Saturday, September 16, 2023

Adventures of a new Samsung A14 phone


Please take a moment and guess how many photos of me are in this screen shot of Google Photos,

Scroll down
Scroll down

Did you guess 90? All I wanted was a photo of the new blouse I bought last week. I will show you the photo while you are guessing.  the odd thing is, 4 days after I bought the blouse, I saw on TV the new Trending Fall Colors and I ended up being TRENDY. ( is that a word?)  below is the new TRENDING colors and that top row, is for fashion or painting your home. 

The new blouse has 3 of the five top colors. The Talking head on Tv that told me this info I am sharing, was wearing orange and brown, the other talking head had on the green. the one in orange reminded me of my living room back in the mid 70's. NOTE: aqua is no longer trending, but if you bought any when i last mentioned it was trending, you can still keep it. I saved the photo of the new blouse in order to force you to read this far. Also want to let you know 8 weeks have passed and my hair is almost back to where it was. No one will notice because they will be thinking how Trendy I am! NOTE! I will be wearing leggings to the ankle; this was a try-on to take a photo and I had on my dog walking pants.
PS: if hubby could take a photo with the cell, I would not have to take this in a mirror and fiddle with it.
Please do NOT paint your house this color.
TO BE CONTINUED...why there are 90 photos of me in my phone and google photos.


DeniseinVA said...

You look great, all 90 pictures of you 😊

Ann said...

I never follow any of the trends. I don't think I even follow them
Your new blouse looks great.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Orange is my favourtist colour of all so this is a winner with me! YAM xx

crafty cat corner said...

Very pretty

crafty cat corner said...

Very pretty

eileeninmd said...

You look pretty in your blouse. Great photos.
I do not follow trends, I just stick to what I like.
Take care, have a great weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I guessed fifty-five pictures. Perhaps I am unable to multiply properly because I have become befuddled by your beautiful image, looking so chic and trendy in your new clothes. You are going to be a magnet for all the guys in town, young and old. No doubt they will all say, “She’s so trendy.” Maybe that’s the title for a song!

My Mind's Eye said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love the way your cre8tive mind works MS and I love the tops
Hugs cecilia

Monica T. said...

I like your blouse. I've never worn much orange - or at least not since the 70s... I like magenta though so I guess that will be my Trendy choice ;) I also have a dark green cardigan somewhere in my wardrobe, I think...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You look very cute....times 90! hahahaha! Enjoy your weekend!

Mevely317 said...

I'd forgotten there was even a Trending Colors expose'! (See how forgetful I'm becoming?)
Finally, this is one I can totally embrace.
My favorite team (Auburn) hoodie is orange, and my favorite are the red and green. You're rockin' it with this cute top! Let us know when you start getting compliments on your early morning walks!

photowannabe said... gave me my laugh for the morning..I do love your 90 shots of your TRENDY blouse!!
These are some of my favorite colors ...but come to think of it, I don't believe I have anything in those at the present time..You my dear are looking fabulous..I have been lazy and flabby..time to get back in the groove. Its not really funny how much mental attitude relates to my weight and fitness..Sigh
Yesterday went pretty well with Lynne. Her repetition of "can we go outside?" a million times after we had just come in from 2 hours just about drove me nuts. The memory sure isn't there..its so sad.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Of Course I enlarged it! It is gorgeous, and I love it!! Really fall-like as well. WHERE did you get it, W.M.? I want it, but I don't wear sleeveless because my arms are so big and it makes me look bad. I have not seen anything like this at W.M.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've had a bad week, and you have given me so many laughs here. You are such great medicine for us ALL!! I know your life is not all roses, but you make everyone else so happy.

Linda said...

You are crazy fun!!! LD takes pics for me but they are not usually very good ones!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I was anxious to see your comment to Crafty Cat's Corner. Sure enough, it was very similar to mine. I don't know hOW she did it. But maybe she was not an extreme worrier like we are.

Tigger's Mum said...

I'd love a house that colour. Now about those photos - have you discovered how to turn live photos off yet. It weirded me out to start with that my photos were like portraits in Harry Potter - kind of moved and talked. I just wanted A PHOTO. who thinks these things up?

Brian's Home Blog said...

How cool, we know a trendy fashionista!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your new blouse, but when I buy new clothes I try to buy the same things I had in the past. My adventuresome spirit doesn't apply to clothes or food. I'm a complete bust that way.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I was thinking maybe 110. Those Pantone colors look nice. Glad your hair is almost back to normal. Love your new top.

Rose said...

I like the new top! And you do look great in it.