Thursday, August 3, 2023

Words of the Week continued part 2

Yesterday I showed you the first four of the words of the week that fit my week to a T.
 everyone knows this word. It's like magic. MOST of the time.

5. REBOOT    

Just so you know, the hands bottom right I asked AI to create a woman wrestling with a cellphone

 My Beloved iPhone 7, THE PHONE that I use for everything but phone calls. Camera, Playtime, collages, the 10 Apps I added that I use daily. I am on this phone more than any other of my five devices. The PHONE
would. not. take. my. thumbprint.

I could open the phone with the 6-digit code, but that is soooo aggravating.
I poked and prodded and read the tiny print that Siri told me to read and moved to the giant screen of the desktop, the better to read the instructions.
I Siri Searched for Answers, I followed detailed instructions.
# 7, the last of the "try these 7 things" instructions said.

HARD REBOOT, be sure to back everything up because it will put the phone. 
BACK To Factory Reset.
NOOOOOOO I do not want to go through set up again, it took me DAYS the first time.

I took a screen print of the 10 apps, see above and as I sat staring at the phone, I noticed the words
Add another fingerprint. I tapped it, I added the right thumb print. 
Now the phone has 2 prints, one that doesn't work.
Did my thumb die? Did the print change? If I delete the left one and
add it again, will it work? I like the left one BEST, it's easier to use.
This is a real dilemma because I use that print DOZENS of times a day.
try it? don't try it? 
What Shall I do?


DeniseinVA said...

Have you tried rotating your thumb a bit to each side while not lifting off? That worked for me a few times. Good luck!

Ginny Hartzler said...

If you don't know what to do, then no one else does. You are the smartest at tech of all of us!!! I hope you figure it out, wish I could help!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. Those are witches' hands!

easyweimaraner said...

I grinned as I read about the phone call thing... but then I saw that I used my phone for a call the last time in march I'm a hermit LOL

Ann said...

I got tired of trying to use my fingerprint and it telling me try again and then having to use my code. I finally just took it off so that I don't need either to access my phone.

eileeninmd said...

I did not lock my phone, I tried the thumbprint and the pin number. I decided not to use anything. If I had a choice I would do the pin number. Take care, enjoy your day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I have the type of fingers that don't work well on touchscreens, so just waking the phone up to put in the code number is a problem sometimes. Nothing to do but keep poking the thing... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

And this from the tech wizard of all time? Imagine how it us for us luddites and reactionaries! I have a friend to whom I talk very sweetly and he helps me with such technical mysteries. Good luck!

My Mind's Eye said...

I forgot the password to my iPhone (that Bryan now uses) I am trying very hard with help of TracPhone chat and in person get a link sent to me so that I can reset. Yesterday they gave me a ticket number. Told me to wait 4 hours then try again to get a link sent to my email. Still not working.
Hugs cecilia

Betty Manousos said...

I second Ginny’ comment. I wish I could help. good luck! xoxo

Mevely317 said...

That hand .... whoa!
You know I'm the last to catch onto these sorts of shortcuts, but wonder if you could hold your phone face upside down when making your footprint so it's on the right (correct) side.
Just my 2-cents ... let us know!

photowannabe said...

AI has a long way to go with hands and feet arms and legs. Seems its a problem that they are working on now. Some of my photographer friends have had some crazy results with AI on hands and arms.
That rebooting is going to make you crazy.
I have a mini iPhone with facial recognition. It keeps it locked otherwise. If Dave for some reason is using my phone he has to enter the code. All seems easier than a thumbprint.
Technology makes me nuts, but I'm glad I have it.

Chatty Crone said...

Sorry I don't know and you would not want me to help - lol!

DawnTreader said...

I never tried the fingerprint thing as I felt sceptical towards it from start. (Thinking things like "but what if I hurt my finger and get a scar or have to wear a bandaid" or whatever...) I use pin codes.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

My laptop also takes a fingerprint and sometimes, if my hands are dry, it doesn't take my print either.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a lot of work and confusing to me. I hope you can figure it out.

Carol Henstra said...

I have trouble with finger print. I use the code. My son showed me. Gentle. Not for me.

the haircut issue. I could not get off my remark that my friend posted. Like you look so young. my honest opinion. she replied.

We had our B.q. today. What is the first thing new people asked me. my name of course. Then other questions. then the husband said. oh you are so young looking. Your husband has passed on. Sorry trying to keep up an upper lip. Oh your 81. What age did you get married. and I even washed my hair and styled it my way. oh another person. spoke up. And look at her new hair cut. I had that stress test also and I am due for it also. One man said. that test he went flying off the tread mill. They jacked it up so high. I said I have no choice. My heart is stressful if I get irritated. boom worry about everything. To day the bees, hornets. was on my hot dog. I had to eat inside while everyone the bees never bothered them. My friend used to say if you have high forehead means your very clever. You are and my husband was. now I have one also. Maybe it is my age. The times you didn't help me get on my blog. Those monitors you wear. Are terrible. love your blogs. Oh I am doing pretty good being healthy but really it is those irritating measurements. ounces of this. low fat that. cut off the fat.

Carol Henstra said...

Now this is irritating. I had put all my Capitals to be. and look . A billion pig language to you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Mine didn't work with the thumb print ever so I deleted it. I don't want Apple having my prints anyways.

CheerfulMonk said...

I would delete the print that doesn't work and try putting it in again. My iPads mostly don't like my fingerprints so I do the passcode.

Rose said...

I have to use passcode too..this makes me want to try thumbprint again