Tuesday, January 9, 2024

New Tea For Me


Can you tell what kind of tea bag this is?

If you guessed Fennel Tea, you guessed it right.. I ordered this from helpforibs.com 

During 2020, IBS symptoms appeared and never went away. In early 2021 I stumbled on Heathers Web site helpforibs.com and her information and her daily newsletter changed my life completely. I printed her free list of foods to eat and not eat and have followed faithfully and am now only having IBS symptom's when I make a decision i can live without 5 fried shrimp any longer. Or a hamburger and fries.


Everything is better by following the diet plan, and what comes more than I like is bloating, gas and abdominal pains. For a 18 months I refused to order the fennel tea she suggested. Last week I did.
I could have ordered it from Amazon, but chose to try it first and give her the sale.
The tea does indeed help, I have only had 2 cups. this is not a delicious tea, this is a tea that when sipped eases the tummy. 
Clinical studies have shown that fennel, as part of the diet, helps regulate contractions of the small intestine and aids gas expulsion. Fennel relaxes the gut to relieve spasms of the GI tract. Fennel assists in the dietary management of IBS symptoms, and is exceptional for IBS bloating, gas and abdominal pain.
 my journey with IBS is under the label IBS and Me


Ann said...

Very interesting. I'm glad you found something that helps. Sounds like that website has been very helpful to you.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I adore fennel tea and have been drinking it for maybe forty years! I didn't realise you hadn't found it yet. I really like the taste, but if you are more used to coffee, I get that it might seem a bit 'foreign'! Cheers! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I am glad Heathers Website helps you IBS.
The tea sounds different, I thought Peppermint tea does the same thing?
Take care, have a great day!

Rose said...

Thank God it does help.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I used to cook a couple of dishes with fennel, but I confess to not being acquainted with fennel tea. Glad to hear it works for you.

DawnTreader said...

Not familiar with fennel tea myself. The only 'herbal' tea I have in my cupboards is peppermint. I'm sensitive to certain foods but I don't think I have typical IBS.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, that was really intersting and I didn't know any of that.

My Mind's Eye said...

MS you were very lucky to find Heather great research!!!
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

You're better than Hints from Heloise! (Remember? My mother never missed a column.)

I think it's high time I quit shooting myself in the foot
and re-visit Heather's website. Unlike Tom, I've not experienced any bloating/discomfort lately, but now I'm wondering if I can persuade him to try this.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :=)
I'm so glad you found that the fennel tea works well for you. I have never heard of it before. What a difference Heather's Website made to your life. The IBS symptoms have lessened considerably since you started using her products. I must pass on this info to my friend Diana who also suffers from IBS.

crafty cat corner said...

I can smell that tea right now and I don't think I could drink it. On the other hand if it is good for the digestion maybe i should get some and try it. I guess I would get used to it.
Gladit works for you

DeniseinVA said...

This tea and fennel sounds interesting. My sister used to have IBS and I know the great discomfort she had. I hope this helps you.

photowannabe said...

Like everyone else, I'm so glad you found something that gives you relief and is good for your tummy.
As someone said..you're better than Help with Heloise..haha..
Hope your day is going well...Since I was under the weather yesterday I have lots of chores to do today..Onward !!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I am so glad you found something that helps!

Linda said...

I'm so glad you have found ways and things to help you! Amber suffers from that and I will tell her about this!

Tigger's Mum said...

My mum suffered ibs but i suspect she never tried to manage it. She didn't seem to understand what it might be and just gritted her teeth to the pain. She did however like fdnnel tea once I introduced her to it and in those days i had to buy it in UK and take supplies home with me whenever I visited. I have always grown fennel because i love eating the green fronds. If you have ever read To Kill a Mockingbird you might recall that Calpurnia fed the kids fennel seeds to stop their tummies rumbling in church.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you for sharing this information. I saved your post in my Feedly account. I haven't had any issues but this is really good to know. I'm wondering if Mark would be interested in trying it.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While I thankfully have never suffered from IBS,Sandra, I know that you have shared your joyrney in many previous posts. I enjoy various types of herbal teas and drink them for enjoyment and taste, but fennel tea would not be on my list. If it helps ease your distress than it's definitely all good for you.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you found such a great source of help! I might try fennel tea just for curiosity. ❤️