Saturday, August 12, 2023

Poppycock and/or Balderdash

My husband and I both love Kurt Russell, and most of the movies he stars in. 
As soon as Bob drove out of the garage, I took control of the 65-inch TV Remote and flipped to Netflix to see what I could watch that Bob would never watch. Usually a chick flick or a Hallmark.
the first thing up was

The Christmas Chronicles
2018 · 1hr 44min · Adventure/Comedy
Two siblings in Lowell, Massachusetts, Kate and a blackmailed, skeptical Teddy, lay a trap for Santa Christmas Eve to get him on video camera. 

I saw the below photo and thought this is probably Poppycock, but I do like Kurt.
How bad could it be?


The kids crashed his slay, the reindeer ran away, they stole a red Dodge Charger.

I love a good chase scene; this was a good one. Involving the brother and sister riding on the reindeer and flying up over the cop cars. woo hoo

I kept thinking turn it off, this is balderdash... Sheer Nonsense, but I kept watching because the photography, the clothing, the actors, and the girl riding on Comet's back, falling off and down the toy bag hole.

I nearly turned it off when the first of the elves showed up

I was happy I made it to the end. I would have missed Kurt/Santa turning to stardust and POUF!

It was FUN and I got up close and personal with Saint Nicolas/Kurt Russell
Have you seen this movie? Will you watch it?
Do you have a favorite Kurt Russell movie? Bob's is Captain Ron. Of course, that is one I had to force myself to watch with him. He could not be forced to watch Christmas Chronicles.
I loved a lot of them, but Tombstone is my favorite and we have watched it several times over the years.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of this one!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I had never heard of this one either! I haven't seen Kurt Russell in years. I'm glad you watched it. 😊

Tigger's Mum said...

I never get control of the remote and if I did wouldn't know how to connect to movie channels. There are 3 remotes and boxes and all sorts of weird stuff that leaves me wondering why I can't simply turn on the TV. That's why Tigger had to supervise so much sewing. F

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I have seen KR movies...they are mostly of the B category but good for escape like you did with this one...which I think I did see many years back. I recall one with him and his wife Goldie Hawk based on a yacht which was quite fun but can't recall the title... YAM XX

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am not now, nor ever have been a movie fan, so I have never seen a Kurt Russell film. He and his wife have a cottage on Lake Joseph (translate that to mansion) north of here in an area known as the Muskokas, and there used to be little fanfare around them. If not for that I doubt that I would even know his name.

eileeninmd said...

I do like Kurt Russell, but I do not think I have seen this movie.
My hubby would never watch Christmas movies. Take care, enjoy your day!

Ann said...

I haven't seen this movie. I have forced myself to sit through movies though that I wondered why I was watching in the first place. In the end I was glad I did.
I honestly can't think of any Kurt Russell movies that I saw right now. I know I have seen some, just can't think of them.

Mevely317 said...

I saw this years ago but had completely forgotten about it. Yes, I've always enjoyed Kurt Russell -- he seems largely under-rated by Hollywood. (Maybe on account he's a nice guy?) My favorite is probably Overboard.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh Kurt Russell aka Circus Boy back in the 1960's tv program.
My favorite is Overboard. He and Goldie cracked me up
Hugs Cecilia

DeniseinVA said...

I saw this one a couple of years ago. I liked him in Overboard with Goldie Hawn. I have never seen Tombstone. That sounds good!

Rose said...

I have not seen this Ann, I know I have seen some but can't think what. I don't watch a lot of movies. But a few I will watch anytime I see them on.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Captain Ron is always fun. Yes I have watched this movie and there is a second one. I like Kurt Russell. I like the movie Overboard. Tombstone is a great movie.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We really like that movie and it's now one of our Christmas favorites. You need to watch the 2nd one, it's equally entertaining.

Linda said...

It's one of our favorites!! We watched it the first time it came out at The Bells at Christmas and we watch it every year with them since!! What's not to love? Have you seen the second one??

The Happy Whisk said...

I haven't seen this though I saw the thumbnail of the second one with Goldie. I liked the movie, Overboard that they were both in.

Inger said...

Tombstone is one of my favorite movies too. Errol and I used to watch it every now and then and we both enjoyed it.