Saturday, September 30, 2023

100 years of weddings -1923 to 2023


some of you may remember that in the prior post on sept 22,  I mentioned there was a tri-framed photo in Augusta GA of my grandparents, my parents and my first marriage.
I am thankful today to say, I now have it in my home, thanks to my brother David and his Wife Janice.
It arrived in the mail along with many photos from my childhood yesterday. He found them all in a hat box and a huge old hat box, in his closet and had no idea he had all those photos. When my dad was moved into health care facility down here, he sold Daddys home in Augusta and all contents and put a couple of boxes in his closet, never to look at again.
He was thankful I asked because he spent hours looking through the contents that had been there since Early 2005. They did not remember these framed photos.
I am taking photos of the photos and a few of them MIGHT appear here. I have several of myself and my family in the early 1950's. I thought they were lost.

My mother in 1930, age five. The note says her doll is buried in Gonnie's yard, Gonnie is what I called my grandmother. No idea why it is buried there or anywhere. Wish I knew the story.
Everyone in thee photos is now deceased and has been for many years except the bride in the silly hoop skirt.


Ginny Hartzler said...

The mystery of the buried doll, how delicious! I just love the three generations of weddings! You wore a hoop dress for your wedding, I thought it was a crinoline.

Tigger's Mum said...

Your grandparents certainly look very avant garde. I love their wedding photo. Yours is very much of its time so i wouldn't be hard on yourself for that.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I was admiring that hoop skirt! What a treasure trove to find... YAM xx

Ann said...

What treasures these are. Would love to know the story behind the doll being buried.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sure that you were very pleased to acquire this treasure trove of family history. It’s good that it survived.

Mevely317 said...

This makes me so happy!
You made such a beautiful bride.
Unfortunately -- or not? -- I've nothing to document my first marriage. (On the fly, as it were.)
I keep looking back at your grandparents, thinking this image/they look more like something from today's younger generation.

So sad about the doll; perhaps AI can write a story explaining how she came to be buried? Like the way Paul Harvey used to close his old radio show, "... now you know the REST of the story."

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful treasure chest your brother found! I adore old family pictures!

CheerfulMonk said...

What precious photos and memories! I'm so glad you have them.

DeniseinVA said...

What a great find! Love seeing your family photos. You were a beautiful bride. Great to see your parents and grandparents too. Love your grandpa’s straw hat. Love the fashions. The one of your mom at five is a darling photo. I am happy your brother found the photos, these are the kind of family heirlooms that are one of the real treasures.

DeniseinVA said...

p.s. just reread about that buried doll. Would love to know that story.

eileeninmd said...

I almost missed this post. I love the wedding photos, I am so glad your brother sent you the photos. Cute photo of your Mom and her doll.
Wonderful memories and family treasures. Take care, have a great day!

Inger said...

This post touched my heart and I'm so glad you got the photos.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is wonderful that you received those photos. I have boxes too that I haven't gone through but Amber loves going through them. Enjoyed seeing the photos you shared.

My Mind's Eye said...

WOW Sandra I love the trifold. Just a beautiful memory
Gonnie is fine name for a grandmother.
The first grand child in our family could not say "GR"
so instead of Grannie it Was Annie Ma.
Hugs cecilia

Ida said...

Wow that is just wonderful that you were able to get those photos back. Such an awesome one with the 3 sets of couples all taken 20 years apart. You were a very pretty bride.

photowannabe said...

Oh, I love seeing these old photos. Wonderful. So glad your brother found them and sent them to you. Would love to see ones from your childhood.
I do wonder why your Mother's doll was buried too. There must be an amazing story there. That photo is fantastic.

Betty Manousos said...

so precious memories and photos! like Inge, your post did really touch my heart! ❤️

Rose said...

How wonderful to have them! I hope you show us a bunch of them.