Saturday, September 2, 2023

Dear Diary


Dear Diary, on Tuesday 8/22/2023, two weeks before my 79th Birthday, I the MadSnapper, did the following Manual Labor.
Walked Beau and at 7:15 handed him his peanut butter bone, leaving him happy on the living room carpet, I went outside to Cut the grass path and the grass in the back yard using the MANUAL gas-powered lawn mower. Bob did the front yard.
I confess, he cranked the mower for me...but last time I did crank the lawn mower all by myself.
I then Swept the messy grass/dirt cuttings off the deck and off the driveway using the above MANUAL but NOT a push broom and then pushed the MANUAL carpet sweeper over the 600 sq feet of carpet to pick up the grass cuttings I tracked in the house.
Tomorrow Beau and I walk the path I made for us; we have walked it since Oct 13th, 2020.

I asked AI for an illustration of an old woman pushing a lawnmower. I removed the word old and look what I got. AI needs to get with the new world of old women in capris, leggings and t-shirts.
I wonder how old AI is????

PS this was the other Woman, at least we KNOW AI IS MALE
It looks like she may have cut her left foot off with the mower and is really strong because she is pushing the mower with NO HANDS. 



CheerfulMonk said...

AI needs to be educated. What it needs is for you to give it various pictures of you and for it to create pictures of you doing the activities you mention. It needs a lot of work, but it's still fun.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your comments on the last pic are hilarious and correct! The first old lady looks like The Wicked Witch Of The West is mowing.

diane b said...

Wow you are energetic. Well done doing all that work. I have more work on my plate too now that Bill is home and needs help doing stuff.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
You deserve a sit-down after all that workout! And a play with AI... though none of those images are inspiring, are they? YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute, this gave me a chuckle. I loved the effect on the first photo and you are getting great at AI, and your humor always shines through. Thanks Sandra!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am just glad that you didn’t ask AI to produce naked old ladies push the lawnmower!

Ann said...

I have to agree. I think AI is mail by the looks of these pictures. I would say young male too because that's not what old ladies look like. Or at least not all of them.

eileeninmd said...

Fun photos from AI. The first and last time I tried mowing the grass I got blisters all over my hands. Have a great day and happy weekend.

Rose said...

Funny you got thst AI is male...I think you might be right.

Mevely317 said...

You go, girl! Next time I start to whine about yard work I'm going to remember what all it is you're doing. If I ever get rich, the first thing I'd do is hire a yard man.

PS - When I saw your first image, it looked like shag carpeting. Remember having to rake it? I'm so glad it's not a thing anymore.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL BOL you are Woman and I hear your roar over the mower.
Hugs Cecilia (giggling)

Jo said...

Wow Sandra, what a gal! And you make it all so interesting with technology! Thandiwe uses a grass broom like the one in your illustration to sweep cat and dog hairs off my carpets. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Have a great weekend. Jo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those AI photos are interesting. Good for you doing all that work. I've been pushing myself to do more each day. It feel good to get things done. I am finally getting bored with TV.

photowannabe said...

Another prize winning post Friend. You Go Girl!!!
Hard work completed.
Love the AI renderings...they haven't quite got the hands and feet fixed yet but I'm sure that will be done before too long.
We worked all afternoon in the backyard, trimming and weeding our never ending jungle. Its actually looking pretty good. got 2 patches to go and I think it will be manageable for upkeep. The weather was quite pleasant and overnight we had rain! Didn't know it until I got up this morning and saw dampness all around. It cleaned the air and our AC got a rest. Win/win.
Another win/win was an item we had up for sale on eBay. Asking $59.00 with a "best offer". Last night a guy wanted it for $75.00!
SOLD!!! Its paid for and I'm on my way to the post office to ship it to Texas.
Makes me do The Happy Dance...

Tigger's Mum said...

Mr B doesn't know the difference between push broom and and the swish kind, and I so get your gripe about the pictures. I might be a grandmother but i don't dress like my grandmother (and women dressed like the last one don't push lawnmowers). Fight sexism and ageism everywhere you find it.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It must be mowing day, our Dad cut the grass today too!

Anonymous said...

Manual labor???? How could you!!! No, I really mean it, getting out of bed exhausts me to the point where I need a nap. Send me some of whatever you’re taking.
Sue from the Portie Blog