Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Memory Cells are Dead

I never complete a task when started, in the middle of a task, I just wander off leaving the coffee in the basket, with no water in the tank, or leaving the lid up. Or water in tank and no coffee in filter.

Thursday morning, while making the bed, I stopped to potty and while washing my hands, I saw 3 wild stiff gray hairs on my chin, picked up the scissors, snipped the hairs, and remembered I wanted to write down the name of the scissors o search for another pair. stepping out, I grabbed the tablet on the dresser, wrote it down, wandered down the hall to get coffee and found my cup was MIA, not by the pot. While looking for the cup, I saw the box the new toaster came in the night before, because it was still on the table, including the knife I opened it with, laid the tablet down, went back to look for coffee cup, saw the half made up bed, finished the bed and found the half empty cup of coffee on the dresser.

I did remember to order a new toaster because I was tired of smelling bob's burning toast because he forgot to watch it and pop it up. The manual pop up stopped working and nothing else was wrong with it but that, age related memory cells can't remember to stand and watch it while it toasts. While ordering the toaster, I stopped in the middle of the order and opened my blog to find out when I bought the last toaster.  Toasters purchased 2009, 2014, 2017. My brain began thinking about a post, I left the toaster in Amazon cart and opened Mad Snapper Blog...walked to the kitchen and took a photo and popped it in this post, closed it and left it with just the photo, titled it Memory Cells Dead, closed it and went back to Amazon to push order now on the toaster.
I totally forgot the post was waiting to be finished until I stumbled on it in draft and decided to use it for something else other than reporting when I bought the toaster.
THE NEED AROSE when I noticed the date of the 5th of September and remembered.



I did not mispell Birthday on the card. I asked AI for a Birthday card bright colors pop art.

the results. none of which are spelled correctly but for some reason Happy is fine


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your life is a continuing adventure of surprising things during the day. Happy, Happy birthday Sis. I hope you have a great day!!

DeniseinVA said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Lady!!! I smiled all through your post because I can relate, except for the birthday. Please know I am singing you the birthday song and then will leave…..and many moooooore! May your day be filled with fun.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
LOL... oh I recognise that meandering from one task to another with several left hanging. But they all get done in the end, right?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BLOGPAL!!! Sending some etherhugs your way. YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

happy happy birthday to you!!!! it could be me too... I have two eggs in my hand and a paper box, but no clue what I want to do with the box... see something on carped eggs on the table box on the table .. picking up carpet thing... where are the eggs? and oh there are beans I wanted to place in a box but ...uh oh...

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to you. I hope you have a wonderful day.
The toaster I have does whatever it feels like doing. The setting never changes but how it toasts the bread seems to be different every time.

eileeninmd said...

My memory is not the best either and it is only getting worse.
Happy Birthday to you! Have a wonderful day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Happy birthday! You area funny woman who can make the most mundane incidents into a rollicking account. As for toasters, mine is well-behaved and pops up when it’s supposed to - so far!

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Birthday to you Sandra. Thank you for your aging humor this morning we are all in that boat.
Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

Happy Birthday, Sandra! And take some comfort in the fact that your brain is still at least in much better condition than Artificial Intelligence (which can't even spell "birthday"!!!) ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday,Sandra. I understand about the memory loss. Since sepsis mine has big gaps, too. You asked my age and I am 76. I’m told that my memory may improve but I’m not counting on it. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Sue from the Porti blog

Rose said...

I wondered if you would mention your birthday...I did not remember it but I had it in my calendar so got the notice...Happy, Happy Birthday!

Betty Manousos said...

Happy Birthday Sandra! I hope you have a wonderful day! You’re such a gifted lady, never ever forget that! Xoxo

Betty Manousos said...

You know, we are all on that boat.

Mevely317 said...

Happy Birthday blessings! I hope you're able to enjoy eating something really decadent (and won't pay for it later).

Right there with you ... I'm losing my marbles. Remember the missing portable dog food/water bowl? I discovered it last week at the bottom of my big purse I'd stored on my closet shelf. Don't ask me why!

photowannabe said...

Well, Happy Birthday to you my friend. 79 is a good number. I've got you beat by turning 80 Nov.4th.
I'm right there with you on the memory thing. I often interrupt my self and end up having a lot of things half done. Crazy times!!
I do hope you will celebrate your special day somehow. You deserve it.
AI really was a failure with the birthday thingy..Love the colors though.
Hang in there...

Linda P said...

My memory is terrible Sandra. I have to keep to a familiar routine, being so forgetful. Happy birthday! Hope you have a good one!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

First of all....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Second of all...I think you have an excellent memory because you actually remembered everything you forgot! LOL

Hope you're having an excellent day!

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, we don't have to leave home to have an adventure. Happy Birthday! ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday to you... I love days like that where nothing is planned and the stream of thoughts just lead you around. It's amazing what you find to do that would never have been on a 'to do' list and it can end up being very satisfying.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's a real trip down memory lane LOL! Yep, been there, done that, daily!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! That was a very funny post. Somedays I get so busy with so many things to do that I bounce all around like that too. I have to remind myself to finish one task at a time:). But you made all of it sound like a fun day:)

Carol Henstra said...

I love all your funny pictures, quotes.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I hope you had a Happy Birthday.
Oh my oh my,oh my!!! You certainly did get yourself way off track.
I'm surprise they couldn't spell Birthday.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Belated. Happy Birthday to you. I turned 77 in the hospital. And I find my memory has issues. I cannot recall and entire month in hospital from Nov 15 to Dec 15 when I woke up in ICU.