Thursday, August 10, 2023

Florida Flames


this morning, weather guy says.
Sorry, today is the same as yesterday.
Hot, Humid, Uncomfortable, Oppressive, Dangerous
Again, I am warning you, your dog paws can burn in 15 seconds on our streets.
Vets are saying more burned paws are coming in.

NO RAIN! Sweltering 98 degrees humidity, it is all we can do to walk at daybreak. 

Heat Advisories, warnings of ER are swamped with heat stroke victims.  

Jackie's morning text message read at 2 AM, 101 degrees, I answered with it was 87 at 5 am.

I listened to Myra at Respice, Prospice and made coffee ice cubes, put in coffee and sicced my Super Bullet blender on it.. IT WORKS.. she puts coffee ice cubes in her Almond Milk, drinks it cold, I blended my cubes with Vanilla Soy milk and had frozen cappuccino. Beau gets ice cubes, he loves them.


Terra said...

Coffee ice cubes sound refreshing and cooling in such intense heat you are having.

Tigger's Mum said...

I love your post today even though it reminded me of some very trying times of year in Greece - especially chilled coffee. I never took to it but city Greeks seem to live on the stuff.

DUTA said...

Lovely illustrations!
Anything cooling is worth a try.

easyweimaraner said...

that is horrible with such high temperatures... we have the opposite... it has not even 10°c in the morning...

DeniseinVA said...

Awful temperatures you are having. I hope it cools down some. The coffee ice cubes sound nice, and a refreshing drink on a hot day. Poor dogs and their paws.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

sandra and family

do the best you can - keep out of ER both for humans and dogs - gentle hugs

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Methinks Iced Tea would work too... I always dreaded February in Sydney - that is the month when it seems the whole summer rolls up and superheats and meets with the damp encroaching autumn to create high humidity and ...yeeecchh..... YAM xx

Ann said...

Oh my, that heat. Be careful. I don't want to see you ending up in ER or Beau at the vet.
So you just freeze coffee into cubes and then blend them with your soy milk? I can't say that I've ever had iced coffee.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Now I really want a Bullit! I have had different ones over the years, but gave them all to Goodwill because I never used them. Now I want one, I smell a trip to W.M. coming up. I have been hearing here about burnt paws! I bet your air conditioner is working overtime!

eileeninmd said...

The Florida weather can get too hot.
I hope Beau's paws will be ok, I have seen some doggies wearing booties.
The flavored ice cubes are a great idea.
Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It gets worse in some places. I read of people falling in Arizona and starting to “cook” in melting asphalt. Yikes! Iced tea is grand I am sure, but a chilled Vinho Verde sounds more to my liking!

Rose said...

I do not envy you those temps!

Mevely317 said...

David is right about the melting asphalt, and I remember a few years back when the traffic lights began to melt. Just yesterday a sales clerk told me his friend in Phoenix reported his trash container was melting. How I stayed out there 17 years is beyond my comprehension.

So glad you like the ice-cube coffee-turned-cappuccino! More fun and lots cheaper than you might find in one of those high-end coffee shops.

My Mind's Eye said...

Horrible x 100000 weather. It cannot leave soon enough either. Good idea on ice cubes for you and I know Beau loves his
Hugs cecilia

NanaDiana said...

I guess I won't complain about our heat here. We have had temps way above normal for weeks and no rain to speak of....very unusual for us! Prayers for you and your temps. xo Diana

Linda said...

Same weather pattern up here in Texas! I am so DONE!!!
Even our cats aren't trying to go outside!
Yesterday we went to Aldi and I lingered long at the refrigerated area for dairy - just stood there with the door open pretending to choose my items while I was actually enjoying the COLD!!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are lucky, the heat is starting to break here as the riny season moves in, we're only in the low 90s lol...
Hang in there!

CheerfulMonk said...

I've been thinking of you and watching your weather, it's horrible! I love the idea of frozen coffee. Hurray for creativity and blogging friends!

Brian's Home Blog said...

It has been too darn hot here too. That frozen cappuccino sure sounds good!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The weather is so hot. That is really hard on the pets outside. Even Adam and Gabby's fake grass gets really hot. I still have to try those coffee cubs in the almond milk. Glad you enjoyed it.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It gets super hot every summer, but this one is extra bad because it has lasted so long. We get those 105+ feels like temps here too. And oh the humidity is gross. We are all hoping to see cooler temps soon.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

The Happy Whisk said...

Great fun with the ice cubes. Poor puppy paws.