Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Roadtrip with Bonnie2


The Road to Jami's mini-ranch, that I am afraid to drive on, I missed the last cousin dinner because I did not know the way. 

The motorcycles that stormed around us on the left side, then crossed in front of us to get to the right side. 

Forth Hamer Bridge that was not there 5 years ago, the reason I am afraid of driving all this is in the past five years they have developed it so much I did not know where we were.
When I drove it several times a week the road ran between trees and farms, cows and horses and very few cars.
At the foot of the bridge, we turned left into Fort Hamer Park

Boats and the trucks that haul them. It took us about 30 minutes from my house to Fort Hamer Park and that was at 7:30 on a Saturday Morning. Bonnie said count on 45 minutes to an hour on a week day or mid day on weekends.
this means if I drive it Alone, to go to the cousin dinner, it will take me an hour there and hour back.
She was showing me how easy it is... we shall see.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

It is such a tragedy to witness all this rampant development. The whole state is getting paved over.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Has your cousin shown you how you can use Google Maps on your phone to get directions? It also tells you if there is a major traffic stoppage or roadworks and stuff... YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

we dislike that bikers... thy pop up out of the blue and they are ofen dangerous... we are with aunt yam, google maps is really great it is always up to date and even better than our fix installed gps crapola...

Mevely317 said...

Those bikers can be so intimidating!

Were you the one that told us about downloading a compass app? I did that, but have never actually used it to navigate.

I'm thinking if you plan your next get-together during the daylight hours it might not be so intimidating. I mean, if you get lost you can always turn around. (Been there, done that ... expert at 3-point turns, lol.)

PS - Did I miss Part 2, or did you mean something else in the title?

My Mind's Eye said...

NOW YOU KNOW the way to Jami's Ranch!!
Hope you won't miss the next gathering
Hugs Cecilia

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

This is 100% exactly why I plot out shortcuts and ride arounds...I never get on an interstate unless it's a major emergency! Motorcyclists intimidate me, but mostly because I have trouble seeing them...they disappear in shady spots and if they get right on your rear you can't see in your blindspot. I'm glad you know the way now!

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra - I know you can do it.

photowannabe said...

Your cousin Bonnie is the best!
She is giving you great instructions that will have you driving with smooth sailing.
As Chatty Crone says..you can do it...(with a prayer or two thrown into the mix)

Ida said...

That is so neat that you have a "cousins" dinner. I don't even know most of my cousins and the ones I do live to far away to visit.

DeniseinVA said...

Do you have Waze? It is a very good app. Gives you so much information without being over the top. I like the other GPS features too but seem to always fall back to Waze. I know how you feel though. There is a freeway I occasionally used when I visited friends. It is well known for the many trucks that travel it. Never forgotten being sandwiched by two of them. Middle lane no way to move forward because of the speeding traffic, no way to slow down because of the speeding traffic. Looks like you did great though.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Just the sight of the bridge is frightening to me! Is any of this on Interstate? Are you considering driving it?

Ann said...

I don't like driving in other states. Here we have 2 lanes of traffic. When it starts getting to be 3, 4 or more lanes of traffic I get nervous.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I'm also big on planning shortcuts, or even the long way, if it means avoiding major highways and traffic.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck! I'm glad you had a chance to go and hope you can get there again safely. ❤️

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well, I know you'd like to see the cousins but if you don't feel good about driving it I say don't go.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's not fun out there as things change around us. Did it help that she drove you there? Do you think you will try it alone. I totally understand where you are coming from.