Friday, January 26, 2024

Nsaid Dreams (Final Friday Feature)


Photos by Bing AI and I, the MadSnapper

I have mentioned before, if I take any type of pain pill, all NSAIDS I have really weird dreams. This past week I had three. Three days of Aspirin. Three Dreams 

Dream One
My dad (deceased in 2006) is driving an old big and boxy car, I am in the passenger seat, we are driving over the Sunshine skyway. As we drive up and up the very high bridge, I see a really large leather purse on the road, we pass it and then another leather purse and a 3rd leather purse, then we pass a backpack, a really big, stuffed full backpack, and last there is a leather suitcase. As we go down the other side, I see a big boxy car floating in the water with no one in it.

Dream Two

We are driving on the interstate, passing a very tall truck on our right. Bob is driving, he Yells; SAMAR SAMAR Samar! Samar! (Samar is my nickname) and I see a blue muscle car coming straight at us, no where to go, a wall on the left, a very tall truck on the right.

Bob is riding the brakes. tires are screaming.

the blue car is riding his brakes. tires are screaming.

suddenly the blue car stops, we stop, we move to the left to allow traffic to pass us.

we are moving slowly around the blue car, cars flowing past us, suddenly a semi, a huge, blue and white semi, with a large trailer, jack knifes, the trailer is sliding, towards us, faster and faster, as it comes, pushing all the cars towards us and I startle awake. I make a trip to the potty and go back to bed. I ponder the meaning.

Dream 3

Next day, while reading after lunch, I doze. I wake up. I doze, I drop into much deeper sleep, its cold outside, I am snuggling under a warm blanket, which always puts me to sleep.

I dream.

Alice, a friend dead for years, her friend Daphne, are in what I think is our house, we are watching out the front window, a HUGE, blue and white semi, pulling a double the height trailer, too large to be real, flashes past the window, we all lean out and watch as the huge trailer starts to jackknife, and slowly slides into and through and over the house two doors over, a blue concrete block house, smashed into smithereens. I startle awake!

The big problem is I had 2 more crazy dreams a week after these dreams, and I had stopped the NSAIDS the week before.....   Translations Welcome. I have no clue... Needless to say, I have seen Three Blue and White Semis since the first 3 dreams, and I clutch the wheel and pray until they are past me.

Joining Yam at Final Friday Feature click here for the Rulez  and to see Yams Post HERE


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, let's just hope these dreams are not premonitions. But it was NOT your house that the huge truck crashed into. I guess these truck dreams are from when you drove one. And driving down a road represents your life journey. I think the things that happen on the road are the fears you have during your life. Sometimes it is better to just have pain than nightmares.

Tigger's Mum said...

Did anyone else wonder why AI put the driver and passenger facing backwards in the first car (or is the car the wrong way round?)

easyweimaraner said...

maybe it has something to do with going or driving to a place you dislike when cars are in all dreams?

Ann said...

Interesting dreams. Also interesting that a blue and white semi shows up so often in them.

eileeninmd said...


I heard some medicines can give you bad dreams. I rarely dream and if I do I do not remember the dream. It is strange your three dreams all included the trucks. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The people in the car in the first dream look like they are driving from the back seat. Maybe that’s why they were involved in a crash! Weird dreams to be sure, but dreams can be that way. I don’t really have strange dreams but I am constantly amazed that you can put people from different stages of your life in the same dream and it makes perfect sense. Blue and white is a theme throughout the dreams you recount to us (I am quite sure I never recall them with so much detail), so surely there must be some significance to that. I think you should find a local shaman, find out what it all means, and let us know. We will all be waiting - on pins and needles with bated breath!

DawnTreader said...

I've never noted a connection between pain meds and dreams myself (not questioning your observation for yourself, though!) but more that in stressful, threatening and anxious situations in life I do tend to dream more (or remember the dreams more) and have often found trying to understand them helpful - especially when there seems to be a recurring "theme". I believe Ginny probably gave a good interpretation in her comment.

DeniseinVA said...

These are fascinating dreams. As to their meaning, I am sorry I can’t help other than the fact that your meds even though you have stopped them, are still having a great time playing with your head. Withdrawal dreams? Our brains are sending us messages through our dreams. Translating them is the tricky part.

Chatty Crone said...

I like Ginny's comment. I dream a lot too - but I don't think it has to do with medicine. I did not know that you were or had been a truck driver. Interesting it all involved cars. Hopefully your mind was straightening something out. lol

My Mind's Eye said...

WOW x 3 Sandra OMDs those are some crazy dreams caused by Nsaids, and very real like and to wake up and remember them WOW. Thank you for sharing these quite vivid dreams.
Hugs cecilia

photowannabe said...

Life is crazy enough without having wild dreams about it. I do think the truck stuff is from your past and all the driving you did. Bob's love of muscle cars et all is interesting to be in your dream.
Meds sure can do strange things to our brains.
Hope your sleep is more satisfying now.
Off to Lynne's for a morning "sit". Last night went pretty good so I'm hoping today will be the same.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Well, that made a fun read for FFF, though quite disturbing in a way. In all of them, it seems you have been the observer, unable to change what is happening... is this how it feels when awake? YAM xx

LC said...

Wow! Not only are you super creative when you are awake, you even continue creating when you are asleep AND remember the vivid dreams!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow! So very vivid! Seems like your old truck driving days might be lingering in your subconscious.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, those are some dreams. You sound like Mark. He dreams a lot. We can't take Nsaids because of our hearts so his dreams are not from that. I do dream but I don't remember most of them. You and Mark can remember every detail.

Mevely317 said...

Oh m'gosh!
When I spotted that first picture before I read a word, I was like, "It's the Sunshine Skyway!" Since that old bridge disaster, I won't refuse to cross a big span -- but neither am I entirely comfortable.

Uncharacteristically, I've been having some pretty vivid dreams of my own recently; but they're mostly pleasant. Up until a year or so ago, I'd have recurring nightmares about being behind the wheel of an out-of-control car. Sometimes the surrounding scene was someplace I know, others not. I always jolt awake before I crash.
I'm glad you're writing all this down, just in case.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I cannot remember dreams so am unsure how often of even how numerous they are on a given night, week or month. But yours, Sandra, have been quite remarkable and those you recounted here have not seemed very pleasant. I hope that you will be having some happier ones in the future, my friend.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dream a little dream. That was really interesting. Maybe if you ate some chocolate you'd have sweet dreams.

CheerfulMonk said...

I usually have strange dreams, but not as scary as those! Fingers crossed future dreams aren't as frightening. ❤️

Ida said...

First off those sound more like nightmares than dreams. Interesting that the Semi-Truck seems to be in a lot of them. I have that problem sometimes when I take Ibuprofen before I go to sleep. Very weird dreams/nightmares.