I am Thankful I put the garage door down before I stepped out of the car.
I am thankful I had to reach back in to get the RX out of the car.
I am thankful because it caused me to face the garage door!
I waited. They did not go off.
I got back in the car and tapped the brake pedal. Nothing happened. they Stayed ON!
I turned the car off and on.
I stepped in the house and said Bob, the brake lights are stuck in ON and will not go out.
While I dug for the book in the glove compartment, he was huffing and puffing and saying HBO words.
He is a retired auto mechanic, but he can't get on his knees, can't crawl under the car, or down on the floorboards.
While he muttered, I called Tire plus/Auto Repair because it was close to home, and I had seen it when we used to eat at Salems. Dale answered the phone, I advised the problem, he said bring it on down, I will look at it. Just Ask for Dale!
With keys in hand, I left The Man Muttering, in his chair with the book in hand and backed out of the garage. Gone before he could even ask where I was going, but I did hear words of charge you and arm and a leg.
2 miles, 5 minutes I pulled in, parked in front of this building. I walked in the glass door, up to the counter and said I talked to Dale, he said to ask for him. The man picked up the phone and the paging system said Dale, front desk please.
He came in, said are you the lady with brake lights on? I answered yes and he said I see it, give me your keys. Have a seat and I will look at it. I did not have time to pull out my phone to poke, I was digging it out and he appeared in front of me, held out the keys and said, you are ready to go, it needed a clip switch under the brake pedal.
My eyebrows lifted to my hair line, and I stuttered, its fixed? As I reached for the keys, I said how much do I owe you.
NOTHING, IT WAS JUST A CLIP! I was spewing thank Yous like a machine gun, as he went back to the garage, he said, I'm glad I could help you.
I am adding their number to my contacts.
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Thank You Tires Plus! I am thankful good people still exist. |
wow wow wow wow!!! thank you dale that was super great... to help for a smile is a rare thing this time....
Oh, happy for you that the problem was that easily solved - and how kind of him to charge nothing at all for it!!!
Wow, Dale is a keeper. How awesome that he was so quick and didn't even charge you. Did you make sure to tell Bob he was wrong?...lol
Hari OM
OH yes, we love a good news story!!! YAM xx
I am thankful for good people like Dale.
I would keep that phone number too.
Take care, have a wonderful day!
It is always so good to hear stories like this. I am so thankful you got Dale.. now you have some place you feel like they are honest.
And good for you for giving them a plug on your blog. We’ll done, Dale.
Wow -- both on you spotting the light AND Dale's caring attitude. These days when it seems everyone's out for themselves, it's gratifying to know there's still good people out there.
Thank you for telling us about him!
Wow, I am totally STUNNED! Are you sure this wasn't a dream? I would have had a hard time not kissing him.
Wow, I am totally STUNNED! Are you sure this wasn't a dream? I would have had a hard time not kissing him.
I have never heard of a clip switch. I'll have to goggle it. What did Bob say when you got home?
hugs Cecilia
Wow, I am totally STUNNED! Are you sure this wasn't a dream? I would have had a hard time not kissing him.
Dale sounds so great and isn't it a shame that we sometimes get surprised at that. I get a lot of kindness here, particularly as I walk with a cane. I must write a blog post about that, if I ever get back to blogging. Just kidding, of course, I will get back to blogging.
That is really awesome! It's always a joy when we realize there are still good & decent people around willing to help without expecting anything in return.
That was awesome service. So glad it was a simple fix.
What a perfect post for Thankful Thursday.
Yes there are good people still in Our world.
So good for your quick thinking and going to the close place. Divine Appointment!!!
Free is always good and they know they will have your return business.
Similar event here...took my car in for new brakes because they have been squeeking and squawking. The man said nothing was wrong with them and everything looked perfect. It is a wonderful feeling to find honest business people, isn't it?!
That really was super nice of them to fix you up and at no charge. Hooray for good peoples!
I'm so happy for you!! ❤️
Phew!!! Glad that got sorted out. What a nice guy!
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