Friday, December 22, 2023

Florida Fireplace

sourced google images

I love Fire! and have always longed for a fireplace. I did have one for about 8 months in a rental home, in 1963.
Fire effects my senses, the smokey smell, crackling, moving flames, glowing light and best of all the heat one side and cold on the other.
I asked Google, why are fireplaces relaxing?
The reason we experience internal relaxation when watching a “normal” fire is, according to the researchers, because our mind is drawn into the flames, and the longer this happens, the more we let go of the jumble of every-day concerns. In this non-distracted, peaceful state, anxieties are naturally reduced.
The sight and sound of the flames can be mesmerizing, helping to quiet the mind and ease tension. In fact, ancient practices of meditation often involve gazing at moving light, specifically firelight. Dancing flames have been shown to quickly allow viewers to enter a trance-like state that relaxes them quickly.

These candles from 2012 were like mini fireplaces. Until my senior memory moments ran rampant and I felt I might forget them and leave them burning at night or going out and leaving precious Beau home alone with fire hazard, the nook was full of candles. At the time of this photo, there were 6 burning in the nook. 
In Florida this is a perfect stand in for a fireplace, most of the above-mentioned touching of the senses can be had while starting into the candlelight. Nor removing of ashes or bringing in heavy firewood.

My favorite time of the year is November-May. Brilliant and hot sunshine nearly every day. Cold, not freezing temps and I give to you My Favorite Florida Fireplace. The last 3 days have been 48 at wake up and highs of mid 70's. The house is cold, at 10 am, my fireplace is lit, and I stand with heat warming by back and cold on the front and turn to get heat of the front and cool down the back.

I get the same relaxing feeling and the smokey smell, is Bob's sausage smoking, and one morning the sound of the fire alarm going off as he fried bacon. Seems the central heat kicked on to blow it down the hall. I smiled and said, now we know the fire alarm works.

I feel the warmth and while baking my front side, see gently swaying palm fronds.
Here is the view of my Florida Fireplace that appears to be a sliding glass door facing South in the tropical sunshine casting a glow over my fake Holly.

What could be better?  
Beau loves it to, I sit and read, he dozes and sleeps.


diane b said...

The best kind of fireplace no mess to clean up. WE have the same but not now we need aircon instead. Merry Christmas.

DeniseinVA said...

The glow of flames, from a fire or a candle, is mesmerizing. Fire alarms going off not so much but as you say, at least they are working.

Ann said...

I have always loved to sit and watch a fire.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
There is something very comforting about an open fire, and I agree a candle flame can serve a similar hypnotic purpose! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

It is comfy and cozy to sit near the fireplace.
We have a big wood stove, which gives a similar effect.
But, the smell and smoke from a wood fire makes my eyes burn.
The candle is pretty and I like your table in front of the sliding door.
Take care, have a great weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We have a fireplace with a gas fire, ignited at the click of a remote. It is on now, in fact. I can’t say that I ever sit and watch it, nor do I stand by it toasting either back or front. As for being mesmerized, I think my glass of wine does that perfectly well, thank you!

Inger said...

I have a lovely old iron stove kind of fireplace but I don't use it any longer. Due to my age and some breathing issues,I'm better off with candles.

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey MS and Beau
We just had our gas logs serviced and check. We used it this morning.
I missed your antics while away...I will try to catch up
Happy Christmas Eve Eve Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

My parents had a fireplace in the living room in their 2nd house, where I lived between age 10-20, and they another 17 years after that. It wasn't all that often that they lit it, but Christmas/New Year would be such times.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, watching and listening to an open fire in the fireplace can be very relaxing!

Mevely317 said...

A Florida Fireplace! ... Now that I've seen that I'm never going to forget. My mom's place in Port Charlotte was a lot like this; how I wish I could show this to her.

Like you, I've always been drawn to fire. Inexplicably so, but I never thought about researching it. No, I only harbored dreams of being a firefighter. Ha!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love fire sounds. And also rain and rain storm sounds. So pretty. Beach waves though, aren't for me. Oh I love bamboo flutes!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a delightful post! 😊👍❤️

Rose said...

I so love sitting by a should get a wood wick candle! They crackle lightly.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

We never use our fireplace. I don't know why. I think I remember your candles. I do burn a candle from time to time. I will light a pine one today when the kids come over. Those are great temperatures for Florida. I can see why you enjoy those months. Glad you fire alarm works. I love the sun coming into the house.