Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The Reason for the PUSH PINS


Ginny asked why i bought Push Pins. They certainly are out dated, but then so am I.
I use them for bob's dog Wall over his workbench

I had a little container of Push Pins I have had for 20 years. I needed Four, I had 3. 
This is over the kitchen phone; Bob never uses the phone. I put all family members on a speed dial, and this is the list if he needs to call and tell them I am dead, because that is the only reason, he will dial a phone. the silly phone will only allow 8 on the list so only his/my family is on here.
I now have 99 out of 100 push pins left for the rest of my life. 
I also with help of the new Spectrum made these 8 phones, ring the
Family ring... if they call, it goes rinnnnnnng, ring, ring, three burst of long, short, short and I called the house from my cell and said listen, if this ring like this ANSWER it
because it will be ME calling YOU. This is also helpful because if it doesn't do the code, its SPAM


diane b said...

All to complicated for me except the "push pins" which we call "thumb tacks".Our Apple watches call our girls if anything happens to us.

Tigger's Mum said...

If anything happens to me - nobody calls anybody. I kind of wonder how long it would be before anyone that might need to know realized.

easyweimaraner said...

mark is a fan of duct tape for everything... hahahahahaha

Ann said...

I used to be able to tell you a persons phone number. Since cell phones I'm lucky I can even remember my own number.
I stick with default ringtones. I used to have one for Wade that was a siren and it would say the husband is calling. I was driving down the road one day and heard a siren. I looked in my rear view mirror and didn't see anything coming. I still kept hearing the siren though. I finally realized it was Wade calling me.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Lost me on this one... I just look on the handset to see who's calling... YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

We do not have the landlines anymore. I do use push pins for family photos on a cork board.
I could not tell you now anyone's phone number.
My cell phone announces who is calling.
Any unknown number goes directly to voice mail.
Take care, have a great day!

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a great idea, your phone list and your push pins. I used to have a phone list when our son lived at home. I need to put another one up. I should get one of those watches Diane has but that phone list is going up as soon as I can put it together.

NanaDiana said...

LOL- I smiled all the way though this post. Happy Thanksgiving and I hope no calls are needed from hubby to 'inform' people that something has happened to you. xo Diana

Rose said...

That is a great idea with the phone ring. I have that on the cell phone for the kids.. if the call while i am driving, i find a place to get off the road to call them back and see what they are calling about.

My Mind's Eye said...

I am a push pin kinda gal too.
I have 87 zillion.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

That's a brilliant idea about family rings! We no longer have a landline, but Tom's curiosity won't let him ignore an unknown number. (I swear these telemarketers must tell each other, "I've got a live one" b/c the calls are multiplying.)

My father and mother had this huge world map framed and hung with push pins. Now I wonder whatever became of it........

Brian's Home Blog said...

I still have some push pins around here somewhere. If something happens to us there really isn't any family to call.

photowannabe said...

We use push pins often but don't have a cork board any longer.
Love your "ring" system. We still have a landline plus our cel phones..really would like to get rid of the landline but it is convenient for some things. Right now we are being deluged with Medicare calls, mostly from out of the my blocking button!!
Son Steve is coming over today to check out a leak we had in our ceiling after the last little downpour..there's always something happening and its always something we can't afford to get fixed..Sigh
To be continued.

DawnTreader said...

This reminds me I should update the list of phone numbers I have sitting on my fridge... ;-)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We no longer have a land line...and Ed is actually more up on phone tech than I am LOL

I do love Bob's Dog wall!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Very interesting. I have always liked push pins but don't like to put them in the wall. I would like to use a push pin board. I do own some cute push pins! You have everything set up really nice.

carol l mckenna said...

Makes me wonder what is 'in' in place of pushpins ~ I still have them ~no land line and my cell phone I only use as a 'phone' ~ no emails ~ oh I do text ~ but I do think I am getting 'too young' for all the tech hoopla ~ lol ~ Happy Thanksgiving ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

CheerfulMonk said...

We don't use our flip cell phones except that I send a text to Andy once a day from my computer and he responds, just to make sure that connection works. Our network doesn't have cell reception everywhere so we have the Garmin if Andy has an emergency. He can tell Kaitlin and me if he needs help and can't get to his Chrome Book and internet up there. Our communication system is complicated (and expensive)because cell phone reception is unreliable. We need the satellite options.

Breathtaking said...

Sandra, I still have loads of push pins which I used to pin paper to my artists board, I have recently found them in a drawer but didn't throw them away. I like Bob's set-up and all the dog photos.
I only use my cell phone now,and never answer a call if the name doesn't come up, unless the code is from my town.