Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Some Things NEW


Natural treatment of UTI, is pure 100% cranberry juice and up the water intake. Also my friend is allergic to antibiotics and found that Cranberry Capsules and Oregano Capsules with lots of water did the trick for her.
We both have successfully treated our UTI without antibiotics.

I can attest to the wonderful Miracle of this cream that I purchased. I saw my dermatologist PA last week, for 6 months check up and she notice my swollen ankles and the horrid veins. She said I should wear compression socks, not over the counter but RX. Cost more, work better. I said I just cannot wear them, I have tried.
She said clear this with you primary physician. Arnica Bruise cream with horse chestnut in it will do the same thing as compression socks. She said it will make your bruises on our arms go away faster.
This works. all bruises that take 10 days to go away, are gone in less than a week. My ankle swelling is gone, and the veins look better. This is not a cure, but ongoing treatment like wearing compression.
If you decide to try it, ask your doctor first. 
NOTE: for the past five years, i have seen derm docs and primary docs, 6 times a year between them. NOT ONE OF THEM, and they are all different said anything except two that said do not try to get those veins treated until the pain is where you can't walk because once they start, it is several times a year with visits to primarys even more. NOT one mentioned this cream. Until Now. Thank you PA Julie.

Bob's two biopsy are positive and he will have two surgeries, on MOHS on his face and one melanoma surgery on his back. He must see the eye doctor because she said Melanoma sneaks into the eye very quickly and warned it can even grow on his gums. He is now on once every 3 months to see her.


easyweimaraner said...

we love arnica... it is a mighty plant and it can help a lot... all the good luck for the surgeries... and 87 positive thoughts...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Arnica is a homoeopathic medicine that has finally been adopted by orthodoxy because the evidence of efficacy is very visible - as you have just attested! The addition of horse chestnut is interesting - seems to have similar properties to witch hazel. So glad you have this! I add my best wishes for positive procedures for Bob. YAM xx

Ann said...

Doctors rarely recommend things that you can get over the counter. They get you take the expensive RX drugs.
Glad you found things that work well for you.
Sorry to hear about Bob. Praying for successful surgeries for him and quick recoveries.

eileeninmd said...

Best wishes for Bob and his surgeries!
I am glad you found some products that work for you.
Take care, have a great day!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra, :=)
My very best wishes to Bob and for his up coming surgeries.Fingers crossed for a quick recovery. My surgery in only in December.
What fabulous news that you have found out about this miracle cream that works so well for you. I'm going to enquire about it, as I have the same problems as you in my legs-

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If it works, use it! And I think you have proven that it does.

Tigger's Mum said...

A friend clued us onto arnica oul fod bruises about 25 years ago Fabulous stuff. Arnica oil is also excellent massage oil for overworked muscles. Glad it works for you too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are some intereting produces, I use a cranberry capsule too. Tons of positive thoughts to Bob.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh gosh I'm sorry about Bob's positive biopsies. Melanoma is very sneaky. Great news on the magical cream.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I LOVE cranberry juice -- but quit drinking it (the diet variety) a few years ago when Ocean Spray got cute and tried blending it with other fruits. Out of the blue, you should have seen me doing a happy dance in Publix's juice aisle when I spotted the real thing, brought back to life.

That's really interesting about the bruise cream. Kind of pricey, but if Tom will agree to use it I'm adding it to my cart. Sometimes I wonder if NP's and PA's aren't more receptive to alternate products than MD's.

Thinking of Bob's upcoming procedures ... please keep us posted!

Rose said...

I think drs settle in to certain meds they have used and stop looking at new stuff. At least some...have good luck with NPs though.

Inger said...

I was advised by my NP to get compression hose for my diabetic leg issues, but I never did. I will ask her about this cream. I wonder if she knows about it. Again, I'm so sorry about Bob's melanoma.

DawnTreader said...

Glad you found some treatments that work for you (hope your doctor has no objections). Hope all goes well with Bob's surgeries and eye checkups!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Natural remedies are w wonderful way to go!

Sending prayers for Bob!

photowannabe said...

So sorry that Bob has to have surgeries on the MOHS. Praying that they get it all.
I'm fascinated by that cream. I will have to look into it. It would sure help my veins and horrible bruises I get when the corner of something jumps out and hits me...
Do you get it on line or at Walmart? I'm sure it is costly but worth it.
Glad your UTI cleared up with the pure juice and capsules.
Compression socks make my legs feel like they will explode....
Gonna rain today...Maybe.... cold and windy, yesterday it was beautiful and 75F.
Our fantastic neighbor Mike, came over yesterday and in the matter of about an half an hour fixed our broken sprinkler head. Now when the sprinkler goes on automatically every other night we don't flood the place and waste the water just going down the street.
Since Dave can't get down on his knees to do it..Mike was a God send.
Yay we are back in business again and the half of the lawn that wasn't getting watered will now be green again.
Mike knows we can't pay for the work so I'm about to make a loaf of yummy banana bread as our thank you.

DeniseinVA said...

So good that Bob is getting everything taken care of. You too! You help us out here a lot with these posts. It's something to file away when we need it. My dad always got a UTI and if this is one of those days of yore tales or not, he used to drink lots and lots of barley water. Used to swear by it. I hear more about cranberry juice over here. I had a friend who used to drink it for this condition and used to swear by that too. The cream sounds very interesting.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry to hear about Bob's biopsies. I pray that it all goes well and that Bob will be okay.
Thanks for the info on the UTI.
I am going to order that cream from Amazon!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you found something that works, but I'm so sorry about Bob. That sucks.

carol l mckenna said...

Lots of healing energy hugs to Bob ~ and you used great healthy products ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the tips. And all the best to Bob for his surgeries.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I knew about the cranberry juice and I made my own oregano capsules. But I didn't know about arnica cream. I have horrible busted veins behind my right knee from years of aerobics. I am going to check into this because I don't want to have needle surgery. Thanks!