Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas Miracle???


For the past 3 days, several times a day, I saw the error come up, that what ever I was doing, had been dropped. Intermittent Loss of Internet. I thought, Spectrum will repair it, we have all new Modem and Router.  

Christmas Eve, we were watching a movie on Netflix and about 30 minutes from the end, Pouf, it was gone.  I found it and it loaded and loaded and loaded. I went out and came back and we watched to the end.

Got up Christmas morning and NO INTERNET, nothing worked, no phone. 

Christmas Eve, intermittent dropping of internet, on/off/on/off. I thought, its Christmas Eve, I can live

with this until Tuesday.


4 AM, Christmas Day! NO INTERNET!  I did the reboot thing, nothing happened!

Thinking I will call Spectrum but it IS Christmas morning, but I will try it.

The help me line at Spectrum is 611 on our home phone. Oy Vey! no home phone. I remembered my What if Self  had entered the number in my contacts and named it Spectrum 611 allowing me to say Call Spectrum and it began to ring. 

The young woman who answered was as nice as Santa Claus. I said Merry Christmas, sorry you are working on Christmas day but my tether to LIFE, INTERNET and phone are GONE…She laughed out loud and said I do know what you mean about that tether to life.  

She directed me through the steps of tests, explained modem and router, which is which, AGAIN. One step was dragging bob from the DVR on the Big Screen, to unscrew/screw back the cable, since my fingers have no strength.

 An hour later, she said, please hold, I will check to see if you can get a repair appointment tomorrow. (don’t be alarmed at the hour long call, we were chatting and laughing and exchanging Christmas stories about gifts we did not want) we both made each others day.

She came back after hold, with, Merry Christmas, there is ONE available appt left for today, between 9 and 10.

 Will that work? Ha ha ha OF COURSE IT WILL. 

The repair man appeared at 10:06 and left at 10:45, and I was tethered back to all of you, my friends. He simply replaced the modem, the brand new, one week old modem, and every thing was fine. 

God bless these people who work on Holidays and Thank you Spectrum... 


Rose said...

I am so glad your life support is back and working! And how fun to have simeone fun to chat with to get the service restored.

Ann said...

I can't believe they had to work on Christmas day but it was lucky for you that they did. I'm glad you didn't have to wait very long without internet and cable.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s refreshing to hear of this kind of friendly, helpful service. Even to get to talk to a real person is an achievement sometimes. I hope she is able to read your blog.

eileeninmd said...

Oh yes, God bless the workers who have to work on any holiday!
I am so glad your internet problem was an easy fix.
What a quick appointment and service.
Take care, have a great day!

DawnTreader said...

Happy for you that the problem got fixed so smoothly! ♥

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Well, Spectrum just got themselves boosted up the service scale!!! YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

Happy it all turned out well. Big Pat on the back to the call center person.

My Mind's Eye said...

I 100% agree about those kind souls who are waiting to help no matter the time or day. Most always Spectrum's customer service has been able to help us via phone. Love that.
Yay you are back up and clicking
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Astounded ... yep, I'm astounded!
That customer service lady needs a promotion -- or a raise. Or both!
I'm guessing the majority of her calls were unhappy, grumbly customers, so I'll bet your chat made her day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We've been lucky lately with our Spectrum, but for a while I thought Spectrum was Greek for There It Goes Again!

The Happy Whisk said...

Glad that it got sorted!
Love that you both laughed
and swapped fun stories.
Here's to 2024!

PS: Hubby got me a new
close-up lens.


Betty Manousos said...

excellent customer service! happy your internet problem got fixed. big hugs!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

God Bless them for sure! So glad they came out and fixed it for you. It is so annoying when it goes out.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes! Bless them for working on holidays! But sorry you had to go through the worry. ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

That is truly remarkable service. When you find a good one like that hold onto it.