Monday, September 25, 2023

More Cell Phone Adventures.


Hi, this is the AR Studio avatar of me. The app came in the phone. 

Oh dear! Just not ME!

I simply downloaded Bitmoji, it is on my old Samsung and iPhone 7.
It's What I do! I love emojis and avatars etc and I got a giggle when the app says TEEN on it and while downloading it ask me my age... heh heh heh
wonder what they thought when they read 79? Probably LATE TEENS

Which one do  you like? I am voting on Bitmoji .  

Do all these pics/avatars of me mean I am vane?
Does it really matter if I am?
Are the people who comment on my posts, sick of seeing me? Do they think I am ODD? Would they talk to me if we met at a party? Or ask me to sit at their table?

Does this mean I am immature? Can an old woman be immature? Too Mature? 

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word “immature” was first recorded in the 1540s and is derived from the Latin word “immaturus,” which means “untimely, unripe” 1. The word is formed by assimilating the prefix “in-” meaning “not, opposite of” with the Latin word “maturus,” meaning “ripe, timely, early” 1. In the 16th century, it was used to refer to early death, while the modern sense of “not fully developed” was first recorded in the 1640s 1.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This definition is kind of creepy. None of them look exactly like you, only the hair. But the last ones are the best, my fav being the one of you winking.

CheerfulMonk said...

I like your Bitmoji a lot more than the other one. Actually, I love it. 😊👍

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Definitely the Bitmoji version - apart from anything, it at least got your hair parting on the correct side! And there is nothing immature about natural curiosity and playfulness! YAM xx

Monica T. said...
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eileeninmd said...

You so young! I like the Bitmoji image the best.
I think you just like playing with the photos and images, you are having fun.
Take care, have a happy day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Personally, I just prefer the real you.

Ann said...

I had a discussion the other day at work about how I refuse to grow up and my lack of maturity. I think we would get along splendidly and I would most definitely invite you to sit at my table.
I tried the AR avatar on my phone and I really didn't care for it at all. Since you're creating it from a picture of yourself I expected it to look like me but I didn't think it did at all. I prefer your bitmoji avatar

Rose said...

I think there woukd not be a table bug enough for us all to sit at....can you just imagine all the talking and laughing going on?

Mevely317 said...

Bitmoji for the win! I tried a few times to create an avatar Myra, but they couldn't create anything that really resembled me. Hey, I broke the mold! (*giggle*)

Hard NO(!), I'm not sick of looking at your face. I think we're all a little envious!

My Mind's Eye said...

I like Bitmoji but your talents with any app make beautiful images!!
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Definitely Bitmoji...and I think a bit of immaturity is good for a gal!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You sure do find ways to have fun. I like the original you we have been seeing. I'm assuming that is the Bitmoji. You're Sandra, the woman we all love.

photowannabe said...

Definitely the Bitmoji...
I would love to sit and chat with you and I don't think you are odd at all. I love the quirky way you think sometimes. Not immature at all.. so there !!!

DeniseinVA said...

I like the Bitmoji and the reason we keep coming back is you are always a fun lady with a lot to say and I mean that in a good way :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

They're all fun ones and you just keep being you, you're purrfect!