Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Plain Jane Child 1957


I was 13 in these photos, it was 1957 and we lived in Sloans Valley Kentucky My Brother, David was 9. The Christmas tree was the first and only tree we cut down. Our backyard of the Church Parsonage we lived in, was full of Christmas trees. We insisted on the biggest one we could carry in the house.
The kitchen Is me, doing who knows what. The water that came out of the faucets was rainwater caught in a cistern. that was under the back porch. I was abused and made to walk two houses over to haul drinking water from a neighbor well... The basement under the kitchen had a huge tin tub that we heated water and filled for our EVERY SATURDAY night baths. During the snow season we dragged the tub into that kitchen and bathed by the stove.
Another of my chores was to take the slop jars/chamber pots, to our outhouse that was down the hill out the side door to the basement. Our house was built into the side of a hill, the front was level with the dirt road, the back was 3rd story basement.  the house was two stories, one pot for downstairs, one for upstairs which is where my brother and I slept.  My grandmother mailed me a beautiful shiny blue silk bathroom in 1957, and while taking the slop jars out to empty them on the first snow of that year, my feet went out from under me, and you can imagine the rest of the story.
The robe was ruined and thrown away. 

The Tables, sofa, lamps were a gift to us from the church because we had lived in campus housing while in Pineville that came furnished. Daddy went to Clear Creek Baptist Preachers School and got his Highschool diploma and then his college diploma.
Why my brother is sawing wood in the living room, I have no idea. We moved back to Savannah GA in Dec 30, 1959  and I graduated from high school in 1962

And in 1963 I was married in this hoop skirt and in 

in 1965 and 1967 David, age 3,above and Daniel age 12 months, below came into my life. 


My Dad and his first Grandchild, David. this was in the last part of 1966, just before Dan was born in 1967 Feb 22
all photos are part of the photos found in my brothers closet. I thought they were lost


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful! And I had to enlarge you on your wedding day. You dressed your little boys just like I dressed ours, wild and plaid.

DeniseinVA said...

Your brother certainly found some treasures! Amazing story and different times.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh I love how this trove discovery has unleashed these memoir posts for you, Sandra. You could make a whole batch of them and then create a Blog2Book edition for the boys. YAM xx

Ann said...

What wonderful treasures these are. Rather sad about the robe. I can imagine that you were probably heartbroken at the time.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Quite a story, Sandra. It’s hard to believe that conditions have changed so much during one lifetime. These photographs have really triggered a surge of memories.

eileeninmd said...

I am so glad you found all these photos. Wonderful photos of you and your brother and your wedding dress photo and your two sons. Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

I am so glad the photos were found!

Mevely317 said...

You certainly were NOT a 'plain Jane' child. Yep, I remember that derogatory term; no-one seemed particularly bothered by it.

Like your brother, your sons were so cute! Yep, I remember dressing Troy in smart little suits like that. Oh, those where your mother and brother have their jeans cuffs turned up. I remember those; soft flannel and sometimes with print, if I remember right.

That's awful about the new blue robe. My few childhood responsibilities pale in comparison to what you were made to do. Probably why, today, I'm not particularly so strong-willed.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra you are indeed the family historian and keeper of wonderful memories. Your daddy had a nice head of wavy hair
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

More wonderful memories!!

photowannabe said...

You really did have a hard life growing up but it has made you the woman you are today..strong and determined. What a treasure trove of photos you got. So glad you have them now. Cute pictures of your kiddos too.

Linda said...

I absolutely LOVE these old photos!!! Do you have any more??? I could look at them all day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, looking back at those old photos are so much fun!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What great photos! When I look through my mom's old photos I have such sweet recollections and then sometimes I will see one and think who the heck is this? :)

CheerfulMonk said...

That's so sad about your bathrobe, but I do love those pictures and I'm glad they weren't lost. ❤️

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks for sharing your vintage family photos, Sandra. Your childhood certainly sounded a bit more difficult than many, including my own. Sorry to read about the new robe which I am sure was very upsetting for you. Your wedding photo was lovely to see and you were a beautiful bride.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra, You have so many memories in these old photos. Unlike you I have very few, which is a great shame.There were hardships when you were growing up but like one of your followers above, I'm sure you are a stronger person because of it. These happening are all lessons we have to learn, as life in the 50's was much harder than today and we were not coddled as much. Parents had the attitude of "just get on with it"

Your wedding photo is beautiful, your dress is gorgeous. I'm sorry about your new robe being spoiled. I can imagine how upsetting it must have been for you. Thanks for sharing.