Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Words Of The Week


Each day I get the Word of The Day and on Fridays The Words of The week.
Friday July 28th, I laughed out loud when they came in.
Four of the five were my entire week.

1. Cardiac Arrest. We got the results on Monday from Bob's EKG, Echocardiogram, and from the heart monitor he wore for 24 hours.
Alarming hikes on all three tests, means the heart is not pushing the blood hard enough through the left ventricle and something about mitral valve.
Short story is he is now on Coumadin blood thinner, to prevent heart attack/strokes.
he bleeds like crazy without it and I have heard nothing but bad things about the drugs.
Also bob refused to take the last test, the Stress test and he has to go once a month for blood test because of the new drug. I could be the one to have the cardiac arrest.
3 nights of restless or no sleep is hard on old people. 

2. Episode. THE hair episode, that was on Sunday post. I have a 4-inch forehead inherited from my dad, that cannot be addressed but I have always covered it with bangs to my eyebrows.
Now most of it shows and I can't bear to look in a mirror or go out of the house.

photo from 2020, now I see how much i have ages in 3 years. NOOO

Above photo from Prior Post  about my trademark smile (note the hair was cut by bob) and how it makes me look better.

3. Trademark. If you follow me, you might remember that I use my Trademark Smile to cover wrinkles, and double chins. I even showed a smile and a not smile to show the difference. see above.
Now the trademark smile doesn't work because of my HAIR which was and IS an Episode.

4. Defamatory. I never do that or use the word but am considering making defamatory remarks about the hairdresser mentioned in Episode. But then there is the question if the remarks are true, are they defamatory? 
# 5, Reboot will be continued tomorrow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Hmmm, if the remarks are true, then maybe not defamatory? You have really had a week of it. And seniors cannot afford to lose sleep like the young'uns can.

DUTA said...

Blood thinners require much caution, and many blood tests. Hopefully, Bob overcomes all difficulty!

CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck with the blood thinners and getting some sleep. That's so important. Blood thinners are notoriously tricky, fingers crossed.

DeniseinVA said...

I hope Bob has no problem with the blood thinners. Too much going on, know wonder your stress level is pitching. There’s irony in your words of the week.

DeniseinVA said...

‘No wonder’! Auto correct is pitching a fit with me lately.

easyweimaraner said...

our dad has to take that too... it is a challenge sometimes, when everything can cause big black-blue spots and when a simple cut with a knife ends ina bloody mess.. sigh.... but it helps so we have to accept the side stuff...all the best to your Bob...

Tigger's Mum said...

Wooow what a week - we had been thinking about your haircut and figured you ought to take Bob to direct the person wielding the scissors; take a photo of your perfect haircut and tell the hairdresser "Bob managed that for 30 years so he knows what he's about, now it's time for you to learn and him to rest his arms and hands...." If you don't tell her what you didn't like and why she will never learn to see her clients the way they see themselves. Xxx Mr T

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yeecchhh... is the one word to bind them all... YAM xx

Ann said...

I don't do well with little sleep. I can't imagine 3 nights in a row of no sleep.

eileeninmd said...


I wish I could sleep better. The blood thinner is a scary medicine, I hope Bob is very careful. Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sounds like Bob may need to make some changes, to his lifestyle. That’s a whole range of nasty symptoms. As for your hair, take a deep breath, relax and remember that others are probably not even noticing it. It will grow back and all will be well.

Mevely317 said...

What a tangle of emotions you must be experiencing! Yet, here you are making us smile. (I need to remember that tip about wrinkles.)

Do you, or have you ever tried taking Melatonin? Someone I used to love suggested I do that before a flight - "It's not a sleeping pill; rather, it takes the edge off." I still keep a jar of those Gummies and Tom's begun taking them to help with his anxiety.
I hope Bob decides to come around for that stress test. (But don't tell him I said that!)

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra you are so very clever. I did love this post and how the words defined your week. I'm sorry about Bob and hope he can and some point be persuaded. As we said in the past, trying to talk sense in to Bob and my daddy is like talking to brick walls
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Aww friend...what a week you have had.
So sorry for the road blocks and episodes...
Sometimes Life just is a real pain!
Prayers for Bob and his blood thinners and all that the test have shown. This getting older is so hard sometimes.
I feel like I am walking a tightrope and trying to keep my balance.
We just went through an "episode" this week, but I'm not quite ready to share it yet. All I can say is God is in control..I just have to remember that..Not me in control of everything.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry to hear about Bob's heart. Make sure you look up what you can't eat on the drug. That is an interesting list of words. Sorry for the issues you have been going through.

Rose said...

I about laughed out loud when I saw the words of the week because I knew what your week had been!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a lot of words, some of which we hope you never have to use again.

Susan Kane said...

Waht a week! I had a blood clot in my left leg some 40 years ago, following a C-Section. I was on the sofa, with leg elevated with an ice pack on the clot for 4 weeks.

Here is hoping and praying that Bob will manage recovery soon.

Ida said...

You crack me up! - Sorry that the Heart news wasn't the best for Bob. Hope the medicine will help.
I think your bangs/hair look just fine and you do have a pleasant smile.

Linda said...

You make even the serious things a little less 'heavy.' Louis Dean has lots of appointments next week. Primary care, heart monitor like Bob did and more appointments. The cardiologist says LD will need a pacemaker soon - but she doesn't know when. So she is monitoring him closely. I had a bad dream last night that he was unresponsive and I had Summer take him to the ER while I dressed and then I had problems getting up there. It was a terrible dream and when I woke up and he was beside me in bed and reached over and held my hand - I relaxed and went back to sleep for another couple of hours. Our life together won't last forever but I am treasuring every moment we have - as you are with your Bob! Love you, Sandra!

Betty Manousos said...

good luck with the blood thinners. sending prayers for Bob.