Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Dodo Bird tale 2


Today we continue part 2 of the tale of the Dodo Bird that works at Amazon, I left you waiting to know what I was waving and clacking, that should not rattle in the box and was NOT a bag of Tapioca flour

Since you may have lost sleep last night waiting to discover what the item is that was not a bag of flour, I will show you this before the Tale Continues.

Notice they are 17 inches long, and they were in a 24 x 12 box, which made for a nice rattle.
  I raced to the computer, pulled up my Amazon orders, clicked on return the Tapioca flour that was not flour and Let the Real Fun Begin!
 Amazon Returns are Simple! Not this time.
Clicked on Tapioca, !! THIS ITEM IS NOT ELIGBLE FOR RETURN. (its food, I knew this)




I start over and work my way to 
Contact Seller if you have issues with this non-returnable item.
I have a pick list; I pick 138 Name Brands and follow instructions to get this message.
THIS ITEM IS NOT ELIGBLE FOR RETURN. (they have my 16 dollars)

I get an immediate email and it states all of the above and also says.
This item not fulfilled by 138 Name Brands, fulfilled by Amazon, contact Amazon.

OY VEY... this is so funny I am not even angry.

I notice a small print that says, if not satisfied with this answer, click here. click

a button comes up. If you need help click, CALL ME NOW
I did click and the phone rang so fast I KNEW it was automated.

SAME THING on the automated, NOT eligible for return.

Auto voice says, did this answer your question, NO

Your answer is no, please state in a few words your issue.

I DID. finally, IT said, please hold for next available call.
A Real Man Answers! ditto above.

I say here is the thing, you have my 16.00. I want it back or a bag of flour delivered.
Mam, please hold for 2 minutes, be right back.
Hello, Mam? it will be another couple of minutes, please continue to hold.

Hello, thanks for holding, my supervisor says I can put a credit on your account as a gift card. will that be, ok? Yes, that is fine. How do I return the BBQ tongs?
Mam you may keep the tongs, and if they are not to your liking, just TOSS THEM!
Give me 2 seconds to complete this for you. Done! your gift card is now on your account.

I go down the hall waving the tongs at Bob, telling him all this and he says.
I am waving it and saying YAY its perfect, running around the kitchen grabbing things from the top shelves and Bob says. 
Now what do I do? I did get the 16-dollar credit.  At least I am not a Dodo bird, and neither was the man on the phone.
PS.... I did take it to WM this past Saturday and the cashier said its fine but go ask Customer Service. I went to Linda who has been working in the store since it opened, and she is MGR of Customer Service.
She said you are fine, go for it. I feel your pain. She is 6 inches shorter than I am.
As I waved goodbye I said if I have to go to court, you will be my witness, right?



Ginny Hartzler said...

What a story!!! I'm glad you finally got the credit and can order the flour. I would never have thought of this being a grabber for stores!!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yayyyy, win and win!!! YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

you got free tongs... at least... and you can pinch idiots with it.. isn't that great ;O)))))))

Ann said...

Wow, all that to try and get your money back. I think I would have been very annoyed by that time. I'm glad it all turned out well in the end. I've heard that Amazon is famous for telling people to just keep things instead of sending them back.

eileeninmd said...

Wow, I am lost how the flour turned into tongs to begin with.
Thankfully you rec'd the 16 credit, did you end up buying the flour at Walmart? Take care, have a great day!

DeniseinVA said...

That’s great you sorted it out and that you will still be getting your flour. I never thought they would tell you just to keep the grabber. I wonder how many times this has been played out?

Rose said...

I dont know what I thought your item was, but tongs is the last thing I woukdchave thought of! At least they are useful!

Tigger's Mum said...

This is hilarious - the whole thing. And, on what planet is a pair of bbq tongs anything like a bag of tapioca flour?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

This is more of an Icelandic saga than a simple story! I do not shop with Amazon so I have no direct experience to offer, but your schmozzle does nothing to convince me that I ever should. I don’t want to contribute to Jeff Bezos’ 600 million gigayacht anyway!

Mevely317 said...

Oh my goodness!!!!! Again, I'm in awe of your perseverance and finally reaching a real live human.

This reminds me of a similar debacle when, a few years ago, Amazon sent me a duplicate order (feminine product) but only charged me for one. Wanting to do the right thing (ha!) I tried alerting 'them' -- requesting a return or at least charging my card, but got the same response "Not eligible for return." Okay, I once was a Girl Scout but only skin-deep. They want to be that way, fine. I kept the duplicate!

PS - Love your new header!

carol l mckenna said...

Fun story and so true about customer service ~ at least you got a credit ~ no? lol ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Chatty Crone said...

I love that story - would never have guessed grabbers. All in all I still am in love with Amazon - they do usually fix things and now you have grabbers for free!

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY WORD. Thank goodness you were patient and persistent.
I ordered Granite counter top sealer last week. I received it but the squirt handle was broken in pieces. I tried to return but kept getting message to contact the maker of the sealer. What the heck they didn't send it in a box that was too large making it break.
Tried several times. Finally I gave up. Found a empty bottle with a similar squirt nozzle. Yep it fit. Way easier than contacting the maker of the sealer. Good new is the sealer and the granite cleaner come in identical bottles. The only way to tell the apart is to read the lable. HOWEVER, now I have a white squirt top on the Sealer and a black on the cleaner. Win Win Happy me

Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

Love your Dodo Birds and the story, and you deserve the tongs... I'd say tape a name tag on it to mark it as yours and you'll have no problems in the stores :)

photowannabe said...

Whew !!!!
What a crazy adventure. I really love the outcome though. The DoDo REALLY did know that you needed a picker tongs to get the high stuff..
What loops one has to go through to actually talk to a live person.
Well my book arrived yesterday right after I wrote my whole saga to you. Now to see about the double billing..sigh, it's never ending.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a pain. I have had Amazon call me a few times and it is an instant call for sure. Glad that worked out for you but what a hassle that was.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Been there done that with the stupid Amazon returns. I ordered a pair of headphones and they sent me a book. I couldn't return the book because I never ordered a book. I never did get a refund either. I tossed the book in the trash.

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for perseverance! Sorry about the nuisance, but what a great story. ❤️