Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Roadtrip with Bonnie Dog Cousins


This is Bonnie's dog, Honey Bun, she weighs about 10 pounds and is
LITTLE, she did not sit on my lap, but maybe next time

The BIG dog is Cousin Shari's BIG dog Winston, Dane/Mastiff . He sat on Sharis lap

He came out to the car to escort us in the house, and when he sat on Shari's Lap, I asked him to 
sit on mine, he did, and I laughed so hard I could not stop.
Winston weighs in at 140. No, he did not hurt me. 
When we went to lunch on the way home, I walked in the Cafe with Dog and Cat furs from my nose to my toes...I hugged that big head and rubbed those big ears.
you should see how much drool he can put on the floor when drinking water.

this dog is one of two Danes that live with Sharis daughter Jami. Harper and Barret are the kids that take care of the cows and pig and horse. I did not get to hug on this one, maybe next time


Ginny Hartzler said...

You look like you are in heaven!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a sweet, friendly pup!

easyweimaraner said...

we love the fabulous pups! and what a good place for kids to grow up with so much animals... we love this dane pics when they sit on a couch or on the lap of people... they are just grrrrreat... in any way..

Ann said...

You look like you are loving every minute of that big dog on your lap.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh my word... I think that all those animals are going to be the incentive for you to make that drive all by yourself in future!!! YAM xx

Tigger's Mum said...

Winston be a very big dog!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think you could put a saddle on that dog and ride him home! Reasons to go back for more fun!

DeniseinVA said...

These are such fun photos! I can see you were overjoyed, especially with Winston on your lap.

Rose said...

You need at least a monthly visit there and it can be your therapy session.

My Mind's Eye said...

In Winston's mind he is still an itty bitty lap puppy.
You look so happy Sandra...what fun
What a handsome and well mannered Dane/mastiff
The children are also very beautimous
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

What a wonderful road trip. I liked the big dog - but give me the little dog anytime. ♥

Mevely317 said...

It sure does my heart good to see you laughing and having a good time!

When we visit friends who have dogs, they're usually put away in another room -- until I ask if they can come out and play. One of my favorite friends has a sign saying, "Dogs welcome, people tolerated."

photowannabe said...

There will definitely be a next time for have to get your "lap Dog" fix for sure.
I can't imagine the food bill for that baby...
He's so sweet and I love the photos of you and Winston (such a stately name for that dog)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What adorable dogs!!!!

Linda said...

I am so happy for you! You are in your element and it thrills my heart to see you laughing so hard! And your smile tells what a great time you had!! I love your last words....."Maybe next time!!!" YES!!!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks, Sandra, for sharing this rod trip with your cousin. It certainly looks like you are having a wonderful visit and lots of doggie love.

Thank you for your comment on my current post. I certainly understand and appreciate what you said. Everyone definitely has her/his own style preference and definitely personal taste that is as it should be. We should always continue to do what brings us joy and you certainly always do just that.

Inger said...

What a great dog! I loved reading about you being out of the house and having some fun.

Brian's Home Blog said...

What fun! WOW, that was one big pup!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Little Honey Bun is cute. I can't get over the size of Winston. Wow, 140 pounds is definitely a big dog! Love the picture with you and him. Oh my yes, there has to be a lot of drool from him. The Dane is cute too. So glad you went to see them.

The Happy Whisk said...

Your dog and theirs. What a difference.