Thursday, December 21, 2023

Five Santasville

I decided to put out my Santa collection which is now down from 30 to only five. Can you find five?
the fifth Santa is in the painting, waving from the Christmas Train. 

About the blue tree, I do not like it. I can and will live with it until New Year day.
White lights are bright and cheerful and make me feel like I am in front of a fireplace.
Dreary days are brighter, cool days are warmer. I can't look at Five Santasville and feel blue.
the tree makes me feel blue.  (more about the lights in future)

Saint Nicolas is 2 feet tall and my most favorite of all my Santas. He is more than 30 years old, given to me by my son Dan's wife. 

Santa 3 and 4 are Salt/Pepper shakers I bought in the Antique store in 1985. Possbily 100 years old or make those thousands of year old. Just How Old IS Santa?

Playing with macro on cell phone Just Because

Santa #5 is a candle climber, and after years of climbing candles has for the past few years worked as a tree topper and this year is busy hanging fairy lights in the pinecones.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I love your Santasville! Definitely more cheering than blue lights (which I tend to associate with emergency vehicles... jus' sayin'...) YAM xx

Ann said...

Love all your Santas. You're getting quite festive there with your decorations.

eileeninmd said...

Pretty decorations and I love all your Santas!
Take care, have a happy day!

DeniseinVA said...

This is so festive! I love your Santa’s!

Inger said...

All your pictures were so bright and beautiful and they cheered me up.It's great that you are decorating for Christmas. I'm doing very little here, but seeing you do it is inspiring, so maybe I will take out a few things.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Found all the Santas easily, Sandra, and the story behind all of them was nice to read as well. The tall St. Nick is beautiful and obviously a treasured gift.

Rose said...

Blue lights just look so cold, specially at night. Love the Santas.

photowannabe said...

Love your Santas..This is a perfect little placement for all of them.
Just put your attention to the santa setting and then your Blues will fade away.
I promise I will take a few pictures while I am gone. The kids have a lot of fun things planned for us.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, I did find all 5. I like what you set up. It looks cute. Yes, your St. Nicholas is really special.

CheerfulMonk said...

Great post! I looked and looked but didn't see that 5th one until you told me. 😊

Mevely317 said...

A love that Christmas train!
I had to grin about the climbing Santa. He sure gets around, doesn't he. A jack of all trades.

How old is Santa? I believe he's eternal ... sort of like Mr. God, only different.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your Santas are most wonderful, they made me smile. I also only found four of them LOL!