Sunday, November 12, 2023

I talked down a battery

I am back. I missed all of you a lot! Friday morning, I Facetimed with my brother and his wife. they live 10 hours' drive away. We talked so long, my phone you see above, popped up and said WARNING, your phone is about to shut down, you have 17% battery time. My brother said, now you can tell everyone you talked your cell battery down. I felt good when I hung up. 

I commanded Bing Creator with these words, 
talking on the cell phone so long, the battery runs down, whimsical.

I then had a fit of giggles because this supposed to be Artificial Intelligence is not very intelligent.

The first one that came up was the phone with no battery, I added me to it, these are the other two. Life has been overwhelming.  Everyday life is tied in Knots, most of them are forever knotted and I must figure out how to handle them without imploding, exploding, and find a way to reload. Maybe AI is smarter than I thought, because the Aqua Phone on the phone controlled by the clock, with all kinds of crazy things in containers and spilled on the floor, and below the sad look and battery on the floor is pretty much ME right now.

I spent my time off tossing STUFF out of closets, drawers and cabinets. Two closets and 2 cabinets left. My blogs are intended to be fun for me to create and fun for others to read. Just know that if I make a snarky comment, I did not mean to.... 

Sometimes Snarky Snapper Snarks

I am Back and Ready to CHAT I find it more difficult to LIFE without you, my E-Friends


Ginny Hartzler said...

So, was this just regular cleaning out things? Maybe not worth all the stress...but I know we both like things really neat.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad to see you back!

CheerfulMonk said...

I missed you and was worried about you. ❤️

Ann said...

I can get very snarkly sometimes. Most especially when I go to work where everything seems to annoy me.
I wish I could get myself to start tossing things out of closets and drawers. I got a good start at it the beginning of the year but then I fizzled out.

Tigger's Mum said...

Some days, for no obvious reason, I would empty cuboards and start tossing stuff. I came to recognize it as stress response and saw that I needed to examine my life for something winding me up right then. One of the good things to come out was I found a ring I thought I had lost in the garden. One of the bad things was that now when I feel like emptying a cupboard I go off on a life examination trip and the cupboards don't get cleaned out like they once did. Good to know you have real people to talk to too but that you are also back in e-land.

eileeninmd said...

I am glad to see you back! I tossed a huge bag of clothes from my closet a couple of weeks ago. I have never used facetime, it is nice you had a long conversation with your brother and his wife. Take care, have a great day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yeah, I have that crotchety thing going on sometimes - usually, when properly investigated, directed mostly at myself. Doing something usually helps to lift the mood - like long chats on the phone or cleaning! So, I too am glad you are back with us and sharing the trouble - it may not actually halve it, but sharing sure does help too... YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Technology is amazing. We have a friend from Australia staying with us and he and his wife can chat and see each other as though they were sitting together! We will be busy while he is here so if I don’t visit your blog too often in the next while you will understand why.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL Your brother is funny. I think you are the first person I know who has done that.
We missed you and may your knots be furever gone
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Well, I missed you too.
Sorry things have been extra rough for you lately. I do know what you mean though.
I agree that Living Life without my E-Friends would be awful.
We had another garage sale yesterday mostly selling our Christmas ornaments. Another $100.00 in our pockets and met 2 new neighbors from several blocks away. That's the fun part.
One gentleman is part of the granite quarry history in our area and we gabbed for a long time. I see a future blog in the offing.
After church today family and us are going to a holiday sale to support a friend and her business. Nice day today.

Inger said...

You got a lot done and inspired me to get going on the rest of my purging and organizing the stuff of my life. I missed you, it's good to see you back.

DawnTreader said...

Well, it's good that your phone at least gives you fair warning before shutting down! ;) I love that image with the aqua phone - and the first one as well, they do get the message acrosss!

Mevely317 said...

Your brother's remark is SO funny. I've been known to talk for hours with Debbie, but to be honest I'm not fond of long telephone calls. (Shhhh!) What do you suppose it says about me that my preferred method of communication is e-mail? (I know "OLD"!)

Judging from the last 2 days' absence, I definitely don't want to do life without you! Thank you for making the effort.

PS -
Right away I noticed that 2nd 'toon' and wonder if you requested aqua or AI remembered. That's something about all the containers of this-and-that.

DeniseinVA said...

I'm glad you are back too, I missed you! So nice you had such a long chat with your brother. I can see he is as witty as you are. I am looking around me right now and saying it's time to get rid of a few things. You have sown a seed for sure! I can't imagine you being snarky, a pleasant wit yes, definitely, hardy-har-har! I can have a pleasant wit at times, especially when I am trying to get someone to clean up the garage the other hardy-har-har pulled apart to try and find an electrical box we didn't even realize we had. We couldn't find it so I am not sure we have the two the deck guy told us we must ashould have. One in the basement and that is it. We can't get the car into the garage and I keep saying, "Winter's coming!" Keep hearing it's going to be a bad one this year. Loved your post, loved having you back.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We always miss you when you're not around. You would think after all these years cell phone batteries would last. They should put the energizer bunny in charge (pun intended).

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I did the same thing talking on phone to dead zone. Cleaning drawers and closets is hard when vision is impaired. I have had help but still need to get rid of way too much stuff.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I feel your pain. I too went and packed up some nick nacks and sorted out some Christmas gifts I bought after Christmas last year. It made me feel better. We must push ourselves and get the knots out of us. I'm going to start making a list of all the things I must accomplish before Christmas. We are babysitting the dogs at the end of the month and I'm going to work on my Christmas cards while I'm there and also the Christmas checks and envelopes for the out of town gifts. Soon I will start my tree. What makes me unhappy is all the doctor's appointment I have!!! You've got this. Something that helps me from time to time is a 0.5 clonazepam. It calms my mind.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, everyone needs some time off and that's why I have not been around in blog-land for awhile. We returned home from our UK travels a couple of weeks ago and still catching up. While I may not have commented on blog posts in recent weeks, many have been read.

Glad you and brother had a nice catch-up and killing the phone battery for that was well worth it!

Betty Manousos said...

I’m so glad you are back! I use FaceTime when I need to. technology is awesome, that’s for sure. decluttering improves my mood. it also helps me focus on what matters. it’s nice you had a long conversation with your brother. and his wife.