Saturday, January 20, 2024

Let go, or be Dragged


bing AI and I

"Let go or Be Dragged." Zen Proverb:

Most People never heal, because they stay in their heads, replaying corrupted scenarios. Let It Go! S.Menutt


I spend too much time inside my head, letting the things in my mind drag me down into the mire of mild depression and inertia.
I let thoughts, behaviors, old wounds, old words that hurt go round and round, I am in a pattern, the same of each of these rolling through my head.  I am going to TRY to break this pattern.

If I found these quotes on your blog, please let me know in comments. I truly can't remember where I saw them.


CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck! You can do it! Your creative skills and interests, and blogging, are great resources. We’re all rooting for you. ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

Remarkably i saw an instything post on that recently - about being angry. The angry person who keeps replaying the event that made them angry is the only one being hurt. The teacher likened it to holding a hot coal and getting repeatedly burned. Put it down and walk away from it. If I can find it again I'll link it for you. I like 'let go or be dragged'.

eileeninmd said...

Let it go is my motto. Words to live by, for sure.

Have a great day and happy weekend.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
These are great affirmations... and I love your artwork; you are becoming a proper expert at getting AI to dance for you! (Which, I am finding, takes some patience!)

As to the other, yeah, move on, supplant the repetitive thought with at least another about 'manifesting'. Like, "I can't wait to see what tomorrow's sunrise will be like", or, "let me see what is the best Beau shot I can get today..." YAM xx

Ann said...

Love the images and the quotes. The older I get the more I have learned about letting things go. I can't change the past so I must let it go. If I can't control what will happen in the future there is no need to worry about it. I will deal with whatever comes my way when it comes. Over the years I have used the phrase "Let go and let God" a lot.

Mevely317 said...

I do believe much has to do with this season. Crazy weather ... our aging bodies ... all the Uncertainty. There are times I just want to curl up and eat/drink myself into oblivion (ha!) to shut off my mind. I think Tom's the same way, but he won't talk about it.

Trying to live in the present is really hard. Please don't beat yourself up. Like Jean said, we're all rooting for you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are very talented and lots of taleted people spend time in their heads. It's okay to move out and move on!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I have to work hard not to feel the hurt of the past and stay in the present...planning fun hikes for the future! The walking really helps me. I'm too tired to worry about that old stuff. Hugs!

photowannabe said...

I'm hoping your day and upcoming week will go better and you will be able to have more positivity.
Praying for you
Have a very full day planned for us today. We are driving into San Francisco for a whole bunch of interesting things.
To be continued. Plus it is raining..not as much fun but we will do our best!!!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS and this cold weather adds to drama in our heads.
My Friend, Janice, told me her mother in law always said
"Let go, Let God". Janice said her MIL had the most Faith of anyone she ever knew. Janice son had plaque made for his new home with his Grandmother's quote.
Similar to the Zen quote.
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I know this is a hard way to live because I can't shut off my thoughts either. I'm working on it. I tell myself stop!!! I have a 0.5 mg pill that does help me at times. So sorry you are dealing with this. It's not fun at all.

Chatty Crone said...

Sandra you are a very honest person. Most of us don't want to see we are doing this. But I think in all honesty we all do.
I know I do - and this is a great reminder to Let Things GO! Thanks.

Pam said...

I agree, you have to let go to move on.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Controlling our thoughts can be so hard to do! We only need to worry about things that we can CHANGE. Otherwise it is useless! But of course I am like you, it is advice that is almost impossible to follow. Do you take any depression meds? Both Phil and I do. They do not stop the thoughts, but keep them from driving me nuts. The Bing photos are gorgeous! When I read your title, I tried to guess what it would be about. I thought for sure it would be about an incident walking Beau!!

DeniseinVA said...

Those illustrations are striking. My mother suffered from depression. There was an expression used in those days, when depression was referred to as the black dog, with no disrespect to our canine friends. Cover Beau's ears :) I am working on a lot of things I would like to change in myself. Anxiety is one of them, a life-long journey. I admire you for taking it head on. Good for you my friend, as always you are an inspiration by being so open.

Linda said...

I agree! This is important! You can DO this! If you can watch Ed Young Fellowship Church live on YouTube, he is teaching about this ....

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Nature is the cure. Get out in the natural world and let its inherent balm descend on you. There is always - and I mean always - magic and wonder at every turn, and it is magnified with each visit. A visit to Walmart and fretting over the rearrangement of the store is not going to do it - even if you have a coach.

diane b said...

David has good advice. Chair Yoga can help clear your mind too. Try to let it go. have plenty of me time and dog time. All the best.