Friday, August 11, 2023

Frog in my sink

While reaching for my toothbrush at early dawn, by the light of the green night light above, which before daylight gives a mysterious green sheen to all things, a Cuban tree frog suddenly leaped into the sink. 

I might have squealed, because Bob said from the bed, What Is It?  I started to giggle. and Said a tree frog is in the sink, and ran for the cell phone.

What I saw!
What it Was!

The red FROG is a make-up sponge, that lives on top of the jar of wrinkle cream,
 under the toothbrush holder.
I have a zillion photos of these frogs because we have a zillion of them. I used one of my old photos to show you what I thought I saw...Label Cuban Tree Frogs 

this post is for Caturday art, which is why I FORCED MYSELF to say these words to Bing AI.

cuban tree frog, in bathroom sink, illustration, colors white and green

I AM IMPRESSED! He/she/it gave me just what I asked for. I did not ask for a red make up sponge, but might.
IF YOU BROWSE the Label, AI did a superb job of drawing one.

these last two are my favorites, do you have a favorite? would you scream if one of these jumped onto you bare chest from the sliding glass door? 
It happened and I did Screen.


CheerfulMonk said...

I would rather not see one up close! Certainly not in the house. I'm easily scared, I'm afraid.

Tigger's Mum said...

They look so cute. Do they make a chirping noise like the ones in the Caribbean (after dark in Antigua is like crickets crackling away)?

easyweimaraner said...

pheew that was good to see that no frog is in your sink... I had the opposite... thought there is a leaf on the floor and it was a toad... aaaaah ... turned into an air raid siren... :O)))

Ann said...

LOL, your story made me laugh. That sounds like something I would do. Sometimes when all you have is a nightlight things aren't always as they appear.
AI did a superb job. I love them all. I think the third one is my favorite. I'm pretty sure I would scream if one jumped on me.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
LOL - yeah, I've had mistaken ID situations in half-light too... I am not a screamer, but that doesn't mean I would be taken by surprise... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

They are cute little creatures, but to have one jump out by surprise would cause you to be startled. In Cambodia a few years ago we stayed in an especially rugged encampment and in the morning my wife splashed water in her face, grabbed a towel and screamed when a frog almost jumped in her face. She was not amused!

eileeninmd said...

LOL, your frog story is funny. The AI frog in the sink images are cute.
I would scream if a frog jumped on me. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I really like the last froggy...those are some awesome AI pictures!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hilarious... the first thing I would have needed to do was change undies. I don't like things that bump or jump.
I love your art work
Hugs cecilia

Ginny Hartzler said...

He is adorable! He is taking a nice bath in your cool bathroom. I wish it really DID happen! The last one is my favorite. Of course, I would scream AND run if one jumped onto me. You never know, it could be a poisonousness African Poison Dart Frog. I would calm down once I saw what it really is.

Mevely317 said...

That actually happened in my mother's guest bathroom sink! Well, he/she didn't actually sit IN the sink; rather inside the little air hole opposite the faucet. Yes, I was pretty unsettled ... moreso, because my tiny frail mother thought it was funny.

AI's third one down is my favorite. It almost looks like it's asking permission, or begging.

PS - Would I scream? Absolutely!

Rose said...

Lol!! I love frogs and toads, and live those illustrations.

Brian's Home Blog said...

At least you didn't have a frog in your throat!

photowannabe said...

Too funny Sandra..things can sure look different with just the nightlight on. Great AI photos too.
I have a horrid cough and cold so I won't be on the computer much. All I did yesterday was sleep. (and cough)

Terra said...

Your tree frog story is very cute. Startling to see one unexpectedly or think you did, in your sink at dawn.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s so funny! Great AI pics! I can’t pick a favorite. If one jumped on me I would be startled, then I would reach for my phone.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's too funny! Love the frogs you did in the sink...too cute!

The Happy Whisk said...

Looks like you're having fun. I love that.