Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Wordless Wed Blue Christmas

 I'll have a blue Christmas without you.

I'll be so blue just thinking looking at about you.

Decorations of red blue on a green Christmas tree

Won't be the same for me, without fairy lights to see!

If you look closely enough, MadSnapper Macro Practice will reveal ME!

It may not be what i wanted to see, 

but iPhone 7 practice, it gave to me...  PS: yes, my phone has a blue case, and my gown is blue. 


Ann said...

I sang along with your post. I love that song.
I like the little ornaments on that tree. But then I'm just a sucker for anything Christmas. So did Bob like the blue lights?

eileeninmd said...

Elvis's Blue Christmas is one of my favorite songs.
Pretty images, I like the reflections.
The last reflection of you is great.
Take care, have a happy day!

Rose said...

Peek a boo, I see you, all dressed in blue!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your reflection makes it all perfect!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What David said... YAM xx

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

In doing a post about Christmas song trivia, I found out that Elvis' Blue Christmas album is the best selling holiday album (who would have known?). Sandra, your blue tree is a tribute to his Blue Christmas and I hope that yours and Bob's is not.

Mevely317 said...

Now you've got me hearing Elvis in my head. Clever rhymes!
... and yes, I spotted my friend's smile right away.

Linda said...

Blue looks good on you! I ordered sweater clips and they arrived yesterday! I am going to love them!!!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Sandra :=)
Fabulous post,love all the images, and the one of you in the Christmas decoration is fantastic
Well done!
Sandra this will probably be my last visit and comment until after Christmas, so I wish you Bob and Beau, and all the rest of your family, a Wonderful Christmas with lots of love and

Best Wishes

photowannabe said...

Blue becomes you!!!
Great post for your blue tree..did Bob like the blue after he suggested it?
Finally got things wrapped and figured out what we are taking to LV. You would think we were going for a month..haha..

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are all very Bluetiful!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I really like the beauty you've made with the blue!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree with David too! ❤️

The Happy Whisk said...

Blue Christmas in my head. That's funny. Great macros!

DeniseinVA said...

A lot of pretty blues and I love your reflection.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute post! Love seeing you in the ornament.