Friday, September 29, 2023

golden rain tree


This is our Golden Rain Tree, and it is in the middle of our view from our living room windows.
We watch it all day, and evenings too. the view above shows the Oak tree on the other side of the driveway.

You can see that part of the tree is dead, killed by Ian the hurricane a year ago. We hesitate to remove the dead limbs because it is our Squirrel Highway from the back yard avocado tree, across the roof, down the palm and up the rain tree and out to the tip of the dead limb and into their home base, our very old Oak Tree....While watching TV, Bob will say LOOK, there goes the squirrel and we laugh together when he flies from the thin limb to the thin limb and it sags and bounces him while he hanges on. We get hours of joy watching them run that skyway.

A tiny bit of fall color, except it does this in summer also... I love winter in Florida


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is so cool how tuned into nature you are, and helping the critters!!!

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Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Tree teevee - the original and the best! YAM xx

Ann said...

I wouldn't take the dead limb down either. Watching the squirrels is too much fun.

Anni said...

I like the view to watch the squirrels

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am very happy to learn that the rascally squirrels are providing great entertainment for you. It’s free too!

eileeninmd said...

I think it is great that the squirrels give you so much joy.
The squirrels can be fun to watch. Take care, have a great day!

My Mind's Eye said...

We are currently being entertained by a 'new squirrel on the block'. He seems to think he can get out on the tip of a very small branch to launch himself at the bird feeders. He cannot he does a belly flop right on the ground
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

The Squirrel Highway (Skyway)...I love that.
We have some squirrels that use our fence, roof and the big pistacheo tree in the front yard as their highway too. I watched a young one the other day go to the very edge of our roof gutter and brace his self to "fly" but the branch was just too far for him..I could see the wheels turning in his head but he finally went up and over the roof and on to bigger and better things.

Mevely317 said...

A Squirrel Highway-- I love that term!
We, too, get hours of entertainment watching them carry on.

The naysayers can go fly a kite; I love 'our' squirrels.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful tree...full of 24/7 entertainment!

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, I understand perfectly, because I have an almost dead tree in the garden that really needs to come down, but I'm loath to get it done because it is also a squirrel's highway to it's drey.

Brian's Home Blog said...

The squirrel highway sounds like lots of fun entertainment!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a neat view you have! 😊

DeniseinVA said...

The squirrels thank your good heart as do I :) It’s amazing watching those squirrels. I saw one jump from branch to branch, I held my breath it was so far. Your rain tree is still very pretty. You live in a lovely neighborhood.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is sweet about keeping it for the squirrels. As long as the tree is safe from falling that is. Glad you enjoy your view and watching them.

Ida said...

Watching squirrels is a lot of fun. Your fall is very different from ours.

Betty Manousos said...

I love squirrels, they would give me much joy, too. I have been enjoying watching them in the park. xoxo

Rose said...

Squirrels are fun to watch...specially when they are playing.