Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Part 2 of More about the dog bone tree

The Dog Bone tree is now Blue, Above is Mid Day, below late afternoon

I am not fond of it, but I don't hate it. I can live with it; I still don't like blue lights. I added shiny blue balls and shiny pink, they all look the same. I am thinking it will end up on a table at the curb, with a Free sign. With a lot of other things that never come out of the closet. Getting it this far was exhausting.

Night time, what we see while watching TV in the evenings.
To be continued 


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yeah, it's not my favourite colour either. My dad favoured blue lights on his tree. Is it a man thing, d'ya think? YAM xx

Ann said...

I think it looks rather nice. I go back and forth between liking white lights and colored. I prefer a mix of colors though instead of just all one. That could explain why my upstairs tree is white lights and my cave tree is multi colored.

eileeninmd said...


Your tree looks pretty. I usually prefer white lights, but for Christmas I do not mind the red and green lights. Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

This seems to be self-inflicted Christmas stress. Why not just leave your perfectly nice house the way it is all year?

Rose said...

Funny! I love it of the day, but I am with you on it at night. Just looks so cold. Before seeing this, I had not liked them any time.

Tigger's Mum said...

Blue is novel and no one (except my MiL) dictated that Christmas should be red green and gold. Personally writing, as our Christmases here in Blighty have a tendency to be celebrated in daylight on bleak grey days, I have a preference for warm white/yellowish lights as an antidote to the depressive conditions outdoors. Blue might work in my NZ Christamses.

DawnTreader said...

Not fond of blue lights for my own part - nor is blue a "christmassy" colour to me in other decorations. But perhaps I would feel differently in a warmer climate!

Mevely317 said...

Goodness, it looks like a totally different tree! Does Bob love it?
My hair guru has the cutest little trees in her shop -- that she's picked up off curbs and Goodwill in the days following Christmas. You're going to be making someone's day!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I like the blue...but no, not my favorite either.

photowannabe said...

I guess I'm with the majority saying blue is not my go to color for Christmas but you have done a good job with it and daylight is better than the coldness of the night color. But...all that to say, good for you doing something and I know you will wish it a fond farewell after Christmas.
Wrapping a few gifts we will be taking with us and starting to pack. Not my favorite thing but I do a bit here and there and it will all get done.
It has rained off and on all night long. We need that rain but it is so dull and dreary out. I have to have the lights on too.

Jo said...

I have never seen blue lights. Nevertheless, even with the blue lights, your tree is beautiful!

The Happy Whisk said...

I love smaller trees like this. I have one that's similar. So easy to setup and enjoy. Love how it hits the back wall there, too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It looks nice to me but I could see where it could be a little distracting watching TV at night.

DeniseinVA said...

It looks lovely!

CheerfulMonk said...

It's not bad but not worth the trouble you went through. Fingers crossed for next year. ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think it looks pretty. Yes it is different but the pink and blue look pretty together in the daylight photo. I'm glad you are using it.