Sunday, July 30, 2023



You may have seen this photo back in June. I went for my first Salon cut and was so happy. 
The first time in 39 years that Bob did not cut my hair.
The above was my hair after she cut it.
Fast Forward Five Weeks later...

The photo above is the way Bob cuts my hair and never once messed it up in 29 years. the one behind the camera is what the girl that cut it perfect the first time did on the second cut. 

When I sent this photo to Jackie in a text moaning about my hair being ruined,
her return text was simply.
Did you PAY HER? Tip her?
While shopping in Walmart yesterday, I felt like everyone in the store was staring at my crazy cut. I can't stand to look in the bathroom mirror while I wash my hands.
If Bob dies before I do, I will buy sheers and buzz my head like they do in the army.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Whatever the state of your hair, I seriously doubt that anyone pays it the slightest heed, and rest assured it will grow back anyway.

eileeninmd said...

I think hair can grow fast in 5 weeks. I am sure everyone in the store was not staring at your hair. I have been cutting my own hair and my hubby will trim the spots I miss. Take care, have a great day!

DUTA said...

It doesn't look bad. I've been cutting my own hair for ages, and I accept the outcome without problems. I usually cut the length only.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Okay, it is not softly feathered like the salon cut - but it was free, and it's tidy. It's strange how we tend to think that if someone is looking our way, they are paying any notice to the thing we are being self-conscious about... YAM xx

Rose said...

I dont think it looks terrible...not at all. And it will be grown out in no time.

Mevely317 said...

OK, I'm a little slow this morning. Did the second cut come from Bob or that 'stylist'? (...what Yamini said about it being free.)

I'm guessing it was a young-ish person who's accustomed to people asking for these cuts with the razored short sides. Two ladies about my age at church have done that and use lots of gel to wear it all spiked up.
Anyway, I don't think it looks awful. Besides, you've a pretty face. No hiding, okay?!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Bob's cut is WAY better!!! Who knew? Well, it was still good you went. NOW you KNOW!! And the prettiest way is the easiest and cheapest after all!

My Mind's Eye said...

GOlly Sandra....once my regular hair lady was out for sometime. I went to Fantastic SAM's. All the stylist there have fictitious names. The one who ruined my hair was named Bambi. NEVER AGAIN did I return. Looks like the gal who did it so well needs to go back to beauty school for a refresher course in cutting
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Awww so sorry for the botched hair cut. I do think we are our own worst critic though. I would never have noticed it if you hadn't said something.
I need a perm so badly but it's too costly at this time for I have been cutting my own hair for the last year. At least it's out of my eyes. Someday..I will be able to return to Rhonda and she will rescue my snippings.

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra I know how you feel - but it really looks good.

Tigger's Mum said...

On the basis of that first pucture we thought you were going to dye it pink or purple - it is very fashionable to do so at present.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I've always remembered what someone said to me once when I got a bad haircut - That the difference between a good haircut and bad one is about 3 weeks. But I don't have a "Bob" who can do a good job, so I'm lucky, I have someone that has cut my hair for about 5 years now, and I won't say, but she's paid enough to not have me looking for a 'new Bob.' 🙂

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

I have curly hair that has a mind of its own. I had an excellent Italian stylist trained in the schools of Milan who was just awesome. Unfortunately he is on the East coast and I am in the Midwest. I do have a gal who does a decent job, but I really don't enjoy my time with her:(. She manages to rub me the wrong way and I just sit there in silence. I would love to find a new stylist, but that is not an easy find. I do agree that Bob did a much better job, but all in all, it looks neat and kempt. It WILL grow.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It looks fine to me but you could always tell people AI did it to you LOL! But I don't have much hair, so there's that!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm afraid I don't think it looks that bad. It looks a lot better than mine!

Ann said...

I used to get really upset over haircuts that I thought were bad. Now I might not like them but don't worry much. It'll grow out and be back to the way you like it in no time. And seriously, like most of the others said, no one will really notice. Now if you had that shocking pink hair like the girl in the first picture, that they would notice. But they would see the color and not really the hair style.

DeniseinVA said...

First of all, I know it’s how we see ourselves. Every time we look into the mirror it’s as though an arrow is hovering over us, pointing at our hair. But honestly, it looks okay to me.

Carol Henstra said...

Sandra I am in tears also. I got my cut. she shaved my back right up. My sides are long strands. My daughter did my hair and always had compliments.
In my experience I got my hair cut at where I got his Sid cut but men who don't have hair like your hubby get a buzz. And the nurses said. oh Caro your haircut looks great. I was so embarrassed. so now I am trying to pick it up and curl it. Never again. I am back as not going to anymore family weddings.

I need your help to instruct me on your weight loss. I do exercise but I need to eat properly as. How much for breakfast and lunch and supper. I have the food chart but not knowing how much.

Carol Henstra said...

That is the cut I got only the start of it. You show in the purple demo. The picture is me on the profile only it was long. I know how you feel. I know best friends will say It is a change Carol your family will get use to it. I wont.

I don't have me joined again on my page. so please email me please as you do. I will be 82 in January and I feel 82. And especially with a stupid haircut. I think she thought I was joining the role in a movie.

Carol Henstra said...

I wear my hair full like this picture . And now it is flat . Sorry I clicked twice my picture. and coming in to post now three times .

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so sorry you don't like your haircut. So are you done going to her? It will look better soon although I think it looks nice but I do understand where you are coming from. ((Hugs))