Friday, September 15, 2023

Recruit Robot Tim

I binge watched the limited series, The Recruit, on Netflix. In one episode, an AI robot was created to interrogate prisoners. When the Recruit, a CIA lawyer, was sent to help them figure out what to do because the robot ripped the man's arm off to make him talk. He was told someone forgot to program it to know that it was interrogating humans not other robots.  this is not sci-fi, but CIA series.

Because I like to play with AI, I asked it for a robot in a closet.   I asked for a sketch of a robot in a closet that was programmed for interrogation. 

AI locked me out and gave a big red X because of the word interrogation and gave the reasons, all valid.
 I asked for a realistic robot in a closet and got the two below. 

The Point of this Post? AI is censored for words that might be harmful or offensive.  I was locked out when I typed. 
woman in bathing suit, lying in a child's pool in cack yard. You know, the small blow-up kind. I used to get my tan when my kids were little, by lying on my back, in the water, with head on the side and legs out of the pool, while they were at school.
RED ALERT... locked out

You might remember I posted an AI picture of an old woman pushing a mower and made the comment, AI has no idea what 2023 old women look like. I decided to try old man pushing mower

I have notices AI has no idea what a lawnmower looks like, and I am now pondering just what the one below might mean. Any Ideas? Like what was he/she thinking?  


Mevely317 said...

I started to say, "I'm speechless!" ... but you know that's a lie.
Seriously, AI is censoring its users?!?! I understand the 'interrogation', but why on earth was your sunbathing suggestion a no-no?
The only thing I can think about the last image is a little car that had become disabled and AAA summoned a giant to come push.

PS - You didn't show up in my reader, so I had to come looking. Not sure what that's all about .....

My Mind's Eye said...

AI is kinda scary. I don't know much except there is lots of protest of about it with movie and tv actors fearing down the road their images could be used.
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

AI gets scary..Censorship is coming to our everyday life...Crazy interpetation of the lawnmower and "old Man" haha
Off to Lynnes for my Friday least the weather temps are bearable today.

DeniseinVA said...

And we have only just begun with AI. Where’s it heading? Now that’s scary!

Ann said...

How did I miss this post? I was trying to remember the name of an artist you used in an AI prompt so I searched for AI posts. This is the first one and I realized I never commented on it.
I tried to do a picture using Wednesday Adams and it was censored for the same reason