Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Travesty Hair cut


left to right, Hubby Cut,     July 19 Salon Cut,    and 1/4-inch growth 4 weeks later.

If you are pondering the reason for different color hair in before and after, the before was taken in bright sunshine, the after in the bathroom mirror. 

There are errors in the graphic, due to failure to proofread, thereby causing the correcting of the travesty . Corrections are in the typed letter below. 😉

Dear Heather, at Super Cuts, 

I thought of you when Word of the Day appeared in my inbox on August 12th, 2023. My hair has grown about 1/4 inch in the 4 weeks since you cut my hair. Make that scalped me. My calculations say it will take at least 12 weeks to get anywhere close to what it was.

My hair is a travesty of a cut, shocking, upsetting and a badly inferior haircut. 

Please be advised, you will never see me again!

                             Despise you, MADsnapper


Ginny Hartzler said...

What I want to know is HOW Bob can cut it so well! Even a hairdresser apparently has trouble with it. Does bob have some kind of experience or what?? It is not easy.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, Bob does a great job! I'm sorry the bad haircut isn't growing out faster. 🙁

Tigger's Mum said...

You are right, side by side like that really sets it out. Try dying it pink or purple (one of those wash out colours) to enjoy while you wait for it to grow long enough to reshape.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
...ah, but did you press send??!!! YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

your bob is an hair artist... never go back to the hair salon you have the best stylist at home...

DeniseinVA said...

Definitely stick with Bob. That’s quite a message and definitely heartfelt. The owner could be wondering why there is a drop in clients. But then again she will probably have figured it out by now.

Ann said...

The side by side comparison really shows the difference in the cuts.
I think that letter to Heather should be in the mail

eileeninmd said...


I agree stick with Bob. My hair seems to grow fast, especially my bangs.
I trim my bangs myself. Take care, have a happy day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If Bob reads this he’s going to demand a huge tip next time he does it!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That was quite an unfortunate haircut, Sandra, or should I use your term and say hair scalping. I agree that some stylists cannot give a good cut. When the pandemic shut down the salon I had been using and they did not reopen before my hair needed a trim, I switched to using the Super Cuts located here. Luckily, I was able to have the same stylist until she moved to another location further away. I have been using another stylist since then and the last cut was much shorter than before. It hasn’t caused me too much upset as it means I can go a little longer until the next one and especially as there was a price increase. Your posted note shows how upset you are and I wondered if you will visit the SuperCuts to vent your displeasure in person.

Mevely317 said...

Travesty's a word you don't hear so often anymore, but I like it. I'd put it out of my mind, but I had the worst haircut of my life at SuperCuts (or Great Clips). When I wasn't at work, anytime I went out in public it was in a cap. Even now, on bad hair mornings I'm likely to put on a hat for church.
Wish I could come down there, pick you up and we could go try on all kinds of hats. Think, Steel Magnolias ... more blog fodder!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL MOL MOL Sandra it is good to that that off your chest.
I'm giggling
Hugs cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I think you should let Bob cut your hair from now on...he is hands down MUCH better than Heather at Supercuts!

photowannabe said...

Wow, when you put the comparisons side by side it truly is a Travesty.
At least it does grow back out again, so you don't have to suffer forever.
Yikes, now the weather guy says it's going to be 109F by 5pm.
Oh joy of joys, Guess we will just hunker down inside and pay a gazillion dollars for our AC bill.

Chatty Crone said...

Do you feel good to have your feelings released there?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So when it does grow out are you going to have Bob cut it?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Now don't be shy, if you have something to say just tell her LOL!

Rose said...

Isnt that how it always is...if you have a haircut you like. it grows out real quick but if you dont like it, it takes forever.

Anonymous said...

Looks like she gave you a boys hair cut. Didn't feather the fro t just chopped it. I had that happen not long ago. Finally found someone to cut my hair reasonable price if I arrive w clean hair Bob cut yours just fine!