Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Burning Glove!


Sunday Night, I had a nightmare. I had on red knitted gloves and the one on my right hand was blazing.
I was screaming and watching the glove being eaten by fire from tips of fingers down.
When i screamed myself awake, my hand was hurting so badly, I came awake holding my hand in the air like in my dream but there was NO FIRE.
I waved my burning/aching hand around and got out of bed.
I ran cold water on the part that was a huge blister on my palm, in the dream.
The dream had me on the phone by 8:30 am with my primary doctor's office and after nearly fainting from the shock of hearing the words

The doctor will see you at 10:45. 
I said TODAY"???
The sweet young 3-year Resident Doctor that saw me, did a full exam with dozens of questions, including testing for carpal tunnel. 
How long have you had the tingling/stinging in your arm and shins? 
About a year, but never like this. It has been getting worse the last 3 weeks.
So, tell me what has changed in your life in the past 3 weeks. I see you have stress in your records, has there been more stress?
Aha! Bob's coumadin, so yes. 
Have your arms and legs gotten colder in any way?
2nd AHA!
The Air Conditioning is running NONSTOP due to triple digit heat which we have never had before.
The bed is under the vent, the vent blows on my legs and arms, directly. Usually, the AC cuts off and on about 3 times an hour, now it is 3 times in just 30 minutes.
He asked how I sleep, I said with arms and bottom of my legs out from under the sheet, laying on my back like a corpse in a coffin. PLUS, I sit with bare legs out in front of me for 2 hours of movie watching before bedtime. My legs get cold, but it feels to hot if I put a blanket on.
MY RX from him was free and easy... Cover your legs with a t-shirt or something light weight and while sleeping do the same, use light weight cover since you can't move the bed.
IT WORKED! I still have the tingling sensations of neuropathy, the AC was aggravating it.
NO more burning hands OR GLOVES, except in AI of course!

I had a little miscommunication with my BING AI buddy before I got what I wanted.
but wanted you to see all of what I got before the one above.

first command was Red Knitted glove on fire... it gave me what I asked, notice the red knitted glove IS ON the fire, not On Fire. I changed it to glove ON fire.

this command was knitted glove on hands with fingers burning. 
It is all in what we ask for and how.


Tigger's Mum said...

That is scary but at least some sort of warning was getting through to your sleeping brain.

easyweimaraner said...

how good that you saw the doc after this nightmare night.... hugs to you, we hope all burning things are locked in a ring of fire far away from you

Ann said...

Not a fun dream or something to wake up to. Glad you got into the doctor so soon and that was a surprise getting in so soon. Glad he had an easy solution to help the problem.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I never could tolerate aircon... my home in OZ never had it, just fans and even then, when sleeping, I never had it directly on me. So glad your doc was wise to the practical solutions! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

That was a scary nightmare. It was great you were able to get a same day appointment. Sounds like your doctor had a an easy remedy. Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sounds like it took a bad dream to find a good doctor. Sometimes things work out well.

Mevely317 said...

What a horrible nightmare!!! I've never heard of anything so vivid -- but now, what the doctor says, it makes sense. He sounds like a gem ... somebody who actually listens. Don't lose his number!

Please let us know if making those changes doesn't make a difference.

My Mind's Eye said...

What a thorough doctor and very compassionate.
Glad to hear you are noticing a difference
Hugs Cecilia
check POTP please

Chatty Crone said...

That was a scary nightmare for sure girl. I am glad it was telling you something that you could work on to get it fixed.

DeniseinVA said...

That's one freaky nightmare. I wake up and sometimes have an uncomfortable feeling but can never remember what I was dreaming, very rarely anyhow. I'm glad the doctor had a solution for some of your pains. Enjoying what you create with AI.

photowannabe said...

It sounds like that intern was really on the ball. I liked his approach and that he didn't make you feel silly for your feelings.
Simple "meds" for your problems. I like that!!
Hope you get the relief you need..don't have another dream like that scary one..bad news...
Thanks for the update on Inger. I'm going to have to pop over to her blog again.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I'm so glad your doctor got to the bottom of what was going on, hoping the new routine helps!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so glad you got to see the doctor quickly and that his suggestion has helped.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That really was pretty scary and amazing you got to see the Doc that quick. Was it an AI Doc or real.

Susan Kane said...

Waht a dream. I understand. I woke myself up kneading bread. Too much British baking show.

Your young dr. was thorough, and give you his time!! I am glad this worked for you!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a scary nightmare! I'm glad the doctor could see you so soon and could offer an easy solution.

Rose said...

I am glad you found some relief.