Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Spectrum PS


graphics by Bing AI and MadSnapper

My first thought Christmas morning, when I found the internet gone, that I had lost my tether to the E-World, was, oh no, do I have enough books downloaded in kindle to have books to read if I have no internet?

 My second thought was, its OK Sandra, you are 2 miles from the library and can go there and download books to the kindle or even check out a big print. 

I also realized, Spectrum comes with hundreds of HOT SPOTS all over the town where I could hook up on my laptop and download books OR even sit in the car and chat with bloggers all over the earth. I just have to remember to take the Spectrum password. 

Next I decided to see what I could do on my desktop that required no internet access. While waiting for the cable guy I sat at the desk top, typing  my yesterdays post and this one, into Neat Office which is the free version of Word that I refuse to buy since it is now monthly not one time purchase. I found it works without the tether to the E world. 

While checking out what could be used without the tether, I also stumbled on a new edit program that works offline that I did not know was there. 

Doesn't this AI creation look just like me? And I was praying over what to do with out access to the E-world. What would you do if you lost your E-world access?


DeniseinVA said...

I’m glad you had all those places you could have gone to but so very glad you got your Internet back. If I lost it? I guess I would get over it but it would take a while. I have a shelf of books I would probably read over again. Glad I don’t have to though.

Ann said...

I would be very lost without internet connection. I didn't realize there were all those options for getting on line through spectrum. I'll have to look into that. If my internet was out I would still have my phone which could connect but I don't much like doing things on my phone.

eileeninmd said...

I always try to have a few or more books loaded on my kindle.
I do have libraries in opposite directions I could borrow a book.
I assume your Spectrum TV was working that it was internet which was not working? Take care, have a great day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

While I have no desire to lose my internet connection, it’s not as catastrophic as you might think. I have travelled to parts of the world where WIFI is not available and believe me, you survive. Beyond that, it’s almost welcome. I was more than a week without connection in Cuba last month and the world continued to turn, and when I returned home little had changed.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Write letters. When not crocheting, of course... YAM xx

My Mind's Eye said...

What wonderful AI creations!! Yes indeed they all are purrfectly you. Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

Mindblowing AI creations :) I too feel quite "lost" when I find myself disconnected from my cable internet (luckily it usually doesn't last very long). Since summer I have changed my cellphone subscription to include a monthly 6 GB data though, which means I can still access the internet on the phone if I should have problems with the cable/router. As long as I have electricity, I would not run out of "entertainment"... But would probably still feel oddly disconnected if no internet. Glad you got help quickly!

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's difficult being without an internet connection and we seem a bit lost without it too. That's why I have a backup internet provider.

Inger said...

I have books to read on my Kindle, but still, I would feel lost, I have felt lost, living in the country things you lose connections every now and then. When the wifi goes so does a huge part of the fun in my life.

Mevely317 said...

I'd probably be corkscrewing myself into the ceiling, uttering HBO words like crazy.

You know, when I talk about making Contingency (what-if) Plans, I never thought about no internet access. I seem to recall, shortly after I began following you, there came a big storm and you had to resort to writing a post from the back hatch of your car parked behind a big box store. WTG!

CheerfulMonk said...

My internet went out Sunday morning so I looked for the Century Link tech number and decided I could go outside the library where there is a hot spot, or go to Starbucks. I already had some good books on my Kindle and audiobooks on my iPhone. Plus I have some hard copies of some children's books in Spanish. It turns out I didn't need them because the internet come back without me having to call. I had unplugged the router for 20 seconds and plugged it back in. I knew if I had to phone they would probably ask me to do that. I don't know if it helped. You and I are kindred spirits!

Rose said...

I always have books downloaded.. but I so would miss being able to look things up. And how would I ever find new places I had to go to?

Ida said...

Books are always a good thing. TV watching, baking, going for a walk, crafting. But I do have to admit I really hate it when the Internet is down.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You always amaze me with your knowledge.