one year it was 12 times. I went once a month. Alone! 
Since 2020, the year of doing nothing, I have become so fearful of driving it has crippled me.

Bonnie is Pats Daughter, Pat my mother's sister.
My cousin Bonnie had put me in her calendar for breakfast at her new home on Saturday the 23, when we had breakfast 2 months ago. 
I felt glee each day I did not hear from her, and I decided I did not want to drive to her house.
I was afraid I could not find it; I have lived here half my life. Afraid the car would quit and strand me in the heat. Afraid someone would rear end me at the 1/2 dozen traffic signals. Thoughts of we can't buy another car, we only have liability insurance on my 2007 Kia, if it disabled, I have no car.
ON AND ON... there is more... if the mind can conjure it, I can think it.
She did forget, but at 7:30 Saturday morning her phone reminder went off and she called me and said Are we still on for Breakfast at my house?
I said I am not coming; I just can't make myself. 20 minutes later she had talked me into driving there.
I dove into the traffic above.

At the traffic signal took a pic of the laundromat for no reason except it was there.

Pulled up to her home that she and mark built themselves. they built on 1 and 1/2 acres, designed it themselves. They sold their home, lived in their RV in a campground for 2 years while building.

The front door welcomed me a did the tiny Greeter inside, at first a little barking.
Her name is Honey bun, she weighs about 10 or 12 pounds, and I did win her over.



Ginny Hartzler said...

Me too. I have never even driven the car we have now, and we've had it for five years. Love the house, and can't wait to see more!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I do understand. Driving The Grey into unknown territory and some of that in crazy traffic and silly roads has definitely been a challenge and a tad nerve-shredding... but it is getting easier each day. I love the days I don't have to actually drive though... YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

you gave me the idea for my fall decoration... the wooden box idea is great! ... thanks to you and to your cousin ;O)

Ann said...

I'm not afraid of anything happening but I am good at talking myself out of doing things. I'm glad you went and had fun.

eileeninmd said...


I feel the more your do something the easier it is, I like driving and I would miss it if I had to stop. The house is really pretty. I am glad you were talked into going for breakfast with your cousin. Honey Bun is a cutie.
Take care, have a happy day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Eighty thousand miles in three months hardly seems possible. That averages around 880 miles a day, every single day. If you averaged 60 miles per hour taking into account bathroom, refuelling and meal breaks, that means you would have been driving about fourteen and a half hours every day. No breaks from the routine and no traffic delays anywhere.

Rose said...

I am so glad she talked you into coming...cant wait for the rest of the tour.

Mevely317 said...

SMH once again (at) how our thoughts/fears parallel one another. How different my life might have been back in 2002 if I felt the way I do now and hadn't moved to Arizona without a second thought. Even 4 years ago now, when I drove to see y'all in Florida.

I'm seriously so glad you did this; let's keep encouraging one another!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS OMDs you took a road trip. YAY for Bonnie insistence that you come visit. I love her home and the colors.
Honey Bun was a good greeter too. Eagerly awaiting PII
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

PS how far way from you does Bonnie live?

Chatty Crone said...

Practice makes things better!
I have to drive to Atlanta for some doctors - and I am learning to use the google maps - without highways.
I used to drive the highways - now it kind of stressed me out.
I love the dog!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Good for you!!!!! I'm so happy she talked you into going. Can't wait to hear more.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so glad you went. I understand where you are coming from. Almost everywhere I go it is on a crowded CA fwy. Once I'm in the car and driving I'm okay.

photowannabe said...

I am so glad Bonnie talked you into going. Just being with people you know can help.
I'm not wild about driving the freeway either and will choose ,if I can, go the side streets. A gazillion cars surrounding me can be daunting.
I have no doubt you won Honey Bun over..
Going to the doctor for my annual wellness visit today..nothing really exciting but glad to get it over and done.

Susan Kane said...

I stopped driving in 2008. Migraines made it unsafe. My husband is retired and he takes me on some adventure.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure don't like to drive either. These days there are way too many nuts and dangerous people out there. They don't pay attention to anything but their phones.

CheerfulMonk said...

You have my sympathy! I only drive the couple of blocks to the grocery store. But I've never been a good driver because my eyes don't work well together. I am glad you went, though. And that you made it safely. ❤️

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I'm with you, Sandra, in that I prefer walking to driving whenever possible. Thanks to living close to a downtown area it's possible and easier than driving and finding a parking space. As others have commented, roadways have become filled with crazy motorists. Glad your cousin talked you into the visit and that you made it safely as well. You certainly did have an impressive driving career!

DawnTreader said...

I'm happy for you that you were able to overcome your fears and drive to that meeting with your cousin. I totally get your anxiety though. I never had a car of my own, which makes my situation a bit different - but I've not driven since back in the previous century. I still have a legally valid license but only use it as ID. Wouldn't dare just get into a car and drive off now. (I also probably wouldn't even know how to start a modern one...) ;)

DeniseinVA said...

A beautiful home and such a cute little dog. Sheesh on the driving but sounds like you did great. Well done!