Friday, November 24, 2023

Dollar General- Her Holiday Looking Back FFF


Dollar General has decorated end caps now, Just Like Walmart. Above is Fall/Thanksgiving related. In my childhood, there was no decorating for Fall. 
My mother had what I considered odd ideas for decorating, but decorate she did, not by seasons.
Are you old enough to remember Vinyl tablecloths with flannel backing? My mother owned white, red, green, easter pink, easter blue, and candles in the same matching colors. She paid $1 dollar for each of them, and the candles were 5 tapers for $1 dollar. Each holiday the color for that holiday was placed on my grandmothers huge table, the white lace draped, 4 candle holders with matching colors in the center, assorted greenery if appropriate. Back then there were no affordable decorations and if there were, I never saw them. That was it, and she left that for the month of the holiday, then went back to no tablecloth, just wood.
Christmas was HER HOLIDAY! Mother had green or red vinyl, AND 6 placemats, of the cheap plastic Christmas kind on the vinyl with MORE matching candles, 8 or 10. She hung plastic mistletoe from light fixtures, both ceiling and lamps, draped silver garland on any and all Drape-able places, put out the Nativity with pieces that were 8 inches tall, covered the entire FAKE mantal. There was a hole for a fire, but it was a wall. (The fake mantle was where daddy hung his shirts/jackets when he removed them, EXCEPT during the weeks from Day after Thanksgiving through New Years Day, when he understood he better not hang anything on her decorations. She loved artificial poinsettias and the living room looked like a bouquet of them exploded leaving them everywhere. Last but not least the cheapest and largest tree that would fit in the room, which meant it was always crooked, and daddy had to remove some limbs and add them to other places on the tree, then Daddy put it in a bucket of coal, with water, tied it to the wall with hooks to straighten the crooked and also to steady it. She put 87 million icicles on it, and every time we hung the last icicle, she sat down and said: 
"This is the prettiest tree we have ever had." 
That sentence was the family joke! There was never a year she did not say that sentence as the last icicle was hung. As I took these two photos of endcaps that were nothing but decorations, I found myself wishing she could see the endcaps, see Dollar General Stores and Dollar Tree Stores. She would have gathered every aqua decoration in that one spot. She also would have fainted at the cash register when we rung up the first item. 
Things have changed since she died, really changed. Not just prices, and how much we have to choose from, but the HUMANS have morphed into a different species.

 My mother would be shocked to her core over the next thing I saw/heard while these endcaps were in my view.

As I stood scanning my purchases, doing my chatty Cathy imitation, the manager, a Chatty Carl, who chatted back, while a homeless man came in with a backpack on his back. He walked down the aisle and Chatty Carl, said Sir! you must leave your backpack up here, no bags or backpacks allowed in the store. Three times he said it, each time elevating the decibels that could be heard all over the store.

Right there, in front of Fall Harvest, wishing us Thanksgiving Blessings, and also, there in front of the Christmas display of peace, love and joy, the argument escalated to screaming and cursing at each other, and threats from both. I grabbed my bags and ran for the car, hoping I could drive away before one or both pulled a gun and started shooting each other.

Right then and there, the word Noel, which means Born of God, stood watching the war that started over a backpack.  Thanks to our governor, we now have FREEDOM to wear a concealed weapon without a license, open carry a gun, which means you can walk around with a gun in plain sight on your hip and be ready for just in case someone says you can't walk in with a backpack.

NOTE: I drove home, put the bags on the counter and found I was missing a bag, with 20 dollars or merchandise in it. I drove back, walked in the door and smiling Chatty Carl held it out and said I saved it for you! Thanks for coming back for it and thanks for shopping with us.

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CheerfulMonk said...

The story about your mother warmed my heart. That's sad about the homeless man, but there's a good reason for the rule.

I'm glad you got your bag back, it would have been sad if you didn't! ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

Sad for homeless people, but sometimes they are homeless for mental health reasons, and I would be scared of a gunfight too. As for the 'endcaps' I'm joining the buy-less movement (big disbelieving eye roll). Seasonal decorating is just a way to get us to buy even move stuff we have to put in storage for most of the year (new mantra). When we get to New Zealand, I am going to build a tiny house, and own nothing that we don't use at least once a week. (She said through gritted teeth - like that is going to happen! Mr B loves loves loves gadgets; can't resist buying stuff. We will have to live thousands of miles from shops, off-grid for internet, and somewhere the delivery vans can't find us....)xxx TM

easyweimaraner said...

that was so sweet to read about this christmasses of the past... we remember them too... the horror christmas, the mama described once in a post and all other ones... we always had a sh*t tree stand and there was no christmas without the tree on the floor... we even placed a bet what hanger survived the collapsing...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Applause, Applause!!! A truly worthy FFF post; Mother's joy at decorating and edge-of-the-seat shopping. Thanks for an absorbing read! YAM xx

Ann said...

I love the story about your mom and her decorating. I do remember flannel backed tablecloths. I think I may even have a couple. When I was growing up I think the icicles hanging from the tree was my favorite. I kind of miss seeing trees covered with it.
How sad about the fight between the DG employee and the homeless man. I'm glad it didn't end badly.

Breathtaking said...

Sandra, How wonderful that your mother did what she could for you to have a festive look around your house and I loved reading how she did it. Yes, times have changed, in good and bad ways. When I was a young girl our tree was small, but our nativity scene was huge, covering meters of the floor.

I'm afraid of guns, and unfortunately some people are trigger happy. Pepper Sprays are
better, or if possible getting away as soon as you can from a dangerous situation like you did. I feel sorry for the homeless, and think all customers should be treated with courtesy.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful memories of Christmas and your Mom.
I do not see why people need to carry guns at all.
I guess people that do not carry guns should be very afraid.

Take care, have a happy day!

DeniseinVA said...

Wow, that was scary! Sorry you had to go through that. You never know how these things can escalate, tempers flare, people carrying weapons. Volatile combination! On the good side news, those were heartwarming memories of your Mom. Thank you for sharing those. She was a very special lady.

Betty Manousos said...

such precious memories of Christmas and your Mom! Americans relationship with guns makes me so sad...

My Mind's Eye said...

Sandra I did so enjoy reading about your Mom!!
Christmas is my favorite holiday too...I could listen to Christmas music all year long.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

What a great look back in time!
Yep, I can sure relate to the vinyl tablecloth (and flannel backing) ... there's one sitting in the dining room right now! I normally 'dress' it up with pretty place settings, but mostly love how when someone has a spill (like yesterday) we can just wipe it off.

What else? I thought my parents were the only ones who'd bring home a Charlie Brown tree -- those were the best. I mean, anyone with $$$ to spend can bring home a department-store lookalike, but ours had charm. Icicles? Oooh, I loathed them; don't get me started, lol.

I'm so glad your Chatty Carl was an honest fellow and you're not out the $20!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I do remember those tablecloths. I might still have one here. That is a very sweet story of your mother's decorations. Sorry about the issue at the Dollar General. That's scary. Glad chatty Carl had your bag for you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I remember those tablecloths and loading the tree up with icicles too. How cool he held onto your goodie bag for you!

Linda said...

I would have LOVED your mother! We would have been kindred spirits! I remember when I was just 14 years old and pregnant with my Summer - I wanted to look at pretty things so I save bottles and filled them up with colored water and put them on the window sills. I wanted things to smell good so I would unwrap bars of bath soap and fill a bowl with them to put on our dresser!

That was scary at the $ Store! I would have rushed out of there too!
Glad you got your bag!

Ida said...

I had to look up what an (End Cap) was - A display table is what I discovered. - Lots of stores do that around here now. - Wow that was something about the homeless man. I guess though stores have to have rules for a reason. - Just would have been an uncomfortable situation. Glad your merchandise was still there.